[act-ma] Open room in fun JP co-op (The Fort) $500 Feb 1st

The Fort thefortcoop at gmail.com
Tue Dec 6 12:15:17 PST 2011

Hello Boston community!

We have a room opening in our lovely JP house on February 1st for $500.
Some of us enjoy things like cooking, gardening, books, music-playing,
activism, organizing events, bike riding, urban treasure hunting, playing
outside and so on. Also, two wonderful cats and one amazing dog live here!
We have shared vegan meals 5 nights per week and pool our money to buy
food. We also do chores, have house meetings, and sometimes hold public
events at the house. Other resources our house offers include: bike shop,
wood shop, laundry, storage, music spaces, wireless internet, yard,
porches, library, fireplaces, windows, trees, no TVs, plentiful leftovers,
and puppy licks!

Here is the application: http://thefort.bostoncoop.net/openings.php The
application DEADLINE is Monday December 26th!
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