[act-ma] Program, Sunday, Jan. 28, 10:30AM, Harvard Sq., "JOURNEYS, AN ARTIST EXPLORES THE INNER & OUTER WORLDS", Ethical Society of Boston

John Lampert goodmanjl at comcast.net
Wed Jan 25 08:27:25 PST 2012

>From John Lampert:

   The Ethical Society of Boston will be presenting a program on Jan. 28 at 10:30AM. 


Lucilda Dassardo-Cooper, Artist.  Lucilda travels and paints her impressions through a lens of foreign cultures; however, her cultural assumptions are often challenged.  Examining her attitudes and beliefs has transformed the inner landscape of her being as she actively attempts to bring her life into alignment with an ethical code of conduct established in an ancient time, in an ancient land.   

Program takes place at Spiegel Auditorium, 56 Brattle St., Harvard Sq.,  Program is Free, Public is Welcome. Coffee and discussion to follow talk.  For further information call, 617-739-9050 or visit BostonEthical.Org.       
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