[act-ma] Tues., March 15, "THE FUTURE OF THE GREEN MOVEMENT IN IRAN in the wake of Arab/Middle East Uprisings"

John Lampert goodmanjl at comcast.net
Wed Mar 9 17:13:56 PST 2011

>From John Lampert:

The following program is being sponsored by Belmont/Watertown Amnesty International Chapter:


On Tuesday, March 15 at the Watertown Public Library, 123 Main St., at 7:30PM Sohrab Ahmari will speak on "The Future of the Green Movement in Iran in the wake of Arab/Middle East Uprisings."  He is co-editor of Re-Orient, Palgrave MacMillan's forthecoming anthology of essays by young Mideast reformers, and a contributor to The People Reloaded: The Green Movement and the Struggle for Iran's Future (Melville House Publishing).  He has written on democratic change in the Muslim world for The Boston Globe, The Guardian, The Huffington Post, The Weekly Standard, Commentary Magazine, PBS/ Frontline, and The Hill's Congress Blog, among others.  It should be an interesting evening.         
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