[act-ma] [UJP] Ending the Endless Wars and Occupations

United for Justice with Peace info at justicewithpeace.org
Thu Aug 11 23:46:30 PDT 2011

UJP: Ending the Endless Wars and Occupations





Keynote speaker


2011 from Egypt to Libya: Triumph and Turmoil in the Arab world


The Conference

Fall 2011 marks ten years since 9/11, the War on Terror, the Afghanistan War,
and the founding of UJP.  The US/NATO bombing of Libya is the latest in the
series of wars.  Domestically, greed is rampant and serious problems are getting
worse.  Few peace and justice activists can remember a more troubling time.

How did we get here and how can we change things?

What can we learn from the historic events in Egypt, where the people triumphed
against huge odds, and the workers of Wisconsin?

How can the peace movement continue its work to end the wars and cut the
military budget while also building cooperation with the economic and racial
justice movements?

We want a peaceful foreign policy based on democracy to focus on the pressing
economic and human problems that must be solved.



Featuring Presentations by:






Kathy Kelly

            Voices for Creative Nonviolence

Report from Afghanistan and Iraq


Ann Wright

            former U.S. Army Colonel

Report on the Gaza Flotilla and Palestine


Michael McPhearson

            National Coordinator, United for Peace and Justice

Connecting to the War and Home


Will Hopkins

            Iraq Veterans Against the War and New Hampshire Peace Action

The crisis and youth today

About UJP

Born on the very evening of the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers, UJP called for a
peaceful response to the crisis and played a leading role in opposing the
initial attack on Afghanistan and the drive toward war in Iraq.  Dozens of peace
and justice organizations and local community groups soon affiliated with UJP,
which is now the largest peace and justice coalition in Eastern Massachusetts.

UJP sponsored educational programs, vigils, Congressional lobbying, buses to
national protests and organized many demonstrations including the largest on
Boston Common in a generation in an effort to stop the Iraq War. We learned
about the importance of both grassroots and national organizing; the essential
link of the wars abroad to the war at home against workers, people of color, and
immigrants; the reality of multiple approaches to work and strategy and the need
to seek common ground while reserving differences.

Registration Fee $15.   Free for Suffolk University students and faculty with
ID.  No one turned away.   Pre-registration opens August 15 at
http://justiceiwthpeace.org/ten-years-after [1].

Registration opens at 9am at the Donahue Building, 41 Temple St.  (Take the T
to Park St or Government Center.  Do not confuse Temple St. with Temple Place).
  Sessions will be held in Donahue and in the C. Walsh Theatre next door.

Sponsored by United for Justice with Peace and the Suffolk University Department
of Government

Information: info at justicewithpeace.org [2] • 617-373-4857


United for Justice with Peace [4] is a coalition of peace and justice
organizations and community peace groups in the Greater Boston region. The UJP
Coalition, formed after September 11th, seeks global peace through social and
economic justice.

Help us continue to do this critical work!   Make a donation to UJP today. [5]



info at justicewithpeace.org [6]

            617-383-4UJP (NEW!)

            		www.justicewithpeace.org [7]

Upcoming Events: 


		Ending the Endless Wars and Occupations [8]

		Sat Oct 1


		Suffolk University



		Stop the Machine! Create a New World! [9]

		Thu Oct 6


		Freedom Plaza

		Washington, DC


		Social Movements/ Digital Revolutions Conference [10]

		Fri Oct 21


		Lesley University



		Peace in Asia and the Pacific: Alternatives to Militarization [11]

		Fri Oct 21


		American University

		Washington, DC


More Peace and Justice Events [12].    How to Submit Events [13] 


Click here to unsubscribe from this newsletter [14]

[1] http://justicewithpeace.org/ten-years-after
[2] http://info@justicewithpeace.org
[3] http://justicewithpeace.org
[4] http://justicewithpeace.org
[5] http://justicewithpeace.org/donate
[6] info at justicewithpeace.org
[7] http://www.justicewithpeace.org
[8] http://justicewithpeace.org/ten-years-after
[9] http://justicewithpeace.org/node/2904
[10] http://justicewithpeace.org/node/2656
[11] http://justicewithpeace.org/peace-in-asia-pacific
[12] http://justicewithpeace.org/upcoming-events
[13] http://justicewithpeace.org/posting-events
[14] http://justicewithpeace.org/newsletter/confirm/remove/54b7b5e2b33576t74
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