[act-ma] Occupy Boston ENTERS DAY 2! Please COME and JOIN the movement!

Brian K bdubkwob at gmail.com
Sat Oct 1 06:18:46 PDT 2011

Hey folks,

Occupy Boston has entered its second day! We will be convening a General
Assembly at 10am. Can you be there? If not, I ask of you: PLEASE COME BY
The strength of this movement depends on YOU, so if you can donate money for
legal aid, food/water/tents/sleeping bags for occupants, or just spread the
word on email, text messaging, Facebook, twitter, etc. then we can build
more support.  Feel free to FORWARD THIS EMAIL, for example.
We camped out in the RAIN last night, so the more solidarity you can bring
us, the better!!
Below is a report of what happened last night, and a sense of why we are

Occupying Boston,

Report on Launch of Occupy Boston, 9/30/11

Last night, we began our Occupy Boston action yesterday at 6pm at Dewey
Square park next to South Station.  Hundreds of people were there from the
Sub-committees met to plan for the official-launch General Assembly, which
began at 7:45pm. By this time we had over 1,000 people filling the entire
square. The Assembly heard introductory speeches from the facilitators, and
followed by reports on all the subcommittees legal, medical, food, direct
action, outreach, media, and arts & culture.

After the GA meeting finished, we broke out into the different teams/
working groups (media, legal, direct action, outreach, etc) for further
planning and organizing. The direct action group planned a spectacular
march, leading hundreds around the financial district starting at 10pm after
a preparatory training by (I think) the medical team.

According to reports, some of the favorite chants included: "How much richer
can they get? Cancel All Student Debt!" as well as "We are many, They are
few! If We All Stand Up...What Can They Do?"
"How do you fix a deficit? End the Wars and tax the rich!"
"We. Are. The 99%."
"Step back, Step Back. We want freedom, freedom. These greedy ass banks, we
don't need 'em, need'em." It was very lively and very well appreciated by
the downtown crowd, including clubbers and restaurant workers.

The march culminated in a demonstration in front of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Boston, where a police line stood guarding the bank from the lively
crowd. You tube video of the march is available here:

After the march and demonstration, people went off to continue team
organizing, get food, set up tents and camps, and talk into the wee hours of
the night about capitalism, corporate greed vs. human need, the need for
more outreach to people of color, and everything else.

We need MORE PEOPLE to get involved in this movement.

See http://occupyboston.com/ for updates, though there might be site outages
due to traffic overload.

We are taking inspiration from the Occupy Wall St. movement which is
spreading across the country like WILDFIRE.
See https://occupywallst.org/ and http://occupytogether.org for more info.
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