[act-ma] Volunteers needed for the July 10 protest to say NO to anti-immigrant racism

Chrisi Gonsalves chrislgonsalves at gmail.com
Wed Jun 30 14:45:22 PDT 2010

**please forward widely**

ANSWER Coalition Boston
Act Now to Stop War and End Racism

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for the July 10 protest to
Say NO to anti-immigrant racism

*Full-time office now open for the mobilization
*Help to spread the word
*Daily volunteer opportunities

Moment is building for the July 10 East Coast Protest Against Anti-Immigrant Racism while Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer attends the annual meeting of the National Governor's Association.

The ANSWER Coalition has now opened a full-time office in Boston to prepare for this important demonstration. We are working out of encuentro 5 (e5) at 33 Harrison Ave. on the 5th floor. You can come by to get flyers and additional information, and to team up with others to do outreach.

Organizing for this demonstration is an all-volunteer effort. There are volunteer opportunities every day between now and July 10. Please see below for a detail schedule of our daily meeting times. If these times don't work for you, just email us at boston at answercoalition.org or call us at 857-334-5084.

Don't let Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer come to Boston without hearing our voices of opposition to the racist law SB 1070, which is set to go into effect on July 29. Join the July 10 East Coast Protest in Boston during the annual meeting of the National Governor's Association - and get involved today to help spread the word!

Wednesday, June 30
- 12noon: Outreach at a rally to save youth jobs, libraries and community centers at City Hall Plaza - 4:30pm: Outreach at a rally against budget cuts gathering at Boston Commons and ending at City Hall at 5:00pm
*Meet us there! Call early for literature!

Thursday, July 1
- 6:00pm: Meet at e5 to join an outreach team
*Earlier outreach times available - please call

Friday, July 2
- 6:00pm: Meet at e5 to join an outreach team
*Earlier outreach times available - please call

Saturday, July 3
- 12noon: Meet at e5 to join an outreach team
*Later outreach times available - please call

Sunday, July 4
- 12noon: Meet at e5 to join an outreach team
- Evening: Join a team leafleting to people watching fireworks - call for details.

Monday, July 5
- 2pm: Meet at e5 to join an outreach team
*Later outreach times available - please call

Tuesday, July 6
- 6:00pm: Meet at e5 to join an outreach team
*Earlier outreach times available - please call

Wednesday, July 7
- 7:00pm: Activist Meeting
*Join a political discussion about the movement against SB 1070 and for immigrant rights, and learn how you can help out in the final days before July 10 and at the demonstration itself. We will send out outreach teams before and after the meeting.
*Earlier outreach times available - please call

Thursday, July 8
- 6:00pm: Meet at e5 to join an outreach team
*Earlier outreach times available - please call

Friday, July 9
- 6:00pm: Worksession at e5 to make signs for the demonstration (no artistic skills required)
*Earlier outreach times available - please call

You can also come to e5 to pick up leaflets at anytime, and call us to schedule outreach at other times. We may be out doing outreach, so if you want to join a team, just give us a call.

Office is located at e5 (encuentro 5) at 33 Harrison Ave. on the 5th floor
Phone number: 857-334-5084
Email: boston at answercoalition.org

Get involved today!

In Massachusetts, the state Senate passed with little to no debate a series of anti-immigrant amendments into their proposed 2011 state budget. Included were provisions to codify restrictions to basic social services such as health care, housing and education. It also called for the creation of a 24-hour snitch line for the public to report on anyone for being undocumented and mandating the state to investigate.

In response, the Student Immigrant Movement (SIM) and its supporting allies staged a 24/7 vigil, known as MassHope2010, in front of the MA state house for 19 straight days. These courageous students, many of whom are undocumented themselves, stood up to the racist provisions in the proposed budget and successfully defeated most of them.

While some still stand, such as the elimination of a health care program serving 30,000 immigrants, these students and their allies proved that only through a mass movement will racist, anti-immigrant laws be defeated.

Click below for more about the rally: see signers of the Call to Action, endorse, view and print flyers & more!

A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition

boston at answercoalition.org
Boston office: 857-334-5084

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