[act-ma] TMRW: Day of Action in Boston in Solidarity with Oakland

Brian K bdubkwob at gmail.com
Tue Nov 1 06:56:48 PDT 2011

*<please forward widely!>


*November 2nd: A Day of Action at Occupy Boston*

*Higher Education for the 99% March at 12:30 PM*

*Gather outside the Federal Reserve Bank, (600 Atlantic Ave. Boston 02210)*

By 2012, student debt will hit a trillion dollars. That’s about 70% of the
total federal deficit. It is already more than total credit card debt.
Meanwhile, universities are acting more and more like corporations, handing
out big salaries and bonuses to administrators while workers on campus
struggle to make a living wage.

Students and workers unite to demand: an end to student debt, good jobs for
all, and education as a human right!  Let’s kick corporate greed out of our

*Action of Solidarity with Occupy Oakland at 5:00 PM*

*Gather at Occupy Boston Camp in Dewey Sq. (near South Station)*

Join the 99% as we stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters from
Oakland,  who had their Occupy camp violently raided on October 25th. The
Occupy movement has announced a national day of action on November 2nd in
solidarity with Occupy Oakland. Together, as students, labor, the
unemployed and all members of the 99%, we will take to the street and send
a message that our movement will not be silenced!

*Statement of Solidarity, passed by the Boston General Assembly on October
30, 2011:

In the early morning of October 11, the Boston Police Department assaulted
our right to freedom of speech and assembly when they arrested and detained
141 peaceful protesters. They tackled elderly veterans and subjected many
of us to a 13-hour detention in cold jail cells without food. Hours after
the raid, Mayor Menino trashed all of the tents, sleeping bags, laptops,
and other personal property with which we had previously assembled.

Exactly two weeks later, Occupy Oakland was attacked by hundreds of riot
police. The same week many other Occupy encampments across several US
cities witness the same level of repression and destruction of their camp.
Under the supervision of Mayor Jean Quan and knowledge of President Obama,
who was present in San Francisco, their occupation site and personal
property were completely destroyed by the police. Among the wreckage, were
medical facilities, supplies, community kitchen that fed hundreds, and the
new homes of scores of occupiers, many whom were previously homeless. One
protestor, Iraq war veteran Scott Olson, member of Iraq Veterans Against
the War (IVAW) and Veterans for Peace, was hospitalized after sustaining
injuries from the police attack. The police used rubber bullets, tear gas,
flash grenades, and sound cannons in an attempt to smash the Occupy Oakland
movement with overwhelming force.

*The Oakland General Assembly has called for a general strike on Wednesday,
November 2nd <http://www.occupyoakland.org/>*. We support that call and
stand with Oakland in saying:

+ We stand in full solidarity with Occupy Oakland, Occupy Chicago, Occupy
Denver, Occupy Wall St. and any other Occupy movement in the US. and across
the world!

+ We condemn the police raids in Boston, Oakland, Nashville, Austin, New
York City and other similar attacks that have targeted the Occupy movement
across the country!.

+ We stand in full solidarity with Iraq War veteran Scott Olsen, who
suffered the most brutal manifestation of the police crackdown on the
Occupy Oakland encampment!

+ We support the call to ask Mayor Jean Quan to resign!

+ We support judges and any other city officials who have refused, and will
continue to refuse carrying out any acts of violence and repression against
the Occupy movement in the interest of the 1%

+We urge all members of the 99% to take action on November 2nd to send a
message that we will not be silenced, despite the attempt by mayors and
police departments in Boston, Oakland, and across the country to repress
and stifle our movement.

In Solidarity,

Occupy Boston

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