[act-ma] Wed June 30 -East Boston--Salvadoran Consul report to the community on first year of new government

boston cispes boscispes at speakeasy.net
Sat Jun 26 10:49:01 PDT 2010


Salvadoran community leaders lead panel on the challenges and achievements
of President Mauricio Funes¹ first year
José Alemán, Consul General to El Salvador;
A representative from the FMLN;
José Palma, activist with the Student Immigrant Movement
What: Salvadoran ³State of the Union²-style report-back from government
representatives and community activists about President Funes¹ first year in
office and the current victories and challenges affecting Salvadorans in the
When: Wednesday, June 30, 7-9pm
Where: Most Holy Redeemer Church, 65 London St, East Boston
English: Eli Latto (Boston CISPES), 617-576-1709, boscispes at speakeasy.net
Spanish:  FMLN Boston, (617) 840-2231, fmln.boston at gmail.com
This event is co-sponsored by the Committee in Solidarity with the People of
El Salvador (Boston CISPES), Cambridge-El Salvador Sister Cities, and
Neighbors United for a Better East Boston (NUBE).
Coffee and refreshments will be served.

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