[act-ma] Energy (and Other) Events

George Mokray gmoke at world.std.com
Sun Oct 17 20:16:43 PDT 2010


Monday, October 18, 2010
Ownership Consolidation and Product Quality: A Study of the US Daily  
Newspaper Market
Speaker: Ying Fan (Michigan)
Time: 2:30p–4:00p
Location: E62-650
Ownership Consolidation and Product Quality: A Study of the US Daily  
Newspaper Market

Web site: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~yingfan/DailyNewspaper_Fan.pdf
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): IO Workshop (Sponsored by Analysis Group)
For more information, contact:
Theresa Benevento
theresa at mit.edu


Monday, October 18, 2010
Give Me Shelter Lecture Series: Dava Newman
Speaker: Dava Newman
Time: 7:00p–9:00p
Location: E15-070
MIT Program in Art, Culture and Technology presents its Monday night  
lecture series, Give Me Shelter: Second Skin for Extreme Environments?

This series draws together speakers from different disciplines to  
discuss questions such as: How can bodywear function as an extension  
of the human body and support it under unusual conditions such as hot  
and cold climates? How can we expand our thinking about the boundary  
between body and environment? What kind of second skin would be  
required to survive walking through a volcano, or for living under  
water or visiting outer space? When does clothing become a contested  
cultural arena for endangered peoples and their environment?


Dava Newman - Second Skin Bio-Suit

The BioSuit was developed to provide "second skin" capability for  
astronaut performance (developed with the support of the NASA  
Institute for Advanced Concepts and Trotti & Assoc. Inc., Cambridge,  
Mass.). The current iteration uses nylon, spandex and urethane layers  
along with electronics. The helmet uses materials with "smart textile"  
capabilities for comfort, communications and spatial orientation. This  
research can also lead to improvements in our quality of life through  
advances in orthotics.

Dava J. Newman is a professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics and  
Engineering Systems at MIT. She assisted NASA in developing the Bio- 

Held at the MIT Bartos Theater (Lower Level of the Wiesner Building at  
20 Ames Street)

Web site: act.mit.edu

Open to: the general public

Cost: free

Sponsor(s): MIT Program in Art, Culture and Technology

For more information, contact:

Lisa Hickler


act at mit.edu


Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Engineers without Borders Energy Team Meeting
Time: 8:00p–9:30p
Location: 26-310
Web site: http://ewb.mit.edu
Open to: the general public
This event occurs on Tuesdays through December 10, 2010.
Sponsor(s): Engineers Without Borders
For more information, contact:
Rebecca Heywood
rheywood at mit.edu


Evolution of cooperation
Speaker: Prof. Martin Nowak, Director of Program for Evolutionary  
Dynamics, Harvard University
Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Time: 4:00pm
Location: 46-3002, Singleton Auditorium, Bldg 46, off of 3rd floor  

Cooperation means that one individual pays a cost for another to  
receive a benefit. Cost and benefit are measured in terms of  
reproductive success. Cooperation is required for construction in  
evolution: genomes, cells, multi-cellular organisms, animal and human  
societies are consequences of cooperation. Cooperative behavior is at  
variance with natural selection. Why should we help competitors? I  
present five mechanisms for the evolution of cooperation: kin  
selection, direct reciprocity, indirect reciprocity, spatial selection  
and group selection. Direct reciprocity means there are repeated  
interactions between the same two individuals and my behavior towards  
you depends on what you have done to me. Indirect reciprocity means  
there are repeated interactions within a group and my behavior towards  
you also depends on what you have done to others. Indirect reciprocity  
is the key mechanism for understanding pro-social behavior among  
humans and has provided the right selection pressure for the evolution  
of social intelligence and human language.

Further reading:
Nowak MA (2006) Evolutionary Dynamics, Harvard University Press
Nowak MA (2006). Five rules for the evolution of cooperation. Science  
314: 1560-1563
Nowak MA, Tarnita CE, Wilson EO (2010) The evolution of eusociality,  
Nature 466: 1057-1062

Speaker bio: Martin A. Nowak is Professor of Biology and of  
Mathematics at Harvard University and Director of Harvard's Program  
for Evolutionary Dynamics. Dr Nowak works on the mathematical  
description of evolutionary processes including the evolution of  
cooperation and human language, the dynamics of virus infections and  
human cancer. At the moment Dr Nowak is working on 'prelife', which is  
a formal approach to study the origin of evolution.


Cape Wind Developments: Conservation, Monitoring, and Outreach
Speaker: Jack Clarke, Director of Public Policy & Government  
Relations, Mass Audubon
Time: Wednesday Oct. 20, 5:30 - 7:00 PM
Place: 4-145


Thursday, October 21, 2010
Nanoengineered Surfaces for Efficiency Enhancements in Energy and Water
Speaker: Prof. Kripa Varanasi, Mechanical Engineering, MIT
Time: 4:00p–5:30p
Location: 66-110
Materials Science and Engineering Seminar Series
The Materials Science and Engineering Seminar Series is sponsored by  
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Center for Materials  
Science and Engineering, Materials Processing Center. To receive  
notice of the events, join the matseminars mailing list, matseminars at mit.edu 
  at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/matseminars

This talk will discuss how surface and interfaces can be engineered to  
fundamentally alter thermal-fluid-surface interactions for dramatic  
enhancements in efficiency of various energy and water systems.

The concepts of wetting energetics and wetting hysteresis of droplets  
as a function of surface texture and surface energy will be discussed,  
as well as the extension of these concepts to dynamic wetting and  
establishment of optimal design space for droplet shedding and impact  
resistance. The behavior of surfaces under phase change, such as  
condensation, and freezing using an environmental SEM, will also be  
presented; surfaces can be engineered to promote dropwise condensation  
but result in a mixture of wetting states. Further optimization of the  
surface by considering nucleation-level phenomena leads to hybrid  
wetting architectures similar to the one found on a Namib beetle.

The last portion of the talk will focus on ice and hydrate formation.  
Applications of nanoengineered surfaces to power turbines, engines,  
power and desalination plants, oil and gas and electronic cooling will  
be highlighted.

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): Materials Processing Center, Materials at MIT, Dept. of  
Materials Science and Engineering, Center for Materials Science &  


Thursday, October 21, 2010
Sloan Automotive Laboratory FALL 2010 SEMINAR SERIES
Speaker: Don MacKenzie
Time: 4:15p–5:30p
Location: 37-212
Topic: Quenching Our Thirst for Power: Is there an end in sight to 25  
years of automotive performance increases?

Sloan Automotive Laboratory FALL 2010 SEMINAR SERIES
Seminar on topics related to engines, fuels, vehicle behavior, broader  
transportation energy questions presented by graduate students,  
faculty, researchers, and special guest speakers of the Sloan  
Automotive Laboratory.
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Mechanical Engineering Dept.
For more information, contact:
Janet Maslow
jsabio at mit.edu


Thursday, October 21, 2010
Reconciling Peace-Making: A Transformative Ethic
Speaker: Robert V. Taylor
Time: 7:00p–8:00p
Location: W79-MPR, Simmons Hall, MPR
Robert V. Taylor is Chair of the Desmond Tutu Peace Foundation in New  
York. Born and raised in South Africa, Robert saw firsthand the  
potential for peace making when oppressed people find the courage to  
be who they are through discovering their voices and trusting their  
imagination. In 1980 his mentor, Archbishop Desmond Tutu sent Robert  
to the United States to avoid imprisonment for his anti-apartheid  
activity. A graduate of Rhodes University in South and Union  
Theological Seminary in New York he eventually became the highest  
ranking openly gay clergy person in the Episcopal Church at the time.  
He lectures nationally on compassion, peace-making and reconciliation  
engaging audience across the United States in realizing their full  
human potential and impact in the world.

His lecture will address the way in which reconciling peacemaking is a  
grounding transformative ethic in our personal lives and in society  
reorienting how we perceive ourselves and others. He will explore the  
ways in which technology and social media offer ground breaking  
opportunities for creating a new normalcy to local and global peace- 
making and reconciliation, and how this expands our understanding of  
the inter-connectedness of all people with implications for reframing  
the landscape of power dynamics among diverse peoples. He will draw on  
his own involvement in creating an open source peace platform with its  
potential for a transformative ethic of human engagement.

Web site: http://thecenter.mit.edu/events/upcoming/

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): The Technology and Culture Forum at MIT, Dalai Lama Center  
for Ethics and Transformative Values

For more information, contact:
Tenzin Priyadarshi
DalaiLamaCenter at mit.edu


Thursday, October 21, 2010
Energy Discussions: Climate, Energy, and National Security
Speaker: Jon Gensler
Time: 7:00p–8:00p
Location: 56-167
Climate, Energy, and National Security: What are the threats, and how  
is our nation's military meeting them?
The US Department of Defense is the largest purchaser of liquid fuels  
in the world, but it costs them up to $400 per gallon to get the fuel  
to where it is actually used. Moreover, the United States has lost  
over 1000 servicemen in attacks on
convoys, most frequently carrying liquid fuel.

This discussion will focus on understanding how climate change and our  
nation's current energy posture are hurting our national security,  
with a focus on non-traditional security topics such as battlefield  
logistics and liquid fossil fuels dependence. We will take a look at  
what the different services are doing to mitigate these threats, and  
talk about how energy entrepreneurs can take advantage of this  
important market to get new technologies scaled up and commercialized.

Please prepare for the discussion by reading the articles posted on  
the event website.
A light dinner will be served.

Web site: http://www.mitenergyclub.org/events-and-programs/discussion-series

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): MIT Energy Club

For more information, contact:
Rebecca Dell


Friday, October 22, 2010

MIT-Haiti Symposium Open House

Time: 3:15p–5:00p

Location: Marriott Cambridge

The MIT-Haitian "Best Practices for Reconstruction" Symposium is  
hosting a community open house to discuss potential collaborative  
projects between MIT faculty and Haitian universities on Friday Oct  
22, between 3:15 and 5:00 pm.

Please join us to hear a summary of the symposium and some of the  
collaborations that have been formed. The focus will be on  
possibilities of using open educational resources and technology- 
enabled education.

Hosted by OEIT, with the supportive partnership of OCW, BLOSSOMS,  
TEAL, Hyperstudio, STAR, and iLabs.
To RSVP to the open house, please visit the MIT-Haiti event website.

Web site: http://haiti.mit.edu/open-house/

Open to: the general public

Cost: free

Tickets: RSVP on MIT-Haiti symposium website

Sponsor(s): Office of the Dean for Undergraduate Education

For more information, contact:
Crosby, Nancy Murphy
due-special-projects at mit.edu


Friday, October 22, 2010

A Talk on 'Gandhian Engineering' Michael Mazgaonkar, Mozda Collective,  

Speaker: Michael Mazgaonkar

Time: 6:00p–7:00p

Location: 4-231

In these talks, Michael will describe the multidimensional aspects of  
his work among the poorest of the poor in rural India, particularly  
the promotion of sustainable technology, social and environmental  
activism. These include,
* Making and installing solar photovoltaic lights in remote areas,  
parabolic solar cookers, LED lights, wind electric generators

* Helping the natives (Adivasis) get land rights under the new Forest  
Rights Act, training people to use the Right to Information Act,  
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

* Helping farmers fighting corporate misappropriation of property

* Advocacy in mainstream policy making

In addition, Michael is extremely interested in speaking to students  
and engineers at MIT interested in collaborating on ideas and projects  
in Rural Technology.

Web site:http://www.aidboston.org/events/MichaelBostonTalk2010/index.htm

Open to: the general public

Cost: Free

Sponsor(s): Association for India's Development - MIT, MIT India  
Program, Engineers Without Borders

For more information, contact:
Karthik Shekhar
217 979 9852
kshekhar at mit.edu



New Independent Documentaries from China: Continuous screening of  
"Crude Oil" (2008), directed by Wang Bing
Mon., Oct. 18, 2010, 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
CGIS Building, Room S030, 1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge
Film, Humanities, Social Sciences, Special Events
Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies - Emergent Visions: New  
Independent Documentaries from China
qian at fas.harvard.edu

Wang Bing is an incredible visual stylist and documentary filmmaker  
working with a radical realism and poetic sense. The Harvard Film  
Archive will be showing Wang Bing's work between October 17 and 25.  
Please see http://hcl.harvard.edu/hfa/films/2010octdec/wang.html for  

In collaboration with Harvard Film Archive, the Fairbank Center will  
house Wang Bing's 14-hour video installation following the long  
working day of crude oil extractors in China's remote eastern Qinghai  
Province. Crude Oil realizes Cesare Zavattini's often cited dream of  
an uncut, unvarnished film about a worker's daily life. To intensify  
the sounds, textures, and experience of the oil workers, Wang chooses  
not to subtitle the film's minimal dialogue and conceives of Crude Oil  
as an installation piece to be shown in gallery or museum settings.


Cultural Intelligence and Environmental Sustainability in the UAE
Mon., Oct. 18, 2010, 4 – 5:45 p.m.
Thompson Room of the Barker Center
Environmental Sciences, Health Sciences, Humanities, Lecture, Religion
Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Islamic Legal Studies Program
Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Ali Al Nuaimi
smilack at fas.harvard.edu
Abdul Aziz bin Ali Al Nuaimi is a member of the ruling family of the  
Emirate of Ajman in the United Arab Emirates and is currently serving  
as environmental adviser to the Ajman Government and the CEO of Al  
Ihsan Charity Centre, where he is also Chairman of the International  
Steering Committee for the Global Initiative Towards a Sustainable  
Iraq (GITSI), UAE.


"Biological Networks and the Scaling of Plant Form, Function,  
Diversity, and Ecology," a talk by Brian J. Enquist, Department of  
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona and The Santa  
Fe Institute. This lecture is part of the Harvard University Center  
for the Environment and Bank of America series on Biodiversity,  
Ecology, and Global Change.
	• Monday, October 18
	• 5:00pm
	• Biolabs Lecture Hall
	• Harvard University
	• 16 Divinity Ave
	• Cambridge, MA
Ecology needs a predictive theoretical framework to understand and  
integrate how plants and ecosystems respond in changing world.  
However, is it possible to predict attributes of plant function,  
diversity, or even ecosystem performance from more general first  
principles? I will discuss new insights from Metabolic Scaling Theory  
(MST). MST is based on how the geometry of vascular networks underlies  
individual-level scaling relations for how plants use resources, fill  
space, and grow. The theory invokes a few key principles – space- 
filling, biomechanics, and minimization of resource transport costs  
within hierarchical vascular networks. MST postulates that these  
principles have primarily shaped the evolution of plant form,  
function, diversity, and ecology. Recent applications include linking  
how key functional traits interact to regulate variation in relative  
growth rates, leaf functioning, and how functional traits covary with  
each other. These then scale up to determine emergent properties in  
ecology and the functional trade-off axes that help define plant  
diversity. Lastly, this talk will also show how functional diversity  
in plants can then be ‘scaled up’ to predict emergent scaling behavior  
across diverse forests, including size–frequency distributions,  
spacing relations, canopy configurations, mortality rates, population  
dynamics, successional dynamics, and resource flux rates. The theory  
uniquely makes quantitative predictions for both leaf-level and forest- 
level scaling exponents and normalizations. A major strength of the  
theory is that it endeavors to explain a lot with a little. MST is  
based on a small number of principles and parameters but it makes many  
quantitative predictions and unifies diverse features of (i) the  
structure and function of plants; and (ii) plant ecology, community  
ecology, and ecosystem dynamics.
The Biodiversity, Ecology, and Global Change lecture series is  
sponsored by the Harvard University Center for the Environment with  
generous support from Bank of America. The lecture will be followed by  
a reception.


Good Faith Collaboration: The Culture of Wikipedia
Joseph Reagle, Berkman Center Fellow
Tuesday, October 19, 12:30 pm
Pound Hall Room 335, Harvard Law School
**Please note new location for this week only**
RSVP required for those attending in person (rsvp at cyber.law.harvard.edu)
This event will be webcast live at 12:30 pm ET and archived on our  
site shortly after.

Wikipedia's style of collaborative production has been lauded,  
lambasted, and satirized. Despite unease over its implications for the  
character (and quality) of knowledge, Wikipedia has brought us closer  
than ever to a realization of the century-old pursuit of a universal  
encyclopedia. Good Faith Collaboration: The Culture of Wikipedia is a  
rich ethnographic portrayal of Wikipedia's historical roots,  
collaborative culture, and much debated legacy.

About Joseph
Joseph Reagle is a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and  
Society at Harvard University, where he studies collaborative  
cultures. He received his Ph.D., and was an adjunct faculty member, at  
NYU's Department of Media, Culture, and Communication. As a Research  
Engineer at MIT's Lab for Computer Science and Working Group Chair and  
Author within IETFand W3C, he contributed to several specifications on  
digital security and privacy. He also helped develop and maintain  
W3C'sprivacy and intellectual rights policies (i.e., copyright/ 
trademark licenses and patent analysis). Dr. Reagle has degrees  
inComputer Science (UMBC), Technology Policy (MIT), and Media,  
Culture, and Communication (NYU). He served as a fellow at the Berkman  
Center for Internet & Society, has been consulted on new-media related  
projects, and has been profiled, interviewed, and quoted in national  
media including Technology Review, The Economist, The New York Times  
and Americanand New Zealand Public Radio. A book, based on his  
dissertation, about Wikipedia history and collaboration will be  
available in 2010 from The MIT Press.


Special Seminar: “Sea Level Rise” with Stefan Rahmstorf
Tue., Oct. 19, 2010, 3 p.m.
Haller Hall - Geo Museum 102
24 Oxford St.
Cambridge, MA
Environmental Sciences, Lecture, Science
Harvard University Center for the Environment
Stefan Rahmstorf, head of Earth system analysis at the Postdam  
Institute for Climate Impact Research and professor of physics of the  
oceans, Potsdam University
Rahmstorf is a member of the Academia Europaea and of the German  
Advisory Council on Global Change. His most recent book, "The Climate  
Crisis: An Introductory Guide to Climate Change," is a “concise and  
accessible overview of what we know about ongoing climate change and  
its impacts, and what we can do to confront the climate crisis.  
Rahmstorf is one of the lead authors of the Fourth Assessment Report  
of the IPCC and also the co-founder and regular contributor to the  
website realclimate.org.


Wyss Lecture: New Concepts in Termite-Inspired Design
Wed., Oct. 20, 2010, 12 – 1 p.m.
Harvard SEAS Campus
Maxwell-Dworkin, G-135
33 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
Education, Environmental Sciences, Lecture, Science
Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard  
Jeffrey S. Turner
Abstract: Social insects are renowned for the remarkable structures  
they build. Architects and designers have long looked to social  
insects as models for inspiration for innovative or imaginative  
designs. In this lecture, Jeffrey S. Turner will explore one such  
model: the mounds built by fungus-growing termites of the genus  
Macrotermes. These structures have long been thought to be devices for  
managing the environment of the underground nest, and the principles  
of their operation are being incorporated into many building designs  
for wind-driven climate control. New findings show that the actual  
function of termite mounds is much different and far more complex than  
previously thought, and this opens the window on a new generation of  
termite-inspired devices for capturing wind and using it to manage the  
internal climate of buildings. These findings also point the way to  
realizing dynamic architecture that self-regulates its function and  
adapts it to the changing needs of the building's inhabitants.


Rx Democracy: Innovations at the Intersection of Health Care,  
Democracy, and Civic Engagement
Wed., Oct. 20, 2010, 4:10 – 5:30 p.m.
Suite 200-North, Room 226, 124 Mount Auburn, Cambridge MA
Classes/Workshops, Health Sciences, Lecture, Social Sciences
Rishi Manchanda, founder & chair, Rx Democracy
Bruce Jackan: 617.495.7548, bruce_jackan at hks.harvard.edu
Health is essential to full participation in democracy and health care  
represents roughly one-sixth of the U.S. economy. Manchanda's upcoming  
seminar is based on experience exploring and building the relationship  
between participatory democracy and health, including his work as the  
founder of a national nonpartisan network of health care providers  
called Rx Democracy, which advances civic engagement and registered  
over 26,000 voters in doctors' offices and clinics in 2008. During the  
seminar, we will discuss challenges and innovations at the  
intersection of health care and democratic governance and consider  
next steps for research, practice, and policy.


Compellence and Accommodation in Counterinsurgency Warfare: A  
Challenge to the Hearts-and-Minds Narrative of Counterinsurgent Success
Thu., Oct. 21, 2010, 12:15 – 2 p.m.
Belfer Center Library, Littauer 369, Harvard Kennedy School
Lecture, Social Sciences
International Security Program
Jacqueline L. Hazelton, research fellow, International Security Program
susan_lynch at harvard.edu


Does Freedom of Speech Protect Net Neutrality?
Thu., Oct. 21, 2010, 7:30 – 9:30 p.m.
26 Trowbridge Street (conference room)
Cambridge, MA 02138
Ethics, Humanities, Law, Lecture
Real Colegio Complutense
Luis Fernando Rodríguez García, UNED
Free and open to the public
rcc_info at harvard.edu
In English


Climate Change and Korea's Growth Paradigm Shift
Fri., Oct. 22, 2010, 12:15 – 1:45 p.m.
CGIS South Building
1730 Cambridge St.
Seminar Room S153
Environmental Sciences, Lecture, Social Sciences
Harvard University Asia Center, Modern Asia Seminar, Ezra F. Vogel  
Distinguished Visitor Program, co-sponsored with the Korean Institute
Han Seung-soo, former prime minister, Republic of Korea, former Korean  
ambassador to the U.S., chairman, Board of Directors, Global Green  
Growth Institute




Sustainable Development? Rising incomes in developing countries and  
the acquisition of energy-using household appliances

October 18, 2010  12:30p–1:45p

Catherine Wolfram is an associate professor of business administration  
at the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business and co-director of the  
Energy Institute at Haas. She is also a researcher at the UC Energy  
Institute, a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic  
Research and an affiliated faculty member in the Agriculture and  
Resource Economics department and the Energy and Resources Group at  
Berkeley. Before joining the faculty at UC Berkeley, she was an  
assistant professor of economics at Harvard University. She holds a  
PhD in economics from MIT and an AB from Harvard.

In her most recent paper Wolfram and her co-authors explore the  
implications of rising incomes amongst the world?s poor for energy  
use, focusing on the accumulation of energy-using assets (household  
appliances). Using data from Oportunidades, the Mexican conditional  
cash transfer program that began in 1998, the paper shows that  
households are more likely to give up consumption of non-durables,  
such as food, in order to acquire durables, such as refrigerators,  
when cash transfers are lumpy or income growth is fast. They show that  
the main driver of increased energy use among poor Mexicans has been  
the accumulation of energy-using household appliances. The results  
have implications for evaluating the effects of the timing of cash  
transfers and for considering the effects of income growth on energy  
Light refreshments provided

Category:  lectures/conferences

Location:  Tisch Library, Room 304, Tufts University

Sponsored by:  MIT Energy Campus Events, Tufts Department of  
Economics, Tufts Institute of the Environment, and Fletcher?s Center  
for International Environment and Resource Policy

Admission:  Open to the public

For more information:  Contact Jacqueline M Deelstra

Jacqueline.Deelstra at tufts.edu


Tuesday, October 19, 2010
3:00 pm - 4:15 pm
Halligan 111-A
Nanowire-based Solar Cells
Speaker: Dr. Marcie Black, CTO and Founder, Bandgap Engineering
If you would like to receive email notifications of upcoming  
colloquia, please sent email to 
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Wed 20 October 2010
2:30 PM
Physics Nobel Seminar:  The Carbon New Age
Professor Antonio H. Castro Neto, Department of Physics, Boston  
Curry Student Center 342
Graphene has been considered by many as a revolutionary material with  
electronic and structural properties that surpass conventional  
semiconductors and metals. Due to its superlative qualities, graphene  
is being considered as the reference material for a post-CMOS  
technology. Furthermore, graphene is also quite unusual electronically  
since its electric carriers behave as if they were massless and  
relativistic, the so-called Dirac particles. Because of its exotic  
electronic properties, theorists are being forced to revisit the  
conceptual basis for the theory of metals. Hence, graphene seems to be  
unveiling a new era in science and technology with still unseen  




Climate Change, Arts and the Media:  A Transatlantic Symposium

Monday, October 18, 2010, 6–8 PM
Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 9 AM–1:30 PM
School for Management, Boston University, 595 Commonwealth Avenue,  
In English
Admission free - RSVP requested
RSVP/Info:  program2 at boston.goethe.org

The perception of climate change is strongly influenced by the media  
as well as the work of filmmakers, artists, etc.  While the majority  
of Europe’s population and governments identifies human-made climate  
change as one of the fiercest challenges of our time, the issue of  
global warming remains disputed within American public. We aim to  
examine the perceptions of climate change within Europe and the United  
States, and ask: what is the role and indeed the responsibility of the  
media and the arts in shaping this perception and enabling an  
appropriate response to climate change?


Clay Shirky
Leading voice on new media and the Internet, and author of best  
seller, Cognitive Surplus

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
6:00pm – 8:00pm
Monitor Group
Two Canal Park, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Reception immediately following

RSVP to Erin McDonough at:erin_mcdonough at monitor.com

At this event, Clay forecasts the thrilling changes we will enjoy as  
new digital technology puts our untapped resources of talent and  
goodwill to use.

Today, for the first time since the postwar boom, we are embracing new  
media that allows us to pool our surfeit of intellect, energy, and time 
—what Clay calls a "cognitive surplus"—at vanishingly low costs. He  
will enlighten the group with the results of this aggregated effort  
which range from mind expanding—reference tools like Wikipedia—to  
lifesaving—like Ushahidi.com, which has allowed citizens around the  
world to report on conflict and crisis in real-time.


The Internet: Its Past and Possible Futures
Wednesday, October 20, 2010 from 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Simmons College, Main Campus Building
Faculty & Staff Dining Hall
300 The Fenway
Boston, MA 02115

Please join the New England Chapter (in formation) of the Internet  
Society in an engaging presentation about the underlying assumptions  
of the Internet and how they got us to where we are today.  Scott  
Bradner, University Technology Security Officer of Harvard University,  
will also discuss the technical and regulatory conflicts broadly  
collected under the umbrella of net neutrality and the possible  
futures of this transforming technology that reaches and impacts the  
lives of more than 1 billion people today.

5:30-6:30 Registration and Networking
6:30-6:45 Introductory Remarks from Chapter founders and Sally  
Wentworth, North American Chapter Bureau Head at the Internet Society
6:45-7:30 Scott Bradner, Harvard University
7:30-8:00 Q&A and Additional Networking
We plan to have a telephone line for those who wish to join remotely.   
Please contact info at sisutek.com if you would like details.

Scott Bradner has been involved in the design, operation and use of  
data networks at Harvard University since the early days of the  
ARPANET. He was involved in the design of the original Harvard data  
networks, the Longwood Medical Area network (LMAnet) and New England  
Academic and Research Network (NEARnet). He was founding chair of the  
technical committees of LMAnet, NEARnet and the Corporation for  
Research and Enterprise Network (CoREN).  Mr. Bradner served in a  
number of roles in the IETF, was a member of the IESG (1993-2003), and  
was an elected trustee of the Internet Society (1993-1999), where he  
currently serves as the Secretary to the Board of Trustees.  Scott is  
also a trustee of the American Registry of Internet Numbers (ARIN).  A  
frequent speaker at technical conferences, he is also a weekly  
columnist for Network World.

RSVP:  http://isocne.eventbrite.com/


Guess who's coming to Boston!! Annie Leonard at the Jamaica Plain  
Forum, in her only Boston appearance!!

When: Friday October 22 @ 7:00 PM
Where: First Church in Jamaica Plain Unitarian Universalist, 6 Eliot  
Street, Jamaica Plain
Speaker: Annie Leonard

Society's consumption of the earth?s resources are at an all time  
high. Globally renowned filmmaker and author of "The Story of Stuff,"  
Annie Leonard will join us for her insights on creating a more  
sustainable and just world.

About Annie Leonard:

Annie Leonard is the author and host of our very own The Story of  
Stuff. She is author of The Story of Stuff, the book, published by  
Free Press of Simon and Schuster on March 9, 2010. Annie has spent  
nearly two decades investigating and organizing on environmental  
health and justice issues. She has traveled to 40 countries, visiting  
literally hundreds of factories where our stuff is made and dumps  
where our stuff is dumped. Witnessing first hand the horrendous  
impacts of both over- and under- consumption around the world, Annie  
is fiercely dedicated to reclaiming and transforming our industrial  
and economic systems so they serve, rather than undermine, ecological  
sustainability and social equity.

For more information, please visit www.jamaicaplainforum.org

Elizabeth Wambui
Institute for Policy Studies-Northeast Office
Office Manager and Jamaica Plain Forum Coordinator
E-Mail: LizW at Ips-dc.org
Program on Inequality and Common Good


Passivhaus, LEED, and the City of Boston
A Green Housing Symposium

1:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Cascieri Hall, Boston Architectural College
320 Newbury Street,
Boston, MA

This timely gathering aims to answer one simple question:  Within  
Boston's urban reality, what indicates a successful green home design  
and how is it best achieved?  Framed with a keynote presentation by  
Wolfgang Feist and Katrin Klingenberg, and explored in snapshot  
presentations of local examples, the answer will ultimately be found  
in a panel discussion that examines the real-world relationship  
between Passivhaus, LEED, and the CIty of Boston's new Energy Plus  
housing program.

Hosted bt the Boston Architectural College, this event is free and  
open to the public.
Please RSVP to keefe at placetailor.com if you plan to attend.


2010 MCAN Climate Action Conference
"Act Locally, or Sink Globally"
Sunday, October 24th, 2010, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Clark University, Main Street, Worcester, MA





 From Copenhagen to Cancun:
Interpreting Development, Sovereignty & Global Environmental Governance

Four qualified experts, scholars and international negotiators will  
the opportunities and challenges contained in the UN discussions on  
Change as they debate on questions such as: What are the visions and
differences between the North and the South in such discussions? Is  
development compatible with environmental justice? How can national
sovereignty issues be addressed in the context of an international
environmental governance system? Join this panel of dynamic experts as  
shed light in these crucial issues.

October 25th , 2010 6-9pm
at Lyons Dining Hall, Boston College (140 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut
Hill, MA 02467)
Maps, Directions, Parking, Public Transportation:
Free admission, dinner will be served


Claudia Salerno Caldera, Special Envoy on Climate Change for the  
Republic of Venezuela

Pablo Solón, Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of the Plurinational  
of Bolivia to the UN

Julio Escalona, Adjunct Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of the
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the UN

Charles Derber,  Scholar, writer, and former Director of Social  
Economy and
Social Justice Graduate Programs at Boston College

About the Panelists:

Claudia Salerno Caldera is the Special Envoy on Climate Change for the
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Director of International  
at the Multilateral and Integration Affairs Office for the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs.  A renown environmentalist, Ms.  Salerno holds  
degrees in
International Relations and a Doctorate in International Environmental  
She represented the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America
(ALBA), a regional cooperation bloc between eight Latin American and
Caribbean countries at the UN Climate Change Conference in Tianjin,  

Ms. Salerno interview at Tianjin: *

Pablo Solón Romero is the Ambassador of the Plurinational State of  
to the United Nations, and principal negotiator on climate change  
Mr. Solón was one of the designers of the World People's Conference on
Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth in Cochabamba, Bolivia,  
took place last April, 2010. Formerly Bolivia's Ambassador for issues
concerning Integration and Trade, he also served as Secretary to the  
of South American Nations (2006-08) and as President Evo Morales'  
to the Strategic Reflection Committee for South American Integration  
An activist as well as a diplomat, Solón has worked for many years with
different social organizations, indigenous movements, workers unions,
student associations, human rights and cultural organizations in  

Mr. Solón interview at Democracy Now:

Julio Escalona is the Adjunct Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of
Venezuela to the United Nations.  He holds degrees in Economics,  
and Environmental Issues. He is the former Director of the School of
Economics and former head of the Department of Human Development at   
University of Venezuela (UCV) in Caracas. Escalona is also Professor of
Economics, General Economic History, Economic Education in Latin  
Contemporary Marxism and Contemporary Social Problems.  He has  
research seminars on economic integration, local economies, local
development, alternative technologies, and has been a participant and  
lecturer at seminars, forums and academic institutions in Peru, Brazil,
Japan, Paris, Mexico and the US.

Some articles by Escalona about Climate Change, globalization and
international issues:


Charles Derber is a Professor of Sociology  and former Director of  
Economy and Social Justice Graduate Programs at Boston College. Derber  
is a
prolific writer, offering not only sociological critiques but  
visions for development. His recent books focus on climate change,
capitalism, globalization, terrorism, the culture of hegemony, and the  
of multinational corporations. His op-eds, essays, and interviews have
appeared in The Boston Globe, Newsweek, Business Week, Time, Newsday,  
other magazines. He frequently makes appearances on television and talk
radio, including National Public Radio. His works include ?Greed to  
Solving Climate Change and Remaking the Economy? (2010).

Derber speaks on connections between climate change, militarism and the
Charles Derber Speaks at IDEAS Boston 2009

These are comments on his new book, From Greed to Green:
"Charles Derber's urgent call to action on climate change connects to
realistically upbeat ways to help resolve our energy, peace, and  
challenges. To read this book is to react with personal and social  
Ralph Nader

"There's no way to solve climate change without also shifting, in  
ways, our idea of what constitutes success and growth and progress.  
This is
the right book at the right and crucial moment."
Bill McKibben, author of The End of Nature and creator of the student- 
"Step It Up" campaign

Event sponsored by The Majority Agenda Project and the Consulate  
General of
Venezuela in Boston
Co-sponsored by the Sociology Department - Boston College


2010 HBS Green Fair—Tuesday, October 26!
12:00 to 1:30PM in Shad Hall
Come for the giveaways and raffle, stay for the fun, leave with a  
mission to GO GREEN AT HBS!
Swing by the atrium of Shad Hall from 12:00 to 1:30 PM on Tuesday,  
October 26to learn about sustainable options available at HBS and in  
the community, including:
	• DVD & Book Swap—Take a few books and DVDs home from the green fair  
or bring a few to be donated to the swap. No textbooks please.
	• Recycling at HBS—Put your knowledge of recycling at HBS to the test  
and win a prize. Bring your used batteries, cell phones, and  
eyeglasses to be recycled.
	• Green Roof at Shad—Tour the 5,200 square foot “green roof”  
consisting of thousands of perennials installed on Shad Hall this  
year. Tours start at 12:30 and 1PM.
	• The Green Revolution—Create renewable energy while you work out by  
riding Shad’s new Green Revolution stationary bikes. A complementary  
class begins at 12:05PM on the 26th.
	• HU Office for Sustainability—Meet representatives from OFS and  
learn about the University’s sustainability goals and initiatives.
	• Restaurant Associates—Ask RA about their Green Dining Initiative  
and how you can go green at Spangler.
	• Charles River Conservancy—Help beautify and preserve the Charles  
River landscape that we are so fortunate to have in our backyard.
	• HBS Green Team and Green Living Reps—Learn about sustainability  
initiatives at HBS from staff and students.
	• Commuter Choice—Explore and learn what's new in the commuter choice  
Visit http://intranet.hbs.edu/green/ for more information about  
sustainability at HBS.


IBM Center for Social Software Speaker Series - Tiffany Shlain What  
Does it Mean to Be Connected in the 21st Century?
Wednesday, October 27, 2010 from 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM (ET)
Cambridge, MA

When: Wednesday, Oct 27, 2010. 3:30pm - 5:00pm; refreshments 3:30 -  
4:00; talk 4:00 - 5:00.
Where: IBM Research, 1 Rogers St, Cambridge MA 02142
Free and open to the public with RSVP at http://ibmsocialcraigwatkins.eventbrite.com
Discounted parking at Galleria Mall, next to IBM. Bring parking ticket  
for validation.

What Does It Mean To Be Connected in the 21st Century?
Join us at the Center for Social Software as we welcome filmmaker and  
artist, Tiffany Shlain, who will lead us on an exploration into the  
implications of what it means to be connected in the 21st Century.  
Tiffany's talks are known to be entertaining, insightful, and  
informative. In this talk, she will incorporate clips of her award- 
winning films into this exploration, making it a highly visual event.

About Tiffany Shlain
Honored by Newsweek as one of the “Women Shaping the 21st Century,”  
Tiffany Shlain is a filmmaker, artist, founder of The Webby Awards,  
and co-founder of the International Academy of Digital Arts and  
Tiffany founded The Webby Awards in 1996 and was creative director and  
CEO for nearly a decade, establishing it into a global organization  
honoring the best of the Internet. The Webbys receive over 10,000  
entries annually and are presented annually in NYC. The 14th Annual  
Webby Awards will be June 2011.
Her films have been selected at over 100 film festivals including  
Sundance, Tribeca, and Rotterdam, have won 20 awards including  
Audience and Grand Jury Prizes and translated into 8 languages.  Her  
last film “The Tribe,” was the first documentary short to be #1 on  
iTunes. She is currently completing a feature documentary film,  
“Connected: A Declaration of Interdependence.”
A sought-after keynote speaker known for her visual presentations, she  
speaks worldwide on filmmaking and the Internet’s influence on  
society. Invitations include Harvard, MIT, Apple, and now IBM!
She recently delivered the keynote address for the commencement  
ceremony at her alma mater, UC Berkeley.

RSVP:  http://c4sstiffanyshlain.eventbrite.com/


Raab Associates presents:
The 119th New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable
October 29th Roundtable:  Impacts of Major New Environmental  
Regulations on New England's Electricity Future
Host: Prof. Valencia Joyner
With EPA's Gina McCarthy and Curt Spalding

Date: Friday, October 29th, 2010
Time: 9:00 am to 12:15 pm

Foley Hoag LLP
155 Seaport Boulevard, 13th Floor
Boston, MA 02210

Please join us for our 119th New England Electric Restructuring  
Roundtable as we explore how the convergence of new environmental  
regulations from the U.S.EPA and New England states will impact the  
region's electricity resource mix, and how we plan and operate the  
electricity grid. The new U.S. EPA regulations include:

Transport Rule, which, together with existing other state and EPA  
actions, would reduce SO2 by 71% from 2005 levels by 2014, and NOx by  

New Air Quality Standards for Ozone and Particulate Matter

Tailoring Rule for Greenhouse Gas emissions

Plus other power sector-related multi-pollutant air and water  
approaches and regulations
We are very pleased to have the nation's lead air regulator, Gina  
McCarthy, Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation, U.S. EPA, to  
describe the various new or under-development regulations, and offer  
her thoughts on how these regulations, together with existing federal  
and state (e.g., RGGI) regulations, could impact New England.  Gina  
will be introduced by Curt Spalding, our new EPA Regional  
Administrator for New England.

Gina's keynote address will be followed by a question and answer  
period, and then by a panel of expert discussants. Massachusetts DEP  
Commissioner Laurie Burt, who is also the current Chair of both the  
Ozone Transport Commission and the New England Governors' Environment  
Committee, will kick-off the panel. She will be followed by ISO New  
England Chief Operating Officer Vamsi Chadalavada, who will discuss  
how these regulations should be accounted for in the planning and  
operation of New England's electric grid and its various markets.  
Pamela Faggert, Vice President and Chief Environmental Officer at  
Dominion, will discuss how the new regulations might impact Dominion's  
and other resources in New England. Finally, Paul Hibbard, now Vice  
President at Analysis Group, will present a study that his firm, in  
collaboration with M.J. Bradley & Associates, recently completed for  
the Clean Energy Group on the impact that the new EPA air regulations  
could have on the electric fleet nationally.

  Webcast of September 17th Roundtable Now Online

Please note: if you missed our September 17th standing-room-only  
Roundtable, Renewable Energy's Future in New England and Recent Major  
Biomass Energy Studies, the presentations, underlying reports, and an  
archival video (https://admin.na6.acrobat.com/_a821448238/p93181545/?launcher=false&fcsContent=true&pbMode=normal 
) are available on our website (http://www.raabassociates.org/main/roundtable.asp?sel=101 


Cambridge Climate Emergency Forum

~ An Open Conversation about Next Steps in Cambridge ~
Windsor Community Health Center, 2nd floor
119 Windsor Street, Cambridge

Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 7 pm

Last winter more than 100 residents and representatives from local  
businesses and institutions met at City Hall on three Saturdays to  
discuss the climate emergency and develop proposals for response.  
Delegates to this congress formed the Cambridge Climate Emergency  
Action Group (CCEAG) to promote awareness, civic action and other  
proposals of the congress. In past months, at markets and outdoor  
events, awareness campaigners have talked with over a thousand  
Meanwhile, as evidence of accelerating climate change increases,  
response on the national level has been scant. Coming elections put  
progress at the federal and state levels into question. What should we  
be doing now at the local level?

Come and share your ideas to build a movement to reach beyond our  




To members of the Climate CoLab community,

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new Climate CoLab contest,  
as well as a major upgrade of our software platform.

The contest will address the question: What international climate  
agreements should the world community make?

The first round runs through October 31 and the final round through  
November 26.

In early December, the United Nations and U.S. Congress will be  
briefed on the winning entries.

We are raising funds in the hope of being able to pay travel expenses  
for one representative from each winning team to attend one or both of  
these briefings.

We invite you to form teams and enter the contest--learn more at http://climatecolab.org 

We also encourage you to fill out your profiles and add a picture, so  
that members of the community can get to know each other.

And please inform anyone you believe might be interested about the  

Editorial Comment:  I played a previous version of this simulation.   
This time around, I like the 350 plan which is as close to zero  
emissions as the exercise will get.




Artisan Asylum  http://artisansasylum.com/

Sprout & Co:  Community Driven Investigations  http://thesprouts.org/studios

Greater Boston Solidarity Economy Mapping Project  http://www.transformationcentral.org/solidarity/mapping/mapping.html
a project by Wellesley College students that invites participation


Links to events at 60 colleges and universities at Hubevents   http://hubevents.blogspot.com

Thanks to

Fred Hapgood's Selected Lectures on Science and Engineering in the  
Boston Area  http://fhapgood.fastmail.fm/site02.html

Boston Area Computer User Groups  http://www.bugc.org/




Energy (and Other) Events is a weekly mailing list published most  
Sundays covering events around the Cambridge, MA and greater Boston  
area that catch the editor's eye.

Hubevents  http://hubevents.blogspot.com is the web version.

If you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe to Energy (and Other) Events  
email gmoke at world.std.com

More information about the Act-MA mailing list