[act-ma] Greenpeace's ship Arctic Sunrise comes to Boston

David Lands dlands at greenpeace.org
Tue Feb 1 12:10:22 PST 2011

We are very excited to announce that the Greenpeace ship, the Arctic
Sunrise, is arriving in Boston this February as part of our East coast Coal
Free Future Tour!

This is a great way to highlight and build momentum for our fight for a
coal-free Massachusetts and our campaign to shut down America's oldest and
dirtiest coal-burning power plants, like Salem Harbor Station in Salem, MA,

America's oldest and dirtiest coal-burning power plants are destroying
communities, poisoning our air and water, making our children sick and
driving global warming. So far, industry pressure has prevented government
from delivering the clean energy that most Americans want. That’s why
communities are banding together to shut these plants down now.

Join the movement to get coal out of the way of clean energy, and give our
elected officials the courage they need to protect our health and
environment.  Greenpeace is ready to fight the coal industry alongside the
communities that know clean energy and clean air are vital for their health
and safety.

That’s why communities like Boston are banding together to shut these plants
down now and replace them with clean renewable energy like wind and solar.
Greenpeace is sailing up the coast to bring together communities to share
strategies, information and solutions, energize local campaigns against coal
plants, and support local groups. We’ll be hosting a variety of activities
including free open boat tours, marches and rallies, community forums, and

Come join us and help build a Coal Free Future powered by wind, solar and
communities like yours!

We have a lot of different events planned, so be sure to check out the RSVP
page. And please RSVP if you are interested in attending anything that is
going on so that we can get you more information.

RSVP page: http://members.greenpeace.org/event/view/4022/

For the planet,

David Lands
Boston Field Organizer
Greenpeace USA
dlands at greenpeace.org

David Lands
New England Field Organizer
david.lands at greenpeace.org
617.749.1322 (office)
614.946.0563 (mobile)
Facebook: Greenpeace New England (Boston)
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