[act-ma] Energy (and Other) Events

George Mokray gmoke at world.std.com
Sun Feb 5 17:15:09 PST 2012

Energy (and Other) Events is a weekly mailing list published most  
Sundays covering events around the Cambridge, MA and greater Boston  
area that catch the editor's eye.

Hubevents  http://hubevents.blogspot.com is the web version.

If you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe to Energy (and Other) Events  
email gmoke at world.std.com


Futures of Coral Reefs
Monday, February 6th 2012

12:00pm - 1:00pm

BU, BRB 113, 5 Cummington Street, Boston

Speaker: Peter Sale, United Nations University & University of Windsor  
Talk: Our planet does not have to die.

Host: Les Kaufman



The Evolution of Drug Resistance and the Curious Orthodoxy of  
Aggressive Chemotherapy
WHEN  Mon., Feb. 6, 2012, 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
WHERE  HSPH FXB Building, 641 Huntington Ave., Room G13
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Health Sciences, Lecture
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR  Program in Infectious Disease Epidemiology and  
the Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics at HSPH
SPEAKER(S)  Andrew F. Read, director of the Center for Infectious  
Disease Dynamics, professor of biology and entomology, Penn State  
NOTE  Lunch will be provided.


Askwith Forum with Arne Duncan: Fighting the Wrong Education Battles

WHEN  Mon., Feb. 6, 2012, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
WHERE Longfellow Hall, 13 Appian Way, Cambridge
TYPE OF EVENT  Forum, Lecture, Question & Answer Session
SPONSORING ORGANIZATION/DEPARTMENT  Harvard Graduate School of Education
Speaker: Arne Duncan, secretary of education, U.S. Department of  
Secretary Duncan will discuss either-or orthodoxies about school  
reform, including competing claims about the importance of in-school  
and out-of-school influences on student achievement, and the struggle  
to advance both a well-rounded curriculum and school accountability.
This will be a ticketed event. Please check back for further  
This forum will be live streamed. Please check back the day of the  
forum for the link.
Want to win a ticket for this forum? Become a fan of the Ed School on  
Facebook (www.facebook.com/harvardeducation) and watch for a posting  
about this event.
Connect with Us:
Tweeting at an Askwith Forum? Use the #Askwith hashtag.
Attending a Forum? Check in on Foursquare (www.foursquare.com/hgse)
For more information on Askwith Forums, please visit our Frequently  
Asked Questions page.
Amber DiNatale
askwith_forums at gse.harvard.edu


Seminar in Ukrainian Studies: "Chornobyl and Catastrophism in  
Contemporary Ukrainian Culture"
WHEN  Mon., Feb. 6, 2012, 4 – 6 p.m.
WHERE  Room S-050 (Concourse Level), CGIS South Building, Harvard  
University, 1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Humanities, Lecture, Social Sciences
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR  Ukrainian Research Institute
SPEAKER(S)  Tamara Hundorova, Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Ukrainian  
Research Institute
COST  Free of charge and open to the general public
LINK  http://www.huri.harvard.edu


Famine in the Horn of Africa TED-style Talks Addressing the Causes and  
Structural Challenges of Famine and Global Hunger: Potential Solutions  
to Persistent Food Insecurity
WHEN  Mon., Feb. 6, 2012, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
WHERE  Radcliffe Gym, Harvard University
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Health Sciences, Lecture, Social Sciences,  
Special Events
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR  Harvard African Students Association, Harvard  
AIDS Coalition, Harvard College Alliance for Africa, Committee on  
African Studies,
SPEAKER(S)  Opening remarks by Paul Farmer, Partners In Health,  
followed by a panel discussion featuring Harvard Professor Caroline  
Elkins, Ken Menkhaus, Robert Paarlberg, and William Masters
COST  Free
CONTACT INFO  Mackenzie Hild: mhild13 at college.harvard.edu
NOTE  https://www.facebook.com/harvard.for.the.horn?sk=wall
LINK  http://ghsm.hms.harvard.edu/news/articles/famine_in_the_horn_of_africa_talks_to_be_presented_feb_6/


Pioneers of the Civil Rights and Labor Movement: A Forum in Honor of  
Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, William Lucy and Norman Hill
WHEN  Mon., Feb. 6, 2012, 6 – 7:30 p.m.
WHERE  Austin Hall, Ames Courtroom, Harvard Law School, 1515 Mass Ave
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Award Ceremonies, Law, Lecture, Religion
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR  Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race &  
Justice, HLS; Harvard Trade Union Program
Norman Hill, president emeritus of the A. Philip Randolph Institute;
William Lucy, president of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists;
Sephira Shuttlesworth, civil rights activist;
Diane McWhorter, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of "Carry Me Home"
CONTACT INFO  jtrumpbo at law.harvard.edu
LINK  http://www.charleshamiltonhouston.org


Coop Food Systems Skillshare
Monday, February 6, 2012
6:30 PM
Whirlybird Coop, 36 Faneuil st, Brighton

Let's get together and talk about food systems.  Specifically, what  
kind of systems does each coop have set up already.  Whirlybird will  
present our own shared bank account and finance system for food  
shopping as well as our involvement with the Mission Hill Food Buyers  
Club.  I'd like to hear how other coops are doing this so please  
contact me ahead of time to say if you can present something about the  
way in which your coop orgainizes around food.  Or what's the best way  
to store bulk food?  Or where can one buy giant wheels of cheese?  or  
etc.  =)

Yum!  Yum!  This'll be Fun!

Register at http://meetup.bostoncoops.org/events/43511242/?eventId=43511242&action=detail


Garbage Dreams: The story of three boys born into the trash trade on  
the outskirts of Cairo
Monday, February 6
MIT, Building 32-123
Pizza + Movie

For a trailer, visit http://www.garbagedreams.com

For more information about waste, check out http://web.mit.edu/idi/yunus_2012.htm 

Presented by International Development Initiative, IDEAS Global  
Challenge, Global Poverty Initiative


"Women and War in the Arab World."
Tuesday, February 7

12 p.m.

Harvard, Taubman 275, 5 Eliot Street, Cambridge

Lourdes Garcia-Navarro, foreign correspondent, NPR.


Open Government Data for Open Accountability
Tuesday, February 7
12:30 pm
Harvard, Berkman Center, 23 Everett Street, second floor
RSVP required for those attending in person at http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/events/luncheon/2012/02/heusser#RSVP
This event will be webcast live at 12:30 pm ET and archived on our  
site shortly after at http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/interactive/webcast
Felipe Heusser, Berkman Center Fellow

Over the past decade 'transparency' has become one of those key words  
in the debates on modern governance. A pervasive cliché captured by  
the rhetoric of politics, which has raised 'transparency' as a perfect  
paracetamol to potentially remedy problems as diverse as  
accountability, growth, public service delivery and participation. For  
years, the cornerstone of transparency policies has been the 'Freedom  
of Information Act', a regulation that since the mid 1960's has spread  
from 3 to nearly 80 countries around the globe, but which maybe  
increasingly gaining obsolesce in the context of the digital age.

Open Government Data policy, is the latest chapter of the transparency  
story. It is moving the paradigm from 'access to public  
documentation' (FOIA) towards 'access to public data', avoiding  
obsolesce, and keeping up to date our right to access public  
information that increasingly flows through a digital ecosystem.

Though the implementation of Open Data policies is likely to impact a  
diverse variety of sectors, 'accountability' is certainly one of the  
main domains of impact. The bursting rise and spread of online  
accountability tools and watch-dogs such as the Sunlight Foundation  
(US.), MySociety (UK), Ushahidi (Kenya), and Ciudadano Inteligente  
(Chile), are good examples of how the web is creating a more powerful  
sort of  open and crowd sourced accountability. More eyes now rest  
upon government, the question is 'how' (if) does this matter.

The talk will quickly overview the spread of transparency policy  
through freedom of information regulation, and point out to the rise  
of 'Open Government Data' as the latest chapter of the transparency  
story, highlighting how it potentially may impact 'open  
accountability' and the rise of a new breed of online watchdogs.

About Felipe
Felipe is the Founder and Director of Fundación Ciudadano Inteligente,  
a Latin American NGO based in Chile that uses information technology  
to promote transparency and active citizen participation. He graduated  
as a Lawyer from the P. Universidad Católica (Chile) and holds a  
Master degree in Public Policy from the London School of Economics  
(UK), where he is also a PhD Candidate in Government with research in  
the field of Freedom of Information, Regulation, and Internet  
Technology. Felipe is also an Ashoka Fellow for the News and Knowledge  
program, and achieves work experience in both the Chilean NGO and  
Government sectors, working for Un Techo para Chile, and both  
Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Labour. In 2010, he organized the  
first Personal Democracy Forum for Latin America, and currently  
coordinates the Open Data research project for Latin America in  
collaboration with IDRC, ECLAC (UN) and W3C.

As a Berkman Fellow at Harvard University, Felipe’s research aims to  
bridge the relationship of traditional Freedom of Information  
regulation with recent-born open data policies, highlighting how this  
relationship changes according to the habitat where these policies are  


Do Nuclear Power Plants Benefit Japan's Local Communities?
WHEN  Tue., Feb. 7, 2012, 12:30 – 2 p.m.
WHERE  Bowie-Vernon Room (K262), CGIS Knafel Building, 1737 Cambridge  
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Lecture, Social Sciences
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR  Program on U.S.-Japan Relations; co-sponsored by  
the Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies; and the  
Environment and Natural Resources Program (ENRP) and the Project on  
Managing the Atom (MTA), Belfer Center for Science and International  
Affairs (BCSIA), Harvard Kennedy School
SPEAKER(S)  Jun Saito, assistant professor of political science, Yale  
COST  Free
CONTACT INFO  xtian at wcfia.harvard.edu
LINK  http://www.wcfia.harvard.edu/us-japan/schedule/schedule.htm


International Migration, Refugees and Forced Migrants: Questions  
answered and questions remaining
Tuesday, February 07, 2012
MIT, Building E40-496, Lucian Pye Conference Room
Contributors to the symposium include Nazli Choucri, Luise Druke, John  
Harris, Karen Jacobsen, Jennifer Leaning, Peggy Levitt, and Robert  
Lucas. Co-chaired by John Tirman and Anna Hardman.

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): Center for International Studies, Inter University  
Committee on International Migration

For more information, contact:
Sarah Jane Vaughan
svaughan at mit.edu


Connecting Democracy: Online Consultation and the Flow of Political  
CommunicationBook event and discussion
Tuesday, February 7, 6:00 pm
Austin West Classroom (111), Austin Hall, Harvard Law School
Free and Open to the Public
RSVP Required at http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/events/2012/02/connecteddemocracy#RSVP
Sponsored by the Harvard Law School Library and the Berkman Center for  
Internet & Society
A Panel Discussion about Connecting Democracy: Online Consultation and  
the Flow of Political Communication
with Peter Shane, Jacob E. Davis and Jacob E. Davis II Chair in Law at  
the Ohio State University and Visiting Professor of Law at Harvard Law  
School Library (co-editor of the book)

David Lazer, Associate Professor, College of Computer and Information  
Science, Northeastern University

Ethan Zuckerman, Director of the Center for Civic Media at MIT

Matthew Baum, Marvin Kalb Professor of Global Communications,  
Professor of Public Policy, Shorenstein Center, Harvard Kennedy School  
of Government

John Palfrey, Berkman Faculty Co-Director, Henry N. Ess III Professor  
of Law, Vice Dean, Library and Information Resources, Harvard Law School


Daylight Simulation in Design
Tuesday, February 07, 2012
MIT, Building 7-431, The Long Lounge
IBPSA Boston in conjunction with IES Boston will be hosting a 90  
minute session on Daylight Simulation in Design. The speakers will  
initially showcase some state-of-the-art computer-based daylighting  
analysis and then enter into a discussion on the role simulations can  
play in informing design. We will have two sets of speakers. Thomas  
Schroepfer, Alstan Jakubiec and Azadeh Omidfar will be discussing the  
Schroepfer + Hee???s New Jurong Church in Sangapore. Afterwards Glen  
Heinmiller and Kera Lagios form Lam Partner will be discussing  
examples from their work and show ways in which daylight modeling can  
be crafted strategically to support design ideas.

Web site: http://ibpsa-boston.com/ and http://www.iesnewengland.com/
Open to: the general public
Cost: Free
Sponsor(s): Building Technology Program, Architecture, IBPSA Boston,  
IES Boston
For more information, contact:
Holly Samuelson
hsamuelson at gsd.harvard.edu


Spacewar! Turns 50: MIT Celebrates Its Earliest Computer Game
Wednesday, February 08, 2012
MIT, Building 32-123, Outside of 32-123
Speaker: Generoso Fierro
In 1961, Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) gave MIT a PDP-1 computer  
and the games began. From discussions about "interesting displays" to  
new lessons in interactive programming, MIT's Kludge Room became the  
birthplace of Spacewar!

Celebrate the 50th anniversary of this momentous occasion with two  
larger-than-life celebrations of this influential game.

On February 8th, 2012 from 9AM-5PM at Stata's "Student Street" (1st  
floor of Stata Center in front of Room 123) you can play a new  
iteration of Spacewar! by the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab on a giant  
mockup of the PDP-1 monitor made especially for the anniversary.

Web site: http://gambit.mit.edu/spacewar
Open to: the general public
Cost: FREE!
Sponsor(s): Comparative Media Studies
For more information, contact:
Generoso Fierro
generoso at mit.edu


America's Lawless Empire: The Constituional Crimes of Bush and Obama
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
11:45am - 1pm
Harvard Law School, Austin East

Talk and Discussion led by Ralph Nader, Bruce Fein, and Lt. Colonel  
Tony Shaffer.

Free Lunch
SPONSOR  HLS Forum, Harvard Law Record


The Human Capital Stock: A Generalized Approach
Wednesday, February 08, 2012
MIT, Building E51-376
Speaker: Benjamin Jones (Northwestern)

Web site: http://econ-www.mit.edu/files/7482
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): MIT/Harvard Development and Environmental Economics Workshop
For more information, contact:
Theresa Benevento
theresa at mit.edu


Radcliffe Institute Fellows’ Presentation Series. “Habitable Worlds”
WHEN  Wed., Feb. 8, 2012, 4 p.m.
WHERE  Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Radcliffe Gymnasium, 10  
Garden Street, Cambridge, MA
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR  Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study
SPEAKER(S)  Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, 2011–12 Maury Green Fellow at  
the Radcliffe Institute, Emory University
COST  Free
CONTACT INFO  617-495-8212
LINK  http://www.radcliffe.edu/fellowships/fellows_2012garland-thomson.aspx


Poverty, Human Rights and Development in Latin America Study Group  
WHEN  Wed., Feb. 8, 2012, 4 – 5 p.m.
WHERE   Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, Conference Room 219,  
Rubenstein Building, 79 John F. Kennedy Street, Cambridge
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Conferences, Ethics, Lecture, Social Sciences,  
Special Events, Sustainability
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR  The Latin American Initiative @ The Carr Center  
for Human Rights Policy
SPEAKER(S)  Maria Green, development and human rights scholar,  
visiting scholar, Northeastern University
CONTACT INFO  Git Nahmens: git_nahmens at hks.harvard.edu
LINK  http://www.hks.harvard.edu/cchrp/initiatives/latin_america/events/calendar.php


How and why people hack
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
4:00 pm-5:00 pm
BU, HIC Seminar Room (MCS-180), 111 Cummington Street, Boston

Security Unveiled: How and Why People Hack
Speaker: David Seidman, Microsoft.
Abstract: David Seidman, Senior Security Program Manager at Microsoft,  
will talk about the seedy underbelly of computing and things that go  
bump in the night. He'll expose how security vulnerabilities are  
bought and sold in a complex black market ecosystem and how Stuxnet is  
different from other viruses. He'll also cover some of the other  
interesting things Microsoft's security team sees on a daily basis,  
and there will be lots of time for questions.


Seminar in Environmental Economics and Policy: "Destruction,  
Disinvestment, and Death: Economic and Human Losses Following  
Environmental Disaster"
WHEN  Wed., Feb. 8, 2012, 4 – 5:30 p.m.
WHERE  Harvard Kennedy School, Littauer-382
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Environmental Sciences, Lecture, Sustainability
SPEAKER(S)  Solomon Hsiang
LINK  http://isites.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=k82245&pageid=icb.page443881


TARA-OCEANS: towards an eco-systemic understanding of plankton in the  
global ocean
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
MIT Stata Center, Lecture Theater 32-123, 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge

"TARA-OCEANS: towards an eco-systemic understanding of plankton in the  
global ocean" with Eric Karsenti and Colomban de Vargas (European  
Molecular Biology Laboratory / Station Biologique de Roscoff)
TARA OCEANS is a three year, global expedition to characterize and  
understand the organization of populations of bacteria and plankton in  
the ocean through microscopy, metagenomics and other methods. The  
sailing vessel TARA, platform for the expedition, arrives in New York  
this week. Expedition leader, Eric Karsenti, and plankton ecologist,  
Colomban de Vargas, will describe the aims, methods and first findings  
of the expedition.


February 2012 Mass Innovation Nights
February 8
6:00 - 8:30 pm
Microsoft New England Research & Development Center, 1 Memorial Drive,  
Welcome to our February event!!  Mass Innovation Nights number 35!   
Check out the products. Visit their websites for more info. Pick your  
favorite. Support them with Tweets, LinkedIn status updates, links  
from your blog, Likes, etc. (No need to wait for the live event - do  
it now!)
RSVP at http://mass.innovationnights.com/events/february-2012-mass-innovation-nights
Come to our live event on February 8 at the  and blog, Tweet, Like,  
link, or post pictures or videos!
Bring your questions for our experts (see the experts tab here for the  
Contact http://mass.innovationnights.com/


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Smart Grid Webinar Sessions
February 9th
11:00AM EST and 12:00PM EST
Contact http://www.virtualenergyforum.com

Smart Grid Update: Security, Privacy, and Compliance in 2012
Andy Bochman
Energy Security Lead
The Implications Of Cyber Security For Smart Grid Tech Development
Peter Fuhr
Distinguished Scientist
U.S. Department of Energy


M-RCBG Seminar: Super PACs--The WMDs of Campaign Finance
WHEN  Thu., Feb. 9, 2012, 11:45 a.m. – 1 p.m.
WHERE  Bell Hall, 5th Floor, Belfer Building, Harvard Kennedy School
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Business, Ethics, Humanities, Law, Lecture,  
Social Sciences, Special Events
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR  Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business & Government
SPEAKER(S)  Ben Heineman, senior fellow, Belfer Center for Science and  
International Affairs
NOTE  Lunch will be served. Please RSVP to mrcbg at ksg.harvard.edu.


"Feeding the World Sustainably: Challenges for Brazilian Agribusiness"
Thursday, February 9, 2012
12:00pm - 2:00pm
CGIS South, Room S-050, 1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge

Kátia Abreu, Brazilian Senator, Tocantins; President, Confederation of  
Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA).
This seminar is co-sponsored by the Harvard-MIT Workshop on the  
Political Economy of Development in Brazil.

Seminars are free and open to the public, and registration is not  
required.  Lunch will be provided.  Presentations will begin at 12:15  

Contact Name:  Aaron Litvin
litvin at fas.harvard.edu

"Power Politics in the Age of Google."

Thursday, February 9

4–6 p.m.

Harvard, Wiener Auditorium, Taubman Building, ground floor, 5 Eliot  
Street, Cambridge

A digital power play stopped the SOPA and PIPA legislation. What are  
the implications?
A discussion with Susan Crawford, Visiting Stanton Professor;Micah  
Sifry, Visiting Murrow Lecturer; Nicco Mele, Adjunct Lecturer; and  
Elaine Kamarck, Lecturer in Public Policy. Moderated by Alex Jones,  
Shorenstein Center Director.


Estimating pressure limited CO2 storage capacity in the UK North Sea

Thursday, February 09, 2012


MIT, Building 48-316

Speaker: Simon Mathias, Durham University, UK

Much work has focused on estimating volumetric CO2 storage capacity in  
saline aquifers over large regional areas in many different countries.  
But such estimates are of limited value if not attached to some form  
of associated economic cost. A major geologically dependent factor in  
this respect is the number of injection wells needed to utilize the  
storage capacity within a practical amount of time. This paper  
presents and discusses the various methods used to estimate number of  
injection wells needed for to utilize the hundreds of saline aquifer  
units contained within the recently completed, Energy Technology  
Institute funded, UK Storage Appraisal Project (UKSAP). A range of  
issues are covered including: maximum pressure stipulation, injection  
pressure estimation and how to deal with open and closed aquifers.  
Finally the paper presents relevant regional scale findings from UKSAP  
concerning utilization of saline aquifers in the North Sea and their  
economic implications.

Web site: http://cee.mit.edu/events/60
Open to: the general public
Cost: free
Sponsor(s): Civil and Environmental Engineering
For more information, contact:
Roberta Pizzinato
robertap at mit.edu


Equilibria in an oligopolistic electricity pool with stepwise offer  
Thursday, February 09, 2012
MIT, Building E62-550
Speaker: Antonio Conejo

Web site: http://web.mit.edu/orc/www/seminars/seminars.html
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Operations Research Center
For more information, contact:
Joline Ann Villaranda Uichanco, Yehua Wei, or Yuan Zhong
uichanco at mit.edu, y4wei at mit.edu, zhyu4118 at mit.edu


How Do Voters Respond to Information? Evidence from a Randomized  
Thursday, February 09, 2012
Harvard K354 (1737 Cambridge Street)
Speaker: Tommaso Nannicini

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): MIT/Harvard Seminar on Positive Political Economy

For more information, contact:
Theresa Benevento
theresa at mit.edu


Morocco's Role as a Transit State: Climate Change and Sub-Sahara  
African Migration to Europe
WHEN  Thu., Feb. 9, 2012, 5 – 6:45 p.m.
WHERE  Center for Middle Eastern Studies, 38 Kirkland Street, Room  
102, Cambridge, MA 02138
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Lecture, Social Sciences
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR  Moroccan Studies Forum
SPEAKER(S)  Gregory White, professor of government, Smith College
CONTACT INFO  Liz Flanagan, elizabethflanagan at fas.harvard.edu
LINK  http://cmes.hmdc.harvard.edu/node/2771


Green Conversations with Andrew R. Revkin
WHEN  Thu., Feb. 9, 2012, 5 – 6 p.m.
WHERE  Center for Government and International Studies South (CGIS  
South), Tsai Auditorium, 1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Environmental Sciences, Lecture
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR  Harvard University Center for the Environment /  
co-sponsored by the Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center Environment &  
Natural Resources Program
SPEAKER(S)  Andrew R. Revkin, New York Times Dot Earth columnist

William C. Clark, Harvey Brooks Professor of International Science,  
Public Policy and Human Development, Mossavar-Rahmani Center for  
Business and Government, Harvard Kennedy School
Cristine Russell, adjunct lecturer in public policy, Environment and  
Natural Resources Program Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and  
International Affairs
Daniel P. Schrag, Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences and  
professor of environmental science and engineering; director, Harvard  
University Center for the Environment
CONTACT INFO  Lisa Matthews: matthew at fas.harvard.edu
NOTE  “FINDING YES: Creating A Constructive Global Conversation about  
Our Planet's Future”
Is it possible to create a 'knowosphere' that enhances public  
communication about the global environment and fosters more  
constructive discussion about the future of this finite planet?
Revkin presents an optimistic, but realistic, exploration of ways to  
fill the information gaps left by shrinking mainstream media, a  
divisive blogosphere, and strangled public budgets.
LINK http://environment.harvard.edu/events/2012-02-09/green-conversations


"Heavy Light - Finding Biomimetic Construction"
Thursday, February 09, 2012
MIT, Building 7-431
Speaker: Mark West, Professor of Architecture, University of Manitoba

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): Department of Architecture

For more information, contact:


Terrible and Charismatic Waste: A Close Reading of Ocean Plastics
WHEN  Thu., Feb. 9, 2012, 6 – 7 p.m.
WHERE  Geological Lecture Hall, 24 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Environmental Sciences, Lecture, Science
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR  Peabody Museum and the Harvard Natural History  
SPEAKER(S)  Max Liboiron, New York University
COST  Free
CONTACT INFO   617.496.1027
LINK  http://www.peabody.harvard.edu/calendar


BASEA Forum:  Is Solar Right for Where You Live and Work?
Thursday, February 9th, 2012
Doors open at 7:00 p.m.; Presentation begins at 7:30 p.m
First Parish in Cambridge Unitarian Universalist;  3 Church Street,  
Harvard Square, Cambridge

When is the best time to add a solar system, to make electricity or  
hot water, to your residential or commercial building in Boston,  
Cambridge, or Somerville?

What are the ingredients necessary to make a successful solar  

What are some challenges that may be encountered due to construction  
type and location?

How can an experienced consultant act to navigate the process and  
verify performance?

This presentation will focus on the optimal conditions for adding  
solar to your home, condominium building or business, and how to  
overcome the obstacles to getting the job done in a cost-effective  

Paul Lyons, a licensed mechanical engineer, is President of Zapotec  
Energy, an engineering and consulting firm specializing in solar  
design and contracting services, based in Cambridge. Mr. Lyons will  
draw on his 15 years of direct experience in feasibility, design,  
project management, and installation of grid-connected photovoltaic  
(PV) and solar thermal systems in the Boston metro area.

Paul Lyons founded Zapotec Energy in 1997 to provide objective advice  
to a variety of clients to solve their dilemmas related to energy  
management, conservation and renewable energy production. In 2003,  
Zapotec Energy began providing design-build services for solar  
electric systems and solar commissioning services. In 2007, the firm  
was incorporated and began to add employees and take on larger  
projects. Today there are five employees involved in a multitude of  
renewable energy projects throughout New England.

Mr. Lyons has led all of Zapotec's previous and current projects, and  
continues to play a key role in bringing together communities,  
developers and contractors to create a solar future in Massachusetts.  
He currently sits on the Board of Directors of the Solar Energy  
Business Association of New England (SEBANE), and is a member of the  
American Solar Energy Society (ASES) and the Northeast Sustainable  
Energy Association (NESEA).


"The Battle for Control of Online Communications."
Friday, February 10
Nick Feamster
BU:  Photonics Center, 8 Saint Mary's St, Room 339


Spacewar! Turns 50: MIT Celebrates Its Earliest Computer Game at The  
MIT Museum
Friday, February 10, 2012
MIT, Building N51, MIT MUSEUM
Speaker: Philip Tan

In 1961, Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) gave MIT a PDP-1 computer  
and the games began. From discussions about "interesting displays" to  
new lessons in interactive programming, MIT's Kludge Room became the  
birthplace of Spacewar! Celebrate the 50th anniversary of this  
momentous occasion with two larger-than-life celebrations of this  
influential game.

On February 10th 2012 at The MIT Museum beginning at 5:00PM and  
running till 8PM, you will have a second chance to play the new  
iteration of Spacewar! on the specially created giant mockup of the  
PDP-1 monitor and on the big presentation screen at The MIT Museum. At  
6:30PM, GAMBIT's US Executive Director Philip Tan will give a short  
lecture on the game's development and impact.

Web site: http://gambit.mit.edu/spacewar
Open to: the general public
Cost: FREE!
Sponsor(s): Comparative Media Studies
For more information, contact:
Generoso Fierro
generoso at mit.edu


Transportation at MIT Data Hack-A-Thon

Co-hosted by Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority

Sunday, February 12, 2012  |  8.30 am - 8 pm
MIT, Building E62-233

Registration at http://transportation-hackathon.eventbrite.com/?ref=ebtn
Open to public  |  Limited to 75 participants

Do you have great ideas for innovative use of transportation-related  
data? Come join our hack-a-thon and get a chance to win big cash  
prizes for your 12 hours of effort!

Transportation at MIT is organizing the first data hack-a-thon event,  
where talents with different skill sets gather and develop projects  
using trasportation-related data. The theme for this year’s hack-a- 
thon is transportation in Boston/Cambridge areas. Many interesting  
data sets will be made available exclusively for this event. Let's  
show the public how we can make innovative use of transportation- 
related data!

Who should participate?

Programmers who want to develop mobile/web applications that make  
daily commutes a better experience

Designers or visualization/GIS experts who can help the public  
understand complex transportation systems

Engineers who love crunching numbers and analyzing data

Anyone who are interested in transportation and willing to learn more!!

8.30 - 9.00 am  Registration + Breakfast + Networking
9.00 - 10.00 am  Introduction
12.00 pm  Lunch
7.00 pm  Presentations/Demos
8.00 pm  Announce the winner

Should you have any questions, please contact us at transportation-hackathon at mit.edu 




Restoring the Gulf of Mexico—An Energy Policy? A Historical  
Perspective on Energy/Environment in the Gulf Region"
Monday, February 13, 2012
12:00pm - 1:30pm
Harvard, Bell Hall, 5th Floor, Belfer Building, 79 JKF Street, Cambridge

Jason Theriot, Energy Policy Fellow, Consortium for Energy Policy  
Research at Harvard

Contact Name:  Louisa Lund
louisa_lund at harvard.edu

Challenges of Globalization: Global Engagement
WHEN  Mon., Feb. 13, 2012, 2 – 5 p.m.
WHERE  First Parish in Cambridge, 3 Church Street (Harvard Square)
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Business, Conferences, Humanities, Social  
SPEAKER(S)  Richard Parker, Mark N. Katz, and others
CONTACT INFO  director at cambridgeforum.org, 617.495.2727
NOTE  At a conference on the impact of global engagement on America's  
sense of security and well-being, speakers examine the challenges  
posed by the European debt crisis, changing relationships with Israel  
and Palestine, and the war on terror.
LINK  http://www.cambridgeforum.org


The Future of Power
WHEN  Mon., Feb. 13, 2012, 7 – 8:30 p.m.
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Humanities, Lecture, Social Sciences
SPEAKER(S)  Joseph Nye
CONTACT INFO  director at cambridgeforum.org, 617.495.2727
NOTE  Kennedy School Professor Joseph Nye discusses the options that  
“soft power” and “smart power” offer to American foreign policy in the  
21st century.
LINK  http://www.cambridgeforum.org


Legatum Lecture: Mastering Business Model Innovation
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
MIT, Building E62-276, Reception to follow

Speaker: Alexander Osterwalder

The Business Model Canvas, a conceptual management tool to visualize,  
discuss, and invent business models, has known a phenomenal success  
around the world. Now its inventors, Alexander Osterwalder and Yves  
Pigneur are working on a series of new practical tools to continue to  
revolutionize how executives and entrepreneurs think of business.  
Besides explaining the Business Model Canvas, Alexander will elaborate  
on the usability of management concepts and how this will change the  
way we approach business.
Web site: http://legatum.mit.edu/content/1130
Open to: the general public
Cost: 0
Sponsor(s): Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship
For more information, contact:
Agnes Hunsicker
agnesh at mit.edu


What is Massachusetts Doing to Address Climate Change: From the  
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative to the Global Warming Solutions Act
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
MIT, Building 4-145
Speaker: Dwayne Breger, Director of the Renewable and Alternative  
Energy Division at the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources  

While federal attention to global climate change has waned,  
Massachusetts continues to confront and embrace the challenge.  
Massachusetts played a leading role in the development of the  
northeast Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a 10-state, first- 
in-the-country mandatory CO2 cap-and-trade program on the power  
generation sector in effect since 2009. In 2008, the Massachusetts  
passed the Global Warming Solutions Act which commits the Commonwealth  
to economy-wide reductions of GHG emissions of 25% by 2020 and 80% by  
2050. This presentation will provide a summary and update on RGGI, as  
well as an overview of the policies and programs being implemented  
across the state to meet our GHG reduction commitments.

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): MIT Energy Club, Energy & Environment Community

For more information, contact:
Energy & Environment Community @ MIT Energy Club
energy-environment at mit.edu


MassChallenge UnTapped @ CIC: Featuring 2011 Alum Sonia Divney
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM (ET)
Cambridge Innovation Center, 1 Broadway, 14th Floor, Cambridge

What is MassChallenge?  When can I apply?

Join MassChallenge Alumni Sonia Divney, CEO & Founder ofZarzaTech, who  
will share her experience in the MassChallenge program. Learn first- 
hand the benefits of participating in the Accelerator from one of our  
very own!

Joining Sonia is Akhil Nigam, Founder & President of MassChallenge,  
who will talk about the founding of MC and what we have in store for  
2012. Find out how you can compete for a portion of $1 Million, no  
strings attached!

Please join us for an information session and lunch
at Cambridge Innovation Center
Pizza and drinks on us

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Suggestions?
events at masschallenge.org
Register at http://mcinfosessioncic-esearch.eventbrite.com/?srnk=13

Amory Lovins presents "Reinventing Fire"

February 16, 2012


MIT, Building 54-100

Lovins is Co-founder, Chairman, and Chief Scientist at the Rocky  
Mountain Institute, an independent nonprofit think-and-do tank that  
drives the efficient and restorative use of resources. Lovins will  
present key ideas form one of his latest books titled "Reinventing  
Fire." In it, he builds a case that maps pathways for running a 158%- 
bugger U.S. economy in 2050 but needing no oil, no coal, no nuclear  
energy, one-third less natural gas, and no new inventions.  
"Reinventing Fire's" business case -- built on enduring value,  
resilience, and risk management -- is so compelling that its execution  
wouldn't require new federal taxes, subsidies, mandates, or laws; it  
makes sense and makes money. Written for all of America's leaders,  
it's a story of astounding choices and opportunities for creating the  
new energy era.

Sponsored by:  MIT Energy Campus Events

Admission:  Open to the public

For more information:  Contact MIT Energy Club

energy-events at mit.edu


Harvard Law School Food Law Society Hosting a Raw Milk Debate
When: Thursday, February 16, 2012, 7:15 pm – 8:45 pm
Where: Harvard Law School, Langdell South Classroom. For those that  
can’t make it, the event will be live-streamed. Video will also be  
available after the event.

At one time, everyone drank raw milk. But with the invention of  
pasteurization and its attendant safety benefits, consumption of raw  
milk in this country almost completely disappeared. In fact, in many  
states it is illegal to sell raw milk. But a growing segment of the  
population is clamoring for increased access to raw milk, citing its  
nutritional benefits. Opponents are skeptical of such nutritional  
claims and believe the safety risks of unpasteurized milk are simply  
too high.

Join the Food Law Society as we present a debate covering the legal,  
health, and nutritional merits of raw milk. The participants are:

Fred Pritzker, Pritzker & Olson Law Firm
Dr. Heidi Kassenborg, Director, Dairy & Food Inspection Division,  
Minnesota Department of Agriculture
Sally Fallon Morell, President, Weston A. Price Foundation
David Gumpert, Author, The Raw Milk Revolution

Contact: Jonathan Abrams, jabrams at jd12.law.harvard.edu


Implementing Bold State Energy-Related Environmental Regulations,  
Policies, & Programs in Massachusetts and Connecticut;
and The Future of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)

Friday, February 17, 2012
9 am to 12:30 pm
Foley Hoag LLP, 155 Seaport Boulevard, 13th Floor, Boston, MA 02210

***Free and open to the public with no advanced registration***

Join us as we kick off the Roundtable's 17th year with a blockbuster  
Roundtable focusing on bold state and regional energy-related  
environmental regulations, policies, and programs.

Our first panel features recent important state-level developments in  
Massachusetts and Connecticut.Massachusetts Department of  
Environmental ProtectionCommissioner Ken Kimmel will describe the  
various new activities that DEP and the state are undertaking to  
insure the successful implementation of Massachusetts' landmark  
legislation, including the Global Warming Solutions Act and the Green  
Communities Act.

Connecticut's recently-appointed Deputy Commissioner of Energy  
Jonathan Schrag will then discuss the plethora of activities  
Connecticut is undertaking (following the recent consolidation of its  
energy and environmental agencies under a new Department of Energy and  
Environmental Protection), all of which aim to reduce energy prices,  
while enhancing the pursuit of energy efficiency and clean energy  

Our second panel focuses on the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative  
(RGGI), the first carbon cap and trade system in the United States, as  
it completes its third year of operation and begins a three-year  
review process that could result in changes to RGGI's design and  
implementation. Yet with New Jersey's recent withdrawal from RGGI and  
New Hampshire's near-withdrawal, is RGGI's future secure?

The panel begins with Maine PUC Commissioner David Littell (who is  
also Chairman of RGGI,Inc.)
Commissioner Littell will take stock of RGGI's first phase, laying out  
the questions that the states will be trying to answer in their review  
process and describing the review process itself.

Analysis Group Senior Vice President Paul Hibbardwill then present the  
findings of an in-depth study undertaken by Analysis Group, with  
funding support from several foundations, on the economic costs and  
benefits of RGGI's first phase - both regionally and state-by-state.  
Rounding out the panel and sharing their insights on RGGI's first  
three years, the Analysis Group study, and their hopes and fears  
regarding RGGI's future, will be Environment Northeast's Director for  
Energy/Climate Policy Derek Murrow, and NRG Energy's Senior VP for  
Sustainability Policy & Strategy Steve Corneli.

12/9/11 Restructuring Roundtable Meeting video at http://www.raabassociates.org/main/roundtable.asp?sel=110


The Boston Globe's digital strategy: a peek behind the (pay)wall
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
7:00 PM
Boston Globe, 135 Morrissey Blvd., Dorchester

Jeff Moriarty, vice president of digital products, will talk about the  
Boston Globe’s digital strategy – the launch of the premium  
BostonGlobe.comalongside the advertising supported boston.com — and  
how the websites embody and renew the values and ambitions that have  
guided its parent newspaper for 139 years.
With more ways to present the news, tell stories, and convey data the  
Globe is pursuing new products and transforming its business across  
all of its print and digital brands.

RSVP at http://meetupbos.hackshackers.com/events/43943892/?a=ea1_evn&eventId=43943892&action=detail&rv=ea1&rv=ea1


"Drones: the New Frontier of Warfare and Spying"
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
7:00pm until 10:00pm
Friends Meeting, 5 Longfellow Park, Cambridge
U.S. use of drones for warfare and spying has become routine. The use  
of drones increased dramatically under the Obama administration.  
Pentagon funding for drones is scheduled to increase by up to 60  
percent while other programs are being cut. Drones have been used for  
targeted killings in Pakistan,. Afghanistan and Yemen. One in three  
U.S. warplanes are now drone piloted. Drones have also been used for  
surveillance in the U.S.

Learn more about this new instrument of war and plan together about  
how we can respond.

Bruce Gagnon - Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
Nancy Murray - American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts
Matthew Hoey - Military Space Transparency Project

For more information contact:
boston.wilpf.org -- 617-244-8054 or www.justicewithpeace.org --  


Statewide Farm to School Convention
March 15, 2012
Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, MA!

Come hear how inspiring food service directors, educators, students,  
parents, and community members are building connections between  
schools and farms in Massachusetts - and learn what you can do to  
further those connections.

This year's convention will feature Curt Ellis, Executive Director of  
FoodCorps, and Abbie Nelson, Vice President of the SNA in VT and  
Director of VTFEED, as well as six workshop tracks:
New Ideas for Locally Grown in School Cafeterias
Farm to School for Very Young Students
New Strategies for Expanding Farm to School Sales
Models for Successful Agriculture-Based Education
Community Connections
New Initiatives in Colleges and Other Institutions

Register at http://library.constantcontact.com/download/get/file/1103105356625-127/Convention+Registration+Form.pdf




Cambridge Energy Alliance is kicking off a brand new pilot project to  
make Cambridge more energy efficient and install more renewable energy  
one neighborhood at a time. Live Better Porter Square will  
simultaneously engage every sector in Porter Square; bringing together  
churches, schools, community gardeners, business leaders,
students and more!

The goals of this four month campaign are to promote community  
involvement, support the local economy, and highlight Porter Square as  
a model for the rest of the city.

Neighborhood Liaison volunteers will assist with planning and  
implementing outreach efforts, as well as community events. We are  
looking for individuals with an interest in community organizing,  
outreach, and event planning.

If you are interested in volunteering please sign up to attend the  
information and interview session on February 14th.

We’ll be offering an interactive and fun half-day training session for  
Neighborhood Liaison volunteers on March 3rd.

Questions? Email Meghan at outreach at cambridgeenergyalliance.org


*J e s t e r*
**Facebook Profile <https://www.facebook.com/jester.ronin> **¦**
P a r a n o i d Z e n
jes... at paranoidzen.com*

Hi All,

I am sending this out to a bunch of lists I'm on, so apologies for  
cross posting effects.

Our new forums are up and running, and they are free for all!  We are  
aiming for this to become a place where Boston area collaborations,  
discussions and skill shares in audio, video, lighting, programming,  
hacking, and other various forms of 'making' happen.

Find them here:  http://cemmi.org/index.php/forum/index

Since its early, I imagine they will go through some serious  
evolutions in terms of organization but we hope you will stop by and  
check them out.  The forums even work on most mobile platforms :)

You can sign in using your Gmail, Google app, or Facebook credentials  
so there is no need to create a new account (we'll be adding a button  
to make that more obvious soon).

If you have any suggestions or changes, let us know, and if you are up  
for helping moderate, please reach out!

Many thanks, and I hope to see you there!


Young World Inventors Success!

Young World Inventors (http://yinventors.wordpress.com/) finished  
their Kickstarter campaign (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1036325713/youngworldinventorscom 
) to fund insider web stories of African and American innovators in  
collaboration successfully.

New contributions, however, will be accepted.




Massachusetts Attitudes About Climate Change – An opinion survey of  
Massachusetts residents conducted by MassINC and sponsored by the Barr  
Foundation found that 77% of respondents believe that global warming  
has “probably been happening” and 59% of all respondents see see it as  
being at least partially caused by human pollution.  Only 42% of the  
state’s residents say global warming will have very serious  
consequences for Massachusetts if left unaddressed. The 18 to 29 age  
group is more likely to believe global warming is appearing and caused  
by humans compared to the 60+ age group.  African-American (56%) and  
Latino residents (69%) are more likely than white residents (40%) to  
believe global warming will be a very serious problem if left  
unaddressed.  The MassINC report, titled The 80 Percent Challenge:   
What Massachusetts must do to meet targets and make headway on climate  
change (http://www.massinc.org/Research/The-80-percent- 
challenge.aspx), contains many other findings.


The presentations from the recent Affordable Comfort National Home  
Performance Conference are available online at

Lots of good information from what some call the best energy  
conference in the USA on Deep Energy Retrofits to Community Energy  
Challenges with details on insulation, heat flow, energy metering,  
ducting, hot water, and many, many other topics.  If you are a  
practical energy wonk, this should make your eyes light up.


Free Monthly Energy Analysis

CarbonSalon is a free service that every month can automatically track  
your energy use and compare it to your past energy use (while  
controlling for how cold the weather is). You get a short friendly  
email that lets you know how you’re doing in your work to save energy.



Boston Food System

"The Boston Food System [listserv] provides a forum to post  
announcements of events, employment opportunities, internships,  
programs, lectures, and other activities as well as related articles  
or other publications of a non-commercial nature covering the area's  
food system - food, nutrition, farming, education, etc. - that take  
place or focus on or around Greater Boston (broadly delineated)."

The Boston area is one of the most active nationwide in terms of food  
system activities - projects, services, and events connected to food,  
farming, nutrition - and often connected to education, public health,  
environment, arts, social services and other arenas.   Hundreds of  
organizations and enterprises cover our area, but what is going on  
week-to-week is not always well publicized.

Hence, the new Boston Food System listserv, as the place to let  
everyone know about these activities.  Specifically:
Use of the BFS list will begin soon, once we get a decent base of  
subscribers.  Clarification of what is appropriate to announce and  
other posting guidelines will be provided as well.

It's easy to subscribe right now at https://elist.tufts.edu/wws/subscribe/bfs


Artisan Asylum  http://artisansasylum.com/

Sprout & Co:  Community Driven Investigations

Greater Boston Solidarity Economy Mapping Project  http://www.transformationcentral.org/solidarity/mapping/mapping.html
a project by Wellesley College students that invites participation,  
contact jmatthaei at wellesley.edu


Bostonsmart.com's Guide to Boston  http://www.bostonsmarts.com/BostonGuide/


Links to events at 60 colleges and universities at Hubevents   http://hubevents.blogspot.com

Thanks to

Fred Hapgood's Selected Lectures on Science and Engineering in the  
Boston Area  http://www.BostonScienceLectures.com

Boston Area Computer User Groups  http://www.bugc.org/

Arts and Cultural Events List  http://aacel.blogspot.com/










More information about the Act-MA mailing list