[act-ma] [STWC-Announce] 9/16 Emergency Fundraiser with Noam Chomsky and Dahr Jamail

Kevin Heaton kevwsc at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 11 13:25:34 PDT 2010

Emergency Fundraiser with Noam Chomsky and Dahr Jamail

Join us for an emergency fundraiser with Noam Chomsky and Dahr Jamail!

Noam Chomsky is a world-renown pioneering linguist and engaged intellectual. He is a Institute Professor of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and he has written numerous books on U.S. foreign Policy, democratic theory, and social change. 

Dahr Jamil reported for nine months from occupied Iraq as one of the few independent journalists. He... has won numerous awards, including the prestigious 2008 Martha Gellhorn Award for Journalism, The Lannan Foundation Writing Residency Fellowship, the James Aronson Award for Social Justice Journalism, the Joe A. Callaway Award for Civic Courage, and four Project Censored awards. 

September 16 
The Paulist Center at 5 Park Street Boston, Massachusetts
Reception 5:30 - 7 PM
Presentation  7 - 9 PM

Nearly twenty years of war and sanctions has destroyed Iraq's medical infrastructure and has polluted Iraq to such an extent that it has caused a major health crisis, most notably in the city of Fallujah. In Fallujah there has been an alarming rise in infant mortality, birth defects, and cancer rates. Children are often being born horribly disfigured, so much so that women are becoming afraid to have families.

Dr. Muhammad Tareq Al-Darraji and Dr. Entesar Ariabi have written important reports about the health crisis in Fallujah, and their research points to weapons used by the U.S., like depleted uranium and white phosphorous, as the cause. Dr. Al-Darraji founded the first NGO in Fallujah. He is the director of the Monitoring Net of Human Rights in Iraq, and he is the president of the Center of Environmental and Reserves in Fallujah. Dr. Ariabi was head of the Pharmaceutical Department in Yarmouk Teaching Hospital in Baghdad during some of the toughest years of the war.

Help us bring these doctors to the U.S. to speak about their research and experiences during the First Annual Remember Fallujah Week this coming November. We need to raise $4,350.00 to pay for their visas and plane tickets.

The list of speakers will include Noam Chomsky, Dahr Jamail via video conference, and Ross Caputi (an ex-Marine who participated in the 2nd siege of Fallujah). We will be having a reception at 5:30 PM in the auditorium of the Paulist Center where we will be serving wine, beer, and snacks. The speakers will begin at 7:00 PM in the chapel. We are encouraging $50 donations to join us for the reception and the speakers, or a $10 donation to join us for just the speakers ($5 for low income and unemployed). 

For more information, leaflets or to make a donation, visit us at www.thefallujahproject.org 
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