[act-ma] Jamaica Plain Forum on proposed 3 strikes incarceration legislation, Fri 1/27

Marguerite Rosenthal margueriterosenthal at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 15:37:45 PST 2012

Criminal Injustice:
The High Cost of 3-Strikes Laws in Massachusetts

Friday, January 27th, 7-9 PM
First Church in Jamaica Plain
6 Eliot St, Boston, MA

RSVP and invite your friends on Facebook!

In November, despite protests from community activists and legal
experts, both the Massachusetts House of Representatives and the
Massachusetts State Senate passed “3-Strikes” bills that could have
disastrous consequences for our communities. As this legislation
speeds toward a final vote, it is essential that we educate ourselves
about the rampant injustice of our criminal justice system and how
3-Strikes provisions perpetuate and magnify that injustice.

Join us in a panel discussion on the potential repercussions of the
3-Strike law for MA featuring key players in the debate:

    Representative Liz Malia, Representative for JP & one of four
white representatives to join the Black and Latino Caucus in opposing
3-Strikes for MA
    Jamahrl Crawford, of Occupy the Hood, long-time activist and
editor of The Blackstonian
    Harvard Law Professor and former US District court Justice Nancy Gertner

Ben Thompson, Executive Director of the Criminal Justice Policy
Coalition, will moderate.

Come to listen, ask questions, and learn how we can take action to
stop injustice in our community!
This event is co-sponsored by the Jamaica Plain Forum and The Union of
Minority Neighborhoods.


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