[act-ma] 11/04 - Matthew Hoh: A New Way Forward in Afghanistan

Cole Harrison cole at masspeaceaction.org
Tue Oct 12 14:11:07 PDT 2010

Matthew Hoh: A New Way Forward in Afghanistan

*When:* Thursday, November 4, 2010, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
*Where: *First Parish in Cambridge • 3 Church St. - corner of Mass. Ave. •
Harvard Sq. T • Cambridge

[image: A New Way Forward]

Massachusetts Peace Action and the UJP Afghanistan/Pakistan Task Force
present Matthew Hoh speaking on the failure of the U.S. war in Afghanistan.

Hoh is the director of the Afghanistan Study
a dovish Beltway task force with more than 40 co-authors which released a
report in September 2010 calling for all but 30,000 troops to be withdrawn
by 2012.

Matthew Hoh earned a degree from Tufts University.  He served in the Marine
Corps, then as a Foreign Service officer in Afghanistan.  He resigned from
the State Department in 2009 with a devastating public critique of the
Administration's Afghanistan policy.

Maryam Shansab, an Afghan-American graduate student and member of the UJP
Afghanistan/Pakistan Task Force, will introduce Mr. Hoh and moderate the Q&A

A donation of $5 is requested to offset costs, but no one will be turned
away.    Mr. Hoh will also speak to New Hampshire Peace Action
Concord on the 5th.

Cole Harrison
Massachusetts Peace Action
11 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138
617-354-2169 w
617-466-9274 m
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