[act-ma] The Deepening Capitalist Economic Crisis And the Fight For Jobs - Militant Labor Forum, Saturday, August 27

Boston Militant Labor Forum bostonmlf at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 24 06:29:07 PDT 2011

The Militant Labor
Forum presents:

Deepening Capitalist Economic Crisis
And the Fight For Jobs


Hear Kevin Dwire, Socialist Workers Party candidate for
Boston City Council At-Large
          Working people face growing unemployment as the
economic crisis continues.  The “stimulus”
plans of the Democrats and Republicans have done nothing to create jobs.  
Socialist Workers Party candidate Kevin Dwire puts
forward the demand for a federally funded public works program to put millions
to work repairing and building the infrastructure needed by working people –
housing, public transport, roads and bridges. Fighting for such a program would undercut
the bosses’ efforts to get working people to compete with each other for scarce
jobs. It would strengthen the unity of our class for coming battles and advance
building the kind of revolutionary working-class movement that can fight for
workers power.
 A factory
worker, Dwire and supporters of the Socialist Workers campaign joined the
picket lines of striking Verizon workers, participated in the actions to defend
abortion rights at the clinic of Dr. Leroy Carhart in Germantown, MD, and have
joined with others in protesting the attacks on immigrant workers by the
federal “Secure Communities” program.
          Saturday, August 27 - 7:30 PM
Militant Labor Forum Hall 
Bennington Street, 2nd floor, 
East Boston, MA 02128
617-569-9169 or email: bostonmlf at yahoo.com  
 Traducción al español   - Suggested Donation -- $5 
 Visit themilitant.com and pathfinderpress.com for news, analysis, and books.
 By train, take the Blue Line to Maverick Station and walk
down Meridian about 5 blocks to Bennington, at the Liberty Plaza
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