[act-ma] Energy (and Other) Events

George Mokray gmoke at world.std.com
Sun Nov 14 19:06:12 PST 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010
The Way Towards ZERO Energy Homes: Energy Efficient Building  
Technologies Based on European Passive House Technology and Zero  
Energy Design
Speaker: Christoph Buxbaum(Carinthia University of Applied Sciences  
and architect/consultant for building science in Austria)
Time: 12:30p–2:00p
Location: 7-431, The Long Room (former AVT)
Building Technology Fall Lecture Series
Climate change, declining oil reserves, depleted resources on the one  
hand and changed needs, advanced qualities of comfort and a new public  
awareness of energy efficiency on the other have sparked a revolution  
in the way in which we plan, design and construct buildings for a  
sustainable future. Building professionals across the world are  
discovering sustainable design solutions as an instrument of  
competitive advantage; one that drives innovation opens new markets  
and reaches new customers.

Prof.Buxbaum, will give an overview of the design principles of energy- 
efficient buildings, especially made in ?Passive House Technology.?  
The lecture supplements individual basic knowledge about energy  
efficient building design, passive solar concepts, solutions for new  
homes and remodeling up to realization and construction and  
prefabrication processes. Principles for the design and construction  
process as well as detailed solutions for improved building  
enclosures, high efficient window systems and state-of-the-art  
ventilation systems with heat recovery to decrease ventilation heat  
losses will be presented and examples of Austrian architecture will be  

Open to: the general public

Cost: Free

Sponsor(s): Building Technology Program, Department of Architecture,  
School of Architecture and Planning

For more information, contact:
Kathleen Ross
kross at mit.edu


Monday, November 15, 2010
Coal-CO2-Slurry Feed for Pressurized Gasifiers: An Alternative to Coal- 
Water-Slurry in Plants with CO2 Capture
Speaker: Cristina Botero, MIT, Dept. Mechanical Engineering
Time: 4:00p–5:00p
Location: 3-343
Center for Energy and Propulsion Research Seminar Series

Large-scale coal gasification in the power, chemicals, and synthetic  
fuel industry relies heavily on pressurized entrained-flow  
gasification technology, which produces a tar-free synthesis gas in a  
relatively compact reactor.
The feeding of coal into a pressurized environment, however, remains a  
challenge. Dry feeding systems are penalized by high capital costs and  
operational complexity, while the economics of coal-water-slurry  
pumping, which is simple and cheap, are only favorable for low- 
moisture coals.
The feasibility of using liquid carbon dioxide, instead of water, as  
slurrying medium for coal-slurry feeding systems will be addressed in  
this talk. CO2(l) is available in plants with Carbon Capture and  
Sequestration (CCS) and offers an attractive set of thermo-physical  
properties which could significantly benefit different aspects of the  
process, including the thermal performance of the gasifier. The  
feasibility of the coal-CO2-slurry concept will be discussed based on  
a first system-level study quantifying its performance in an  
Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) power plant.

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): RGD Lab

For more information, contact:
Patrick Kirchen


Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Time Inconsistency, Expectations and Technology Adoption: The case of  
Insecticide Treated Nets
Speaker: Aprajit Mahajan (Stanford)
Time: 2:30p–4:00p
Location: at Harvard - Harvard Hall 202
Time Inconsistency, Expectations and Technology Adoption: The case of  
Insecticide Treated Nets

Web site: http://isites.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=k74186
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): MIT/Harvard Development Workshop

For more information, contact:
Theresa Benevento
theresa at mit.edu


Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Growing Green Technology Out of the Lab and into the Marketplace
Speaker: Dr. Riccardo Signorelli - President and CEO of FastCAP Systems
Time: 5:30p–6:30p
Location: 66-110
MIT Energy Club Lecture Series

The ultracapacitor technology that is currently being developed at  
FastCap Systems began as an idea seven years ago in the LEES lab at  
MIT. Now, fueled by private investment and government funding, FastCAP  
is pushing forward to develop and take to market its novel energy  
storage technology, with the goal of revolutionizing the electric  
vehicle and grid storage markets. But the jump from promising  
laboratory results to the marketplace isn't an obvious one, and Dr.  
Signorelli will share his experiences in launching a venture aimed at  
commercializing material innovation in the energy space.

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): MIT Energy Club

For more information, contact:
Jared Silvia
jssilvia at mit.edu


Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Speaker: Moderator: Joshua Boger Biotechnology Industry Organization  
David Altshuler Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT James C. Greenwood  
President and CEO, BIO Chris Hansen Senior National Staff Counsel,  
ACLU Leslie Meyer-Leon President, IP Legal Strategies
Time: 6:00p–8:00p
Location: 35-225
Patents on human genes have remained highly controversial more than  
two decades after the U.S. Patent Office began granting them. The  
controversy was recently brought to a head in the case of ACLU v.  
Myriad Genetics, in which Judge Sweet ruled in favor of the American  
Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), invalidating several of Myriad's patents  
on genes associated with breast and ovarian cancer. The case is now on  
appeal and may eventually be brought before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Web site: web.mit.edu/tac
Open to: the general public
Cost: n/a
Sponsor(s): The Technology and Culture Forum at MIT, The American  
Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts and The Broad Institute
For more information, contact:
Patricia-Maria Weinmann
weinmann at mit.edu


Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Pahoehoe: 8 people, 8 projects
Speaker: 8 students with innovative service projects
Time: 7:00p–9:00p
Location: 32, Stata Center, R&D Commons 4th Floor
Pahoehoe: 8 People x 8 Projects
Where Invention & Entrepreneurship Meet Public Service

The IDEAS Competition and MIT Global Challenge with the MIT Public  
Service Center and D-Lab will launch the first Pahoehoe (Pa-hoy-hoy).  
Join us to hear from eight people working on innovative service  
projects around the world. You?ll hear from people working on  
innovations in banking, employment, health, and much, much more. Come  
hear the possibilities. Get inspired Find team members for your IDEAS  
project. And find opportunities for collaboration.

8 people present 8 service projects in 10 slides x 30 seconds/slide.  
No bullet points. All photos.
More information: http://globalchallenge.mit.edu/events/view/102

Web site: http://globalchallenge.mit.edu/events/view/102
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): MIT IDEAS Competition
For more information, contact:
Kate Mytty
mytty at mit.edu


Wednesday, November 17, 2010
The Geneology of Terrorism
Speaker: Martha Crenshaw, Stanford University
Time: 12:00p–1:30p
Location: E40-496
SSP Wednesday Seminar

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): Security Studies Program

For more information, contact:
valeriet at mit.edu


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Novel nanostructures in composite materials, interfacial science, and  

Speaker: Prof. Todd Emrick (University of Massachusetts/Amherst)

Time: 3:30p–4:45p

Location: 4-237

MIT Program in Polymer Science and Technology (PPST) Polymer Seminar  
PPST sponsors a series of seminars covering a broad range of topics of  
general interest to the polymer community, featuring speakers from  
both on and off campus. We invite the polymer community at MIT and  
elsewhere to participate.

Seminar 3:30 PM / Refreshments 3:00 PM

Web site: http://web.mit.edu/ppst/schedule.html

Open to: the general public
Cost: FREE
Sponsor(s): MIT Program in Polymer Science and Technology (PPST)
For more information, contact:
Gregory Sands
(617) 253-0949
ppst-www at mit.edu

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Wulff Lecture: Computationally Designing Materials for the Clean  
Energy Economy
Speaker: Professor Gerbrand Ceder
Time: 5:00p–6:00p
Location: 32-123
The need for novel materials is the technological Achilles Heel of our  
strategy to address the energy and climate problem facing the world.  
The large-scale deployment of photovoltaics, photosynthesis, storage  
of electricity, thermoelectrics, or reversible fuel catalysis cannot  
be realized with current materials technologies. The ?Materials  
Genome? project, started at MIT, has as its objective to use high- 
throughput first principles computations on an unparalleled scale to  
discover new materials for energy technologies. This talk will address  
successful examples of high-throughput calculations in the field of  
lithium batteries and discuss other materials challenges in the energy  

The Wulff Lecture is an introductory, general-audience, entertaining  
lecture which serves to educate, inspire, and encourage MIT  
undergraduates to take up study in the field of materials science and  
engineering and related fields. The entire MIT community is invited to  
attend. The Wulff Lecture honors the late Professor John Wulff, a  
skilled, provocative, and entertaining teacher who inaugurated a new  
approach to teaching the popular freshman subject: 3.091 Introduction  
to Solid State Chemistry.

Freshmen and undesignated sophomores are particularly encouraged to  

Web site: http://dmse.scripts.mit.edu/news/?p=2443

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering

For more information, contact:

Rachel Kemper



Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The PSEG perspective: The future of energy

Speaker: Dr. Ralph Izzo, CEO of PSEG

Time: 6:00p–7:00p

Location: E51-345

MIT Energy Club Lecture Series

Climate change is the most important environmental challenge of our  
time, with far-ranging implications for New Jersey, the nation and the  
world. Climate change is a real phenomenon and must be addressed now.  
This global environmental and political issue will define the future  
of the energy industry and reshape energy supply and energy use. PSEG,  
New Jersey's leading energy company, is tackling this issue  
aggressively on three fronts:
- Conservation through energy efficiency improvements
- Development of renewable energy resources
- Clean, zero- and low-carbon central station electric generating  

Web site: http://www.mitenergyclub.org/events-and-programs/lecture-series/the-p

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): MIT Energy Club

For more information, contact:
Jared Silvia
jssilvia at mit.edu


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Soap Box: Probing the Plume

Speaker: Rich Camilli

Time: 6:00p–7:30p

Location: N52, MIT Museum

Soap Box: The Gulf Oil Spill & Its Consequences
The MIT Museum sponsors a series of salon-style, early-evening  
conversations with cutting-edge scientists and engineers who are  
making the news that really matters.

Meet environmental engineer Rich Camilli of the Woods Hole  
Oceanographic Institution, and participate in an interactive  
discussion about the latest field research in the Gulf.

Web site: http://mit.edu/museum/programs/soapbox.html
Open to: the general public
Cost: free admission
Sponsor(s): MIT Museum, MIT/WHOI Joint Program
For more information, contact:
Josie Patterson
museum at mit.edu

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Lessons Learned in For-Profit Social Entrepreneurship: Battle Stories  
from Two Veterans
Time: 6:00p–8:00p
Location: E62-223
Join us for an event with the Net Impact MIT Sloan & Boston  
Professional chapters and the Progressive Business Leaders Network  
(PBLN) featuring:
* Jon Carson, CEO BiddingForGood
* Jules Pieri, CEO Daily Grommet
* Andrew Tarsy, Co-Founder & Executive Director PBLN

Snacks provided.
**Please RSVP to Danielle.Chesebrough at gmail.com**

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): Sustainability at MIT

For more information, contact:
Danielle Chesebrough
Danielle.Chesebrough at gmail.com


Thursday, November 18, 2010

An integrated information theory of consciousness

Speaker: Giulio Tononi, M.D., PhD, Professor of Psychiatry, Department  
of Psychiatry, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Time: 4:00p–5:30p

Location: 46-3002

Over the past decades, studies have investigated the neural correlates  
of consciousness with increasing precision. However, why experience is  
generated by the cortex and not the cerebellum, why it fades during  
certain stages of sleep and returns in others, or why some cortical  
areas endow experience with colors and others with sound, remains  
unexplained. Moreover, key questions remain unanswered.

Read the full abstract>> http://mcgovern.mit.edu/images/stories/giulio_tononi.pdf

Web site: http://mcgovern.mit.edu/events

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, Brain and  
Cognitive Sciences, McGovern Institute for Brain Research

For more information, contact:
Vivi Hinh
vivih at mit.edu


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Materials and Assembly Techniques for Unusual Semiconductor Devices:  
Applications in Photovoltaics and Bio-Integrated Electronics

Speaker: Prof. John Rogers, Materials Science & Eng., U. Illinois  

Time: 4:00p–5:30p

Location: 66-110

Materials Science and Engineering Seminar Series
The Materials Science and Engineering Seminar Series is sponsored by  
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Center for Materials  
Science and Engineering, Materials Processing Center. To receive  
notice of the events, join the matseminars mailing list, matseminars at mit.edu 
  at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/matseminars

Semiconductor technologies that involve transistors, solar cells,  
light emitting diodes and other components on thin plastic or rubber  
substrates offer mechanical properties (e.g. stretchability) and other  
features (e.g. large area coverages, curvilinear shapes) that cannot  
be achieved with established approaches. Recent work demonstrates that  
it is possible to build such systems using active devices that  
incorporate nanoribbons/membranes of Si, GaAs, GaN and InP, derived  
from high quality, wafer-based sources of material. Deterministic  
assembly methods that use these structures as solid 'inks' with soft,  
elastomeric 'stamps' provide routes to heterogeneous integration on  
diverse substrates, in two dimensional arrangements or three  
dimensional multilayer stacks. This talk describes fundamental and  
applied aspects of these strategies, and illustrates their application  
to unusual classes of photovoltaic modules and bio-integrated  
electronic devices, with the potential for use in utility scale power  
generation and clinical medicine, respectively.

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): Center for Materials Science & Engineering, Dept. of  
Materials Science and Engineering, Materials Processing Center,  
Materials at MIT


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sloan Automotive Laboratory FALL 2010 SEMINAR SERIES

Speaker: Prof. John Heywood

Time: 4:15p–5:30p

Location: 37-212

Sloan Automotive Laboratory FALL 2010 SEMINAR SERIES
Seminar on topics related to engines, fuels, vehicle behavior, broader  
transportation energy questions presented by graduate students,  
faculty, researchers, and special guest speakers of the Sloan  
Automotive Laboratory.

Topic: Trends in Automotive Technology, and Their Impacts

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): Mechanical Engineering Dept.

For more information, contact:
Janet Maslow
jsabio at mit.edu


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Robots Working with People

Speaker: Rodney Brooks, Professor Emeritus, MIT & Chairman & CTO,  
Heartland Robotics

Time: 4:30p–5:30p

Location: 32-123

Dertouzos Lecturer Series 2010/2011
The Dertouzos Lecturer Series has been a tradition since 1976,  
featuring some of the most influential thinkers in computer science,  
including Bill Gates, Steven Jobs, Donald Knuth, John McCarthy, and  
Mitchell Kapor. Formerly the Distinguished Lecturer Series, the series  
has been renamed in memory of Michael Dertouzos, Director for the Lab  
for Computer Science from 1974 to 2001.

Abstract: Moore's law exponentials continue to help low cost robots  
achieve new capabilities. Over the next two decades the majority of  
robot deployments will be in situations where people and robots work  
as a team. Sometimes the teamwork will be spread over time and space,  
and sometimes it will be close physical interaction. Application areas  
range from driving, to domestic chores, to healthcare, to services, to  
agriculture, and to manufacturing. Sometimes the robots will be tools,  
and sometimes they will be partners.

Biography: Rodney Brooks is the Panasonic Professor of Robotics,  
emeritus, at MIT. Until 2007 he was director of CSAIL, the MIT  
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. He is  
curently the founder, chairman, and CTO of Heartland Robotics. He is a  
current board member, co-founder, and former chairman and CTO of  
iRobot (NASDAQ: IRBT). His research interests span humanoid robotics,  
mobile robots, computer vision, artificial life, and the nature of  
sentience, both wet and dry.

Web site:http://www.csail.mit.edu/events/eventcalendar/calendar.php?show=event

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): CSAIL

For more information, contact:
Colleen Russell
crussell at csail.mit.edu


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Communications Forum: Communications in Slow-Moving Crises

Speaker: Abrahm Lustgarten, ProPublica; Andrea Pitzer, Nieman  
Storyboard; Rosalind Williams, MIT STS

Time: 5:00p–7:00p

Location: 4-231

Civic Media Series

Governments, corporations, and communities plan for sudden crises: the  
White House drafts strong responsive rhetoric for the next terrorist  
attack; Toyota runs reassuring national TV spots within hours of a  
product recall; and 32 Massachusetts towns successfully publicize  
water distribution sites following a water main rupture.

But some crises are complex, not amenable to news flashes and  
emergency warnings. Like the housing collapse or the recent Gulf oil  
spill, these crises don?t fit traditional media frameworks.. Because  
they are slow-moving, simmering rather than boiling dramas, all our  
media struggle both rhetorically and technologically to cover them.

With government regulators weak, corporations still focused on the  
bottom line, and communities adapting to structural change, this  
Communications Forum asks: What new media tools and strategies can be  
used to help everyone better prepare for the unique communications  
challenges of slow-moving crises?

Web site: http://web.mit.edu/comm-forum/
Open to: the general public
Cost: Free
Sponsor(s): Communications Forum, Center for Future Civic Media
For more information, contact:
Andrew Whitacre
awhit at mit.edu


BUILDing the Future: Energy Efficiency made in Germany

November 18, 2010  6:00p–8:30p

The architect who built the first certified passive house in China,  
Ingrid Spengler, travels from Hamburg, to Boston to present her work  
for the Expo 2010 Shanghai. That building had to be adapted from a  
model designed for Hamburg, by the way the European Green Capital 2011  
(http://hamburggreencapital.eu/) to the different climate (plus  
technological and workforce advancement) of Shanghai (see also http://www.expo2010-english.hamburg.de/) 
. Matt Noblett from the Boston office of Behnisch Architekten will  
introduce the new Unilever HQ in Hamburg Hafencity, an exciting  
sustainable urban development in a city that has so much in common  
with Boston. The evening will be rounded out by a networking reception  
hosted by Bodo Liesenfeld, Hamburg Ambassador to Boston.

Category:  lectures/conferences

Location:  Seaport Hotel, Boston Plaza B Ballroom

Sponsored by:  MIT Energy Campus Events

Admission:  Open to the public

Tickets available from Please register at: Please register at http://buildingthefuture.eventbrite.com

For more information:  http://www.germany.info/BuildingTheFutureBoston


Energy Discussions: Getting Renewables on the Grid

November 18, 2010  6:00p–7:00p

Perhaps the biggest challenge of switching to renewable energy  
generation is accommodating the uncontrollable swings in energy output  
when clouds roll in or the wind picks up. Wind and solar generation  
produces power that varies on scales of minutes to seasons. In order  
to deploy wind and solar at large scale, we need to learn to deal  
effectively with that variability. Join members of the MIT Energy Club  
and experts from the MIT Future of the Electric Grid study to discuss  
what changes in the system operation of the grid will allow us to  
mitigate the impact of intermittency as more renewables come online.

Please prepare for the discussion by reading the articles on the event  

A light dinner will be served.

Category:  MIT events/clubs: interest clubs/groups

Speaker:  Tim Heidel and Richard Zhang

Location:  56-167

Sponsored by:  MIT Energy Club

Admission:  Open to the public

For more information:

Contact Rebecca Dell:  rwdell (at) mit.edu


Friday, November 19, 2010
Computation Lecture Series FA'10
Speaker: Timothy Prestero- CEO, Design that Matters
Time: 12:30p–2:00p
Location: 7-431
Title: Better by Design
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Computation Group Events, Department of Architecture
For more information, contact:
Daniela Stoudenkova
danielas at mit.edu


Friday, November 19
12:30 to 2:00 PM
MIT Room 32-155

"C-ROADS: the Climate-Rapid Overview And Decision Support Simulator"

John D. Sterman

John D. Sterman will present how the failure of the Copenhagen climate  
conference demonstrates a pressing need for flexible, user-friendly  
analytical tools to quickly yet reliably assess the impacts of the  
rapidly evolving proposals for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Such  
tools should enable negotiators, policymakers and other stakeholders,  
including the general public, to understand the relationships among  
proposals for emissions reductions, concentrations of GHGs in the  
atmosphere, and resulting climate impacts. He will describe and  
demonstrate the Climate-Rapid Overview And Decision Support Simulator  
(C-ROADS), a user-friendly, interactive computer model of the climate  
system. He will present the structure of the model, compare it to more  
complex models, and discuss how policymakers and other parties use it.


Friday, November 19, 2010
Architecture Lecture
Speaker: Michael Meredith, MOS Architects, New Haven
Time: 6:30p–8:30p
Location: 7-431
Web site: http://architecture.mit.edu/
Open to: the general public
Cost: Free
Sponsor(s): Department of Architecture
For more information, contact:




Monday, November 15, 9 a.m.
Theodore H. White Seminar on the Press and Politics with Mindy Finn,  
GOP online political consultant at Engage; Charles Gibson, former ABC  
News anchor, Shorenstein Center Fellow; William Greider, national  
affairs correspondent for The Nation, 2010 Nyhan Prize winner;David  
King, Lecturer at Harvard Kennedy School; Susan Milligan, former  
Boston Globe reporter, IOP Fellow; Alex S. Jones, moderator,  
Shorenstein Center Director.
Malkin Penthouse, Littauer Building


How Social Networks Shape Human Behavior
Prof. Alex 'Sandy' Pentland, MIT Human Dynamics Lab
When:  Nov 15, 2010 | 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Where:  Maxwell Dworkin 119

We have developed robust models of how social network dynamics shape  
human behavior.  These models are constructed by use of data collected  
by my research group's unique `reality mining' sensor platforms, which  
allow us to track the behavior of hundreds of people in great detail  
and over long periods of time.  The resulting models bring into  
question traditional ideas about group selection in evolution, the  
role of trust in society, the nature of social learning, and economic  
mechanism design.
Contact:  Carol Harlow
harlow at seas.harvard.edu


Why Developing Countries Urgently Need a Global Climate Deal ... and  
Why They Shouldn't Wait for One”
Tue., Nov. 16, 2010, 4 – 5 p.m.
Northwest Labs B-101
52 Oxford Street
Cambridge, MA
Environmental Sciences, Lecture, Science, Social Sciences
Harvard University Center for the Environment; Center for  
International Development; Bank of America
Andrew Steer, special envoy for climate change, World Bank;  
discussants include John Briscoe, Gordon McKay Professor of the  
Practice of Environmental Engineering, Harvard University (School of  
Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard School of Public Health and  
Harvard Kennedy School); and Daniel Schrag, professor of earth and  
planetary sciences and professor of environmental science and  
engineering, and director, Harvard University Center for the Environment
Lisa Matthews: lisa_matthews at harvard.edu, 617.495.8883
Join HUCE for the first "Green Conversations" lecture of the semester,  
featuring Andrew Steer. Steer became special envoy for climate change  
at the World Bank in July 2010. He is responsible for guiding the bank  
group's work on climate change and further advancing its internal  
capabilities in this area. In his post, which ranks at the level of  
vice president, he will also oversee the multibillion dollar Climate  
Investment Funds and help mobilize climate financing.
Prior to his appointment, Steer served for three years as director  
general, policy and research at the UK Department of International  
Development in London. Steer has three decades of experience working  
on development issues at the country level in Africa and Asia, and on  
global development issues. He has a Ph.D. in economics from the  
University of Pennsylvania, has written widely on development issues,  
and has taught economics at several universities.
Green Conversations are sponsored by the Harvard University Center for  
the Environment with generous support from Bank of America. This  
lecture is co-sponsored with the Harvard University Center for  
International Development Sustainability Science Program. Free and  
open to the public.


Farming the Ogallala Aquifer: Short and Long-run Impacts of  
Unsustainable Water Use
Wed., Nov. 17, 2010, 4:10 – 5:30 p.m.
Room L-382, 79 John F. Kennedy Street, 02138
Business, Environmental Sciences, Lecture, Social Sciences
Harvard Kennedy School
Richard Hornbeck, Harvard University, and Pinar Keskin, Wesleyan  


Science in the News' 11th Annual Free Lecture Series
Star Power:  New Ways to Harvest Energy from Our Sun
Wed., Nov. 17, 2010, 7 – 9 p.m.
Armenise Amphitheatre
Harvard Medical School
200 Longwood Ave
Boston, MA 02115
Education, Environmental Sciences, Ethics, Health Sciences, Lecture,  
Science, Special Events
Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Harvard Medical School  
Division of Medical Sciences
sitnboston at gmail.com
Free weekly science seminars about today's hottest science topics.


What's Next? Feasible Options for Climate Policy in the United States
Thu., Nov. 18, 2010, 1:15 – 2:30 p.m.
Harvard Kennedy School's Belfer Building, 5th Floor, Bell Hall
Business, Classes/Workshops, Education, Environmental Sciences,  
Lecture, Science, Social Sciences
Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business & Government, Harvard Kennedy  
Professor Robert Stavins, Harvard Kennedy School


Breaking through Bureaucracy for Speedy Recovery: Lessons Learned from  
Post-Tsunami Indonesia
Thu., Nov. 18, 2010, 5 – 6:30 p.m.
Taubman 301, Harvard Kennedy School
Lecture, Social Sciences
Program on Crisis Leadership, Harvard University Asia Center
Free, open to the Harvard community
David Giles: david_giles at harvard.edu, 617.496.4165
The Dec. 26, 2004 tsunami that devastated coastal areas along the  
Indian Ocean caused particularly extensive damage in north Sumatra,  
where destructive waves traveled more than five kilometers inland and  
tragically killed well more than 100,000 area residents. In this  
session of the Program on Crisis Leadership's (PCL) “Disaster  
Management in Asia” seminar series, Maggy Horhoruw, formerly with the  
Director’s Office of the Indonesian Rehabilitation and Reconstruction  
Agency (BRR), will highlight lessons learned from the massive recovery  
effort that followed, which not only involved scores of Indonesian  
governmental agencies but hundreds of international donors and aid  
organizations as well.
Doug Ahlers, a PCL faculty affiliate and adjunct lecturer in public  
policy who teaches the course “Disaster Recovery Management and Urban  
Development: Rebuilding New Orleans,” will serve as discussant,  
linking Horhoruw’s observations to other major recovery efforts.
The event is the second session in the 2010/2011 Disaster Management  
in Asia Seminar Series, co-sponsored by PCL and the Harvard University  
Asia Center.
All members of the Harvard community are welcome to attend.


Thoreau as Climatologist: Tracking 160 Years of Climate Change
Thu., Nov. 18, 2010, 6 – 8 p.m.
Harvard Museum of Natural History
24 Oxford Street
Education, Environmental Sciences, Lecture, Science
Harvard Museum of Natural History
Charles Davis, assistant professor of organismic and evolutionary  
biology and curator in the Harvard Herbarium
Free and open to the public
Henry David Thoreau initiated a study of flowering times at Walden  
Pond. Today, a research team including Charles Davis, assistant  
professor of organismic and evolutionary biology, has updated  
Thoreau’s records with current data and integrated them with modern  
evolutionary biology to reveal how climate change and earlier  
flowering times have affected Walden’s plants. Join Davis to explore  
an integrated approach to climate change and biodiversity. Part of the  
Asa Gray Bicentennial series.


FREETHINK at HARVARD: Sustainability Demands New Leadership Skills
Fri., Nov. 19, 2010, 6 – 7 p.m.
Online at www.alumni.extension.harvard.edu
Business, Environmental Sciences, Lecture, Special Events
Harvard Extension Alumni Association
Jack Spengler, Akira Yamaguchi Professor of Environmental Health and  
Habitation, Harvard School of Public Health, and director of the  
Harvard Extension School's graduate program in Sustainabilty and  
Environmental Management
Free and open to the public
Ian Jackson: ijackson at fas.harvard.edu, 617.998.8514
Professor Jack Spengler discusses how corporations are meeting the  
challenges facing their organizations as a result of climate change.  
View discussion followed by Q & A from around the world.




Nov17 Wed 6:00 PM
Boston University
640 Commonwealth Ave.
Student Lounge
Boston, MA 02215

Hacks/Hackers Boston, in partnership with the Boston University School  
of Communication, Department of Journalism, and the Society of  
Professional Journalists, is presenting a panel discussion on "Legal  
liability in the age of WikiLeaks."

In the Internet age, where are the boundaries that separate safe  
reporting from libel charges? What are the online potholes that can  
lead to a courtroom?
6-8 p.m.: 6-7 for fun schmoozing; 7-8 for panel discussions

A panel discussion with some of the top First Amendment attorneys in  
the state (with plenty of time for questions):
-- Attorney Jon Albano of Bingham McCutcheon is deputy managing  
partner of Bingham’s Boston office and co-chairs the firm’s  
Entertainment, Media & Communications Group. His practice focuses  
primarily on constitutional and commercial litigation. Jon has been  
listed in the Best Lawyers in America, First Amendment practice, for  
10 years; is listed in Chambers USA, America’s Leading Business  
Lawyers, First Amendment Litigation; was named one of the top  
Massachusetts lawyers four years in a row by Super Lawyers. Jon has  
represented newspapers, broadcasters, publishers, universities,  
nonprofit organizations and individuals in cases involving a variety  
of constitutional issues, including free speech rights; the public’s  
right of access to information; and privacy, defamation and equal  
protection claims.
-- Attorney Robert A. Bertsche is a partner at Prince Lobel, where he  
practices media, internet, and employment law. Rob gave up a not-so- 
promising career as a newspaper and magazine reporter in order to  
attend Harvard Law School, where he earned his J.D. in 1989. Since  
then, he has represented newspapers, magazines, bloggers,  
broadcasters, and websites in matters involving libel, privacy,  
freedom of information, subpoenas and reporter's privilege, prior  
restraint, copyright, trademark, and related areas. Rob also serves as  
general counsel to the New England Newspaper and Press Association.
-- Moderator: Dan Kennedy, assistant professor at Northeastern's  
School of Journalism, specializing in new media trends, and Media  
Nation blogger.

RSVP at http://meetupbos.hackshackers.com/calendar/15344482/?eventId=15344482&action=detail

Jim Gordon, President Cape Wind

November 18, 2010  6:00p–8:00p

Cape Wind president Jim Gordon will present a lecture on his efforts  
and challenges faced in starting the country's first offshore wind  
farm. The event will be held in the Boston University School of  
Management's auditorium, is free of charge, and open to the public. No  
registration is required.

Category:  lectures/conferences

Location:  BU School of Management 595 Comm. Ave

Sponsored by:  MIT Energy Campus Events, BU Energy Club

Admission:  Open to the public

For more information:  buenergy at bu.edu




November 17, 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM

"Nanoscale Catalysts for Clean Energy"   Maria Flytzani-Stephanopoulos
sponsored by: Tufts School of Engineering

Location: Medford/Somerville Campus
Anderson Hall
Nelson Auditorium
Admission: free
Description: Chemical and Biological Engineering Professor Maria  
Flytzani-Stephanopoulos is the first Robert and Marcy Haber Endowed  
Professor in Energy Sustainability. She will give a lecture on her  
research on nanoscale catalysts for clean energy production. Her  
research into catalysts "materials that speed up chemical reactions"  
is focused on the reforming of fuels, including biomass-derived "green  
fuels," to generate hydrogen, the "future fuel."
Contact: Tamara Cleary Tamara.Cleary at tufts.edu


Virtual Reality Technology
November 18, 2010
2:50 pm - 4:00 pm
Halligan 111
Speaker: Jeffrey Jacobson, PublicVR
Host: Rob Jacob
Virtual Reality (VR) is a new medium that has captured the public  
imagination, offering nothing less than a way for us to extend our  
social space from the physical into the electronic. Recently, the term  
has expanded from the old-fashioned flight simulators and three- 
dimensional optical displays to computer games and shared worlds on  
the Internet. In this discussion, we will survey the existing  
technologies and their uses, especially modern low-cost methods. We  
will look at the human factors elements, how the sensory illusions  
work, and the phenomena of presence and embodiment.

Jeffrey Jacobson is the Director of PublicVR, a non-profit dedicated  
to freeware and research in Virtual Reality for education. See http://publicvr.org

Background reading:  http://publicvr.org/egypt/oracle/whitepaper.pdf


MA College of Art


Media Tech Tonic #17: Ryan Evans: Information Architecture in the Age  
of Mobile Devices
Our next speaker will be Ryan Evans, Director of Experience Design at  
Corey McPherson Nash. He will speak about the unique challenges  
presented to information architects faced designing for web-connected  
mobile devices.

Event Details
Location: MassArt, 621 Huntington Avenue, Boston
Room: Tower Building, Room 312
Date: Thursday, November 18, 2010
Time: 6:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. (we suggest arriving a little early to  
get a good seat)
RSVP: Not required for this event, free and open to the public.
In a world where mobile access and mobile action is assumed by users,  
how do we ideate and plan for Web and application interfaces? Small  
screens and limited input options frustrate UX designers but  
geolocation, touch screens, and real-time alerts open new doors. We  
will discuss how mobile devices blow up standard information  
architecture practice around hierarchy, organization, and navigation  
and how we can bring the pieces back together to construct coherent,  
actionable, inviting interfaces that meet user goals.
Speaker Bio
Ryan joined Corey in 1995 and since that time has played a critical  
role in developing Corey’s award-winning Web work and interactive work  
process. Ryan leads the critical process of understanding user needs  
and mapping those to information architecture, user experience and  
design. His clients include Harvard Business School, Museum of Science  
Boston, Tuck School of Business, Ernst & Young Center for Business  
Innovation, MIT OpenCourseWare, Forrester Research, Northern Light,  
Pleasant Company, Direct Hit, and the Massachusetts Office of Child  
Care Services. His work has been recognized with awards from MITX and  
the American Institute of Graphic Artists (AIGA). Prior to joining  
Corey, Ryan was a researcher at the MIT Media Lab he specialized in  
content-based interactive storytelling. He holds an MS (Media Arts and  
Sciences) and a BS (Computer Science and Engineering), both from MIT.



Intercollegiate Energy Social - John Harvard's

November 16, 2010  7:00p–9:00p

Are you interested in energy? Come to the Intercollegiate Energy  
Social this Tuesday for an evening of energy debate and discussion!  
All are welcome, and energy clubs from schools across the region are  
invited to this intercollegiate mixer. This will be a unique  
opportunity to meet graduate and undergraduate students who are  
passionate about energy. Hope to see you there! This social is  
organized by the Collegiate Energy Association, for more information  
visit collegeenergy.org!

Over and under 21 welcome.

Invited clubs:
Babson Energy and Environment Club
Boston University Energy Club
Fletcher Energy Consortium
Harvard Business School Energy and Environment Club
Harvard Energy Journal Club
Harvard Kennedy School Energy and Environment Professional Interest  
MIT Energy Club
MIT Sloan Energy & Environment Club
Tufts Energy Forum

Category:  MIT events/clubs: social

Location:  John Harvard's (Harvard Square) -Meet in the bar area

Sponsored by:  MIT Energy Club

Admission:  Open to the public

For more information:

Contact MIT Energy Club
energyclub at mit.edu


GIS Day social tweetup #GISDBOS
Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 6:00 PM (ET)
Kennedy's Midtown
42 Province Street
Boston, MA 02109

Event Details
Come join us for a GIS Day social tweetup celebration.  Come hang out  
with others who can share your joy and pain over using GIS.
It's going to be an informal gathering, no name tags, no agenda...  
just find a seat at the bar and let's hang out and talk about GIS and  
spatial fun.
Please RSVP so we the bar can set aside some space for us. Also,  
please use the #GISDBOS hash tag so we can track the conversation  



Boston Arduino Users Groups

	• Date: 11/18/10, 12/16/10, 1/20/10, 2/17/10
	• Location: Microsoft New England R&D Center, One Memorial Drive,  
Cambridge, MA 02142
	• Time: 6-9pm
	• Audience: Students, hobbyists and professionals interested in  
Arduino microcontroller development.
	• Description: Informal and open meeting for people to discuss their  
Arduino projects, get help with Arduino software development, system  
and circuit design. All are welcome. Students are especially  
encouraged to participate.

Register at http://www.meetup.com/The-Boston-Arduino-Users-Group


Please join us at Smallbean World Headquarters to celebrate the  
ongoing success of the Smallbean Citizen Archivist Project in Kenya.  
Meet Smallbean staff, volunteers & fellow Smallbean supporters at a  
free event and immerse yourself in the fantabulous oral history  
interviews, audio and video footage collected by Smallbean-trained  
Citizen Archivists. Plus, get a sneak preview at some of the very cool  
technology initiatives keeping Smallbean busy this winter. Light  
refreshments and drinks provided!
--The Smallbean Event Committee

• WHERE: 515 Beacon Street, Boston

• When: 7 - 9pm, Thurs. Nov. 18, 2010

• How much: FREE

• More info: www.smallbean.org • 617-600-8314


Help Out on a Deep Energy Retrofit

November 20 from 9 to 5, in a small ranch house in Framingham.  The  
family hopes to eventually reach zero net energy use.
We will be drilling into the concrete walls and screwing three inches  
of Thermax board into the basement walls. The work already completed  
will be visible to all who are curious. This includes the sealing of  
the attic, installation of ventilation chutes, a new icenene product  
which is the greenest made (with the least embodied energy), four   
inches of polyisocyanurate on the exterior walls, windows that are  
screwed into the outside of the poly (extended).  Since the family has  
two toddlers, they would have a hard time doing the work on their own.

This is a great chance to learn hands-on skills doing deep energy  
retrofits under the expert supervision of Kerry Koskinen of  
Byggmeister Associates.

If you would like to participate, please email Jason Taylor (jason.taylor727 at gmail.com 
). Food and drinks will be provided.




Feel free to forward info about this FREE workshop.

Dear concerned food advocate,

We all care about food, right?	Maybe we want to support farmers’  
markets or
we belong to a Community Shared Agriculture program. Maybe our kids  
eat school
lunches.  Maybe we want to make sure city dwellers have access to  
fresh food.
Maybe we’re concerned about the future of farms. Maybe we want to  
improve the
quality of our mealtime conversations.

No matter what, we need to be able to talk to each other.  In fact, to  
be the
best advocates for whatever we believe in, we need to be able to  
people with whom we may disagree.

In honor of U.N. World Food Day, Public Conversations and The Family  
Project are offering a free dialogue workshop for anyone who is  
working on
issues around access to healthy food.  The workshop will introduce  
to dialogue as a tool for building better relationships and more  
interpersonal communication, even across contentious issues.

Join us on Monday, November 22, 9:30 am-noon for a free workshop.

For 20 years, the Public Conversations Project (www.publicconversations.org 
has been helping groups divided by values, worldviews, or identities  
critical discussions about what they care about most deeply, so that  
they can
live or work together.

The Family Dinner Project (www.thefamilydinnerproject.org)  is a start- 
grassroots movement of food, fun and conversation about things that  
Families come together to share their experiences and insights to help  
other realize the benefits of family dinners.

For more information or to RSVP please contact Alison Streit Baron at:
abaron at publicconversations.org
Limited space available—please RSVP by November 19.

This workshop will be held at 51 Kondazian Street, Watertown, which is
accessible via bus 71 from Harvard Square.  Free parking is available.

Link to this event...
On our website


Or tweet it! woww.it/food To subscribe to the Boston Food System list,  
click on the following:




To members of the Climate CoLab community,

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new Climate CoLab contest,
as well as a major upgrade of our software platform.

The contest will address the question: What international climate
agreements should the world community make?

The first round ended on October 31 and the final round runs through
November 26.

In early December, the United Nations and U.S. Congress will be
briefed on the winning entries.

We are raising funds in the hope of being able to pay travel expenses
for one representative from each winning team to attend one or both of
these briefings.

Learn more at http://climatecolab.org

We also encourage you to fill out your profiles and add a picture, so
that members of the community can get to know each other.

And please inform anyone you believe might be interested about the

Editorial Comment:  I played a previous version of this simulation.
This time around, I like the 350 plan which is as close to zero
emissions as the exercise will get.




Boston Food System

"The Boston Food System [listserv] provides a forum to post  
announcements of events, employment opportunities, internships,  
programs, lectures, and other activities as well as related articles  
or other publications of a non-commercial nature covering the area's  
food system - food, nutrition, farming, education, etc. - that take  
place or focus on or around Greater Boston (broadly delineated)."

The Boston area is one of the most active nationwide in terms of food  
system activities - projects, services, and events connected to food,  
farming, nutrition - and often connected to education, public health,  
environment, arts, social services and other arenas.   Hundreds of  
organizations and enterprises cover our area, but what is going on  
week-to-week is not always well publicized.

Hence, the new Boston Food System listserv, as the place to let  
everyone know about these activities.  Specifically:
Use of the BFS list will begin soon, once we get a decent base of  
subscribers.  Clarification of what is appropriate to announce and  
other posting guidelines will be provided as well.

It's easy to subscribe right now at https://elist.tufts.edu/wws/subscribe/bfs


Artisan Asylum  http://artisansasylum.com/

Sprout & Co:  Community Driven Investigations  http://thesprouts.org/studios

Greater Boston Solidarity Economy Mapping Project  http://www.transformationcentral.org/solidarity/mapping/mapping.html
a project by Wellesley College students that invites participation


Links to events at 60 colleges and universities at Hubevents   http://hubevents.blogspot.com

Thanks to

Fred Hapgood's Selected Lectures on Science and Engineering in the
Boston Area  http://fhapgood.fastmail.fm/site02.html

Boston Area Computer User Groups  http://www.bugc.org/




Energy (and Other) Events is a weekly mailing list published most
Sundays covering events around the Cambridge, MA and greater Boston
area that catch the editor's eye.

Hubevents  http://hubevents.blogspot.com is the web version.

If you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe to Energy (and Other) Events
email gmoke at world.std.com

More information about the Act-MA mailing list