[act-ma] 12/3 (Tonight) Beyond Capitalism - with Gar Alperovitz

Suren Moodliar suren at fairjobs.org
Fri Dec 2 22:55:32 PST 2011

For directions visit: http://www.encuentro5.org Details follow below.

 1. Alperovitz: America Beyond Capitalism
 When they say, "there's no alternative..."

*Saturday, December 3, 2011, 6:00 p.m.  *As discontent with the economic
and political status quo mounts in the wake of the “great recession”,
America Beyond Capitalism is a book whose time has come. Gar Alperovitz’s
expert diagnosis of the long-term structural crisis of the American
economic and political system is accompanied by detailed, practical answers
to the problems we face as a society. Unlike many books that reserve a few
pages of a concluding chapter to offer generalized, tentative solutions,
Alperovitz marshals years of research into emerging “new economy”
strategies to present a comprehensive picture of practical bottom-up
efforts currently underway in thousands of communities across the United
States. All democratize wealth and empower communities, not corporations:
worker-ownership, cooperatives, community land trusts, social enterprises,
along with many supporting municipal, state and longer term federal
strategies as well. America Beyond Capitalism is a call to arms, an
eminently practical roadmap for laying foundations to change a faltering
system that increasingly fails to sustain the great American values of
equality, liberty and meaningful democracy.

*Gar Alperovitz is the Lionel R. Bauman Professor of Political Economy at
the University of Maryland and co-founder of the Democracy Collaborative.
He is the author of numerous books, including Unjust Deserts (with Lew
Daly), Making a Place For Community (with Thad Williamson and David
Imbroscio), Rebuilding America (with Jeff Faux) and, in connection with
foreign policy, Atomic Diplomacy and The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb.*

See also, "Principles for a New Economy" by the New Economy
  2. *encuentro5 *Turns 5! Commemorative Dinner

*Wednesday, Dec. 7th, 7pm: Celebrating 5 solid years and 5 inspiring

As a  dynamic movement-building space, encuentro 5 has balanced the
day-to-day needs of grassroots organizations and community groups with the
wide-ranging social change goals that their organizers embrace for 5 solid
years of solidarity and inspiration.

For e5, challenging the militarism and corporate globalization that
institutionalize the current moment of capitalism and white supremacy has
meant offering a space for the spontaneous needs of local groups, housing
over a dozen resident organizations, offering offices for new projects and
small NGOs, archiving the efforts of social movements, providing
cross-movement institutional memory, resourcing emerging projects with much
needed research, materials and equipment, and ongoing daily efforts of
networking and support.

Although it has meant a lot of intense work, it has also been greatly
inspiring to connect with creative activists, engaging writers, soulful
musicians and dedicated community members. Together, we have made e5 a
platform for major demonstrations, thoughtful debates, heartwarming
performances, and strategic conversations as a review of the e5 website

Always thriving on the insights and energy of countless groups and
individuals, we chose five exemplary honorees who have contributed directly
to e5's programming and/or inspired the work we do. To honor them and to
launch the e5 *movement-builders sustainer program*, e5 is hosting its
first annual, Commemorative Dinner, at 7pm Wednesday, December 7, 2012. Click
here to RSVP <http://encuentro5.org/home/node/234>.

The five honorees are:
  *Sergio Reyes*, a Chilean-born revolutionary. musician, and founder of
the Boston May Day Committee and a founder of Latin at s for Social Change
*Avi Chomsky*, a scholar and activist whose work connects people across

*Paul Shannon*, a peace movement veteran active in United for Justice with
Peace and a founder of the Majority Agenda Project who has been on staff at
the American Friends Service Committee for over 30 years.
    *Robin Jacks*, a long-time activist challenging low-wage work in the
South and a founder of the #OccupyBoston effort

  *Dorotea Manuela*, a founder of the Boston Rosa Parks Human Rights Day
Committee, a member of the Downtown Workers Center collective, and an
active defender of Puerto Rican sovereignty.

On December 7th, join us to honor these 5 outstanding movement builders, to
celebrate the extraordinary efforts of the e5 Residents and the expansive
social justice community, and to make e5 a sustainable effort for 2012! Click
here to RSVP <http://encuentro5.org/home/node/234>.
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