[act-ma] Mon 18 June: Protest at Boston Federal Reserve Bank

shemdogg shemdogg at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 11 09:47:41 PDT 2011

Boston, MA – The Massachusetts Liberty Preservation Association has scheduled a rally in support of sound money.  Its purpose will be to educate people about how the current financial crisis is due in part to the unstable monetary system, and encourage them to contact their congressman to voice support for.  At noon on Monday, July 18, 2011 concerned citizens will gather on Dewey Square, across from the Boston Federal Reserve Bank for a peaceful demonstration which will include handing out educational materials and waving signs.
The Federal Reserve is the country's third central bank; the First and Second National Banks of the United States went bankrupt amidst rumors of fraud and corruption.  The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 created the current central bank as a hybrid public-private entity responsible for managing the nation's money supply and interest rates.  The original legislation granted Congress no authority to oversee the Federal Reserve's operations.  With no congressional oversight for almost 100 years, the Federal Reserve and its printing presses have devalued the US dollar by over 95%.  Reports of bailouts for foreign banks, including a bank owned by Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi, have raised questions about the Federal Reserve's role in the recent financial crisis.  The Federal Reserve has never once been audited since its inception.
  This rally is open to the public, and people are invited to come educate themselves, demand transparency, and help to restore a system of sound money.
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