[act-ma] Union Drive Starts at Tax-Dodging FedEx

nahtanja at gmail.com nahtanja at gmail.com
Sun Jun 26 19:21:17 PDT 2011

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Union Drive Starts at Tax-Dodging FedEx

Union Drive Starts at Tax-Dodging FedEx

Do you pay your fair share in taxes? You probably pay more than your fair  
share for wars, bailouts and corporate givebacks. FedEx, on the other hand,  
dodges taxes left and right as budget cuts are slashing education,  
firehouses, libraries, jobs, benefits, etc.

US Uncut states, “When it comes to paying their fair share of taxes, FedEx  
simply does not deliver. When FedEx made $1.9 billion in profits, they  
managed to pay less than .0005% of it in taxes by using 21 tax havens.  
FedEx also spent 42 times (4200%) more on lobbying Congress than they did  
in taxes.”

Meanwhile, they have cut thousands of jobs, and have paid the FedEx Ground  
CEO David Rebholz over $4.5 million in “compensation” last year. What did  
he do to deserve this reward? Keep wages low and bust unions drives,  
apparently. FedEx Ground package handlers make less than $11,000 a year,  
wages so low they qualify for food stamps and Mass Health while doing  
grueling physical labor with no breaks, no sick days and poverty wages.

FedEx Ground package handlers in Brockton, MA are standing up and fighting  
back. They deserve all of our support. FedEx management has called the cops  
on these workers while they were organizing off of company property. Still,  
Brockton workers filed for election with the NLRB to be represented by  
Teamsters Local 653.

Oppose tax dodging? Hate union busters? Angry about corporate domination?  
Help us organize FedEx workers into unions across the country. Build  
actions to oppose FedEx tax dodging. We can do this. Let's win.

Email: FedUpBrockton at gmail.com

All inquiries are 100% confidential!

* If you can help in any way with this union drive please fill out the form  


Email address

Phone Number

City, State where you live or work

Do you know any Fed Ex workers who might want to join a union?

Are you in a union?

If Yes, which one? And can you help contact your union's solidarity  
committee to help with the Fed Ex union drive?

When are you available to help? During business hours, nights, weekends,  
overnight (Fed Ex workers have shift changes at all times of the day and  

How would you like to help?

I will forward this form to other people I know and email lists I am on to  
get the word out.
I can help collect Fed Ex workers' signatures on union cards.
I can attend solidarity events: Pickets, rallies
I can host a solidarity event: planning meeting , Union movie night, or  
other event.
I can help however I am needed.

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