[act-ma] Occupy the Sate House! No 3 Strikes in MA! Thursday 1:00pm

Susan intishari at gmail.com
Wed Nov 9 07:29:46 PST 2011

Please Forward Widely

_*It's time to bring Occupy to the State House!  1:00pm Thursday Outside 
Senate Chambers!  Stop 3-Strikes law!  Stop revolving prison door!  ACT 

The Massachusetts Senate is debating a bill that would have disastrous 
impacts on the Commonwealth.  If S.2054 passes, the following would 
happen -

*1. Massachusetts would institute the worst, most harsh, 3-strikes law 
in the country
2. Parole eligibility, for lifers, would move from 15 to 25 years
3. Mandatory post release supervision would be forced upon ALL people 
incarcerated in Massachusetts prisons, thus increasing the revolving 
door of recidivism
4. Mandatory Minimum Sentences would HARDLY experience any reforms*

This piece of legislation will cause great harm to communities of color, 
poor/low-income communities, LGBTQ communities, and all those who 
experience the long arm of the Massachusetts justice system.  While 
hurting our communities, the bill would also allocate millions upon 
millions of more dollars to an already bloated prison system.

At 1:00pm tomorrow, Thursday, the Senate will begin debating this bill.  
Just as hundreds of cities across the country and around the world have 
begun to occupy their common spaces, we call upon people to come and 
occupy our State House, outside the Senate Chambers, at 1:00pm.  This 
bill MUST be thrown out completely.

This is the time to stand up and use our bodies and our voices to demand 
our communities be protected from the violence of this bill.

We also stand in solidarity with the 11:00am rally called for by the 
Center for Church and Prison outside the State House.  A diversity of 
tactics will be required for us to win the fight against this bill.

Endorsement has been given by the Criminal Justice Policy Coalition and 
The Real Cost of Prisons Project, all other endorsements are welcomed 
and encouraged.  email: no3strikes at gmail.com 
<mailto:no3strikes at gmail.com> for more information.

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