[act-ma] [UJP] Brown Bag Lunch Vigil: Fund Our Communities, Not War!

United for Justice with Peace ujpcoalition at gmail.com
Mon Apr 18 21:45:39 PDT 2011

UJP: Brown Bag Lunch Vigil: Fund Our Communities, Not War!



		Fund Our Communities tablers with the Budget Game, April 2011


When: Wednesday, April 20, 2011, 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm

Where: downstairs from Senator John Kerry's Office • One Bowdoin Square,
Boston • Bowdoin T 


Register to attend! [1]

This year, 46 states facing deficits have, once again, made significant spending
cuts to crucial services.  In Communities across Massachusetts, teachers, police
and fire fighters continue to face lay offs, libraries are closing or scaling
back hours, and essential services are endangered.

Yet federal assistance to our state is decreasing -- as the Pentagon budget
grows.  On April 18, Massachusetts taxpayers will send $15.6 billion to the
military -- which consumes a startling 60% of the federal discretionary budget.

Tell Senator John Kerry to listen to the people of Massachusetts.  End the
Afghanistan war, scale back military spending, close military bases overseas,
and stop contractor waste and fraud.

Join a Brown Bag Vigil to Fund Our Communities, Not War! The vigil will be held
downstairs from Sen. John Kerry's office.   We will ask passersby to play the
Budget Game -- using poker chips to show how they think the nation's money
should be spent -- and then we'll show them how it is really spent.  Register
to attend! [2]

Let's tell Senator Kerry:

  * Cut the military budget and move the money to our communities

      * Bring the troops home in 2011

      * Hands off Social Security and Medicare

Sponsored by UJP Afghanistan Task Force, Massachusetts Peace Action, Progressive
Democrats of America, and Veterans for Peace/Smedley Butler Brigade.    Email
us at ujpcoalition at gmail.com [3].

Register to attend! [4]


United for Justice with Peace [6] is a coalition of peace and justice
organizations and community peace groups in the Greater Boston region. The UJP
Coalition, formed after September 11th, seeks global peace through social and
economic justice.

Help us continue to do this critical work!   Make a donation to UJP today. [7]



ujpcoalition at gmail.com [8]

            617-383-4UJP (NEW!)

            		www.justicewithpeace.org [9]


Upcoming Events: 


		Brown Bag Lunch Vigil: Fund Our Communities, Not War! [10]

		Wed Apr 20


		downstairs from Senator John Kerry's Office



		Israel and Palestine: Is Peace and Justice Possible? [11]

		Thu Apr 28


		First Church in Jamaica Plain

		Jamaica Plain


		Invest in Our Future: Stop Deep Budget Cuts! [12]

		Thu May 5


		State House



		Matthew Hoh on the Afghanistan War [13]

		Thu May 19





		Raytheon, Missile Offense & Endless War: 19th Annual Space Organizing
Conference [14]

		Fri Jun 17


		Merrimack College

		North Andover


More Peace and Justice Events [15].    How to Submit Events [16] 


Click here to unsubscribe from this newsletter [17]

[1] http://justicewithpeace.org/bblv-register
[2] http://justicewithpeace.org/bblv-register
[3] ujpcoalition at gmail.com
[4] http://justicewithpeace.org/bblv-register
[5] http://justicewithpeace.org
[6] http://justicewithpeace.org
[7] http://justicewithpeace.org/donate
[8] ujpcoalition at gmail.com
[9] http://www.justicewithpeace.org
[10] http://justicewithpeace.org/node/2620
[11] http://justicewithpeace.org/node/2461
[12] http://justicewithpeace.org/node/2591
[13] http://justicewithpeace.org/node/2608
[14] http://justicewithpeace.org/raytheon-space-conference
[15] http://justicewithpeace.org/upcoming-events
[16] http://justicewithpeace.org/posting-events
[17] http://justicewithpeace.org/newsletter/confirm/remove/54b7b5e2b33505t74
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