[act-ma] Fwd: Speak With the Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers and Youth From Other War Torn Countries Octpber 21, 2011

Susan Serpa neimpeach at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 10:25:16 PDT 2011

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Voices for Creative Nonviolence <info at vcnv.org>
Date: Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 11:59 AM
Subject: Speak With the Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers and Youth From Other
War Torn Countries Octpber 21, 2011
To: neimpeach at gmail.com

     Speak With Youth From Around the World Who "Want to Live Without War."
Hosted by the Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers
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                 GLOBAL DAY of LISTENING
October 21st, 2011 GMT

 6:30 pm Afghanistan time (10 am Eastern, 7 am Pacific), and will continue
for 4 hours
 Check the Global Day of Listening home page for

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stay tuned for information about the Global Days of Listening. Write
GlobalDaysOfListening at gmail.com <globaldaysoflistening at gmail.com> to request
a time to talk.

It is that time again—another opportunity for you to participate in a Global
Day of Listening!  We are contacting you because you participated in the
past and we hope it was meaningful enough that you’ll join us once again on
October 21st, 2011

Every month people around the world listen together to the ordinary people
living in war-torn countries. It a way of letting them know that someone is
listening; that someone is listening to whatever it is they want to share.

We began meeting these 'ordinary people' through the Afghan Youth Peace
and then met others.

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     Please join us in this important discussion. Through listening to those
who suffer the brunt of US foriegn policy we can better understand the human
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Susan C. Paine Serpa
Coordinator, www.JobsForAfghans.org
neimpeach at gmail.com
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