[act-ma] 2/9 Immigrants, Unionists & Occupiers meet Marx's Ghost @ e5 (tomorrow, Thursday, 7:00 p.m.)

Suren Moodliar suren at fairjobs.org
Wed Feb 8 05:35:56 PST 2012

Join us at e5 tomorrow for a conversation with author Charlie Derber and
Occupier Brian Kwoba, pro-immigrant scholar Alexandra Pineros-Shields and
solidarity unionist Genevieve Butler (see description below); also consider
Friday's reading in Somerville from David Gilbert's Love & Struggle
(announcement follows below); and, of course, on Saturday, it's time for
the   Peña Rebelde (see e5 website).

Derber: Marx's Ghost - Midnight Conversations on Changing the World

*Thursday, February 9, 2012, 7:00 p.m.* @ encuentro 5, 33 Harrison Ave, 5th
floor, Boston, MA 02111

Author, activist and BC sociologist Charlie Derber speaks to his most
recent book, *Marx's Chost: Midnight Conversations on Changing the
*. He will be joined by Alexandra Pineros Shields, Brian Kwoba and
Genevieve Butler.

>From the publisher: An American sociologist (Derber) travels to London's
Highgate cemetery, where Karl Marx is buried. A surprise encounter with
Marx's ghost, which reveals insights into the great revolutionary’s
personality and biography, leads to a night-long conversation between
Derber and the ghost on important issues of the day: the economic crisis,
globalization; climate change, war, racism, left- and right-wing politics,
the future of capitalism, new economic models emerging in Europe, Latin
America, the Middle East, and Asia, and revolutionary activism by citizens
in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya—even Wisconsin. The ghost reconsiders his theories
as he speaks eloquently about American labor, environmental, peace, social
justice, civil rights, immigrant, and gender and anti-racist struggles.
Their engrossing, funny, and provocative conversation, interrupted by
appearances from ghosts such as John Maynard Keynes, offers a new vision of
the stunning relevance and tragic flaws of the historical Marx, who now
reveals a surprising Great Transition to a transformed future. Watch this
space for a review coming soon!

the author: Charles Derber is Professor of Sociology at Boston College. His
op-eds, essays, and interviews have appeared in*Newsday*, *The Boston Globe*
, *Newsweek*, *Business Week*, *Time*, and other magazines. He speaks
frequently on*National Public Radio*, on talk radio, and on television. His
internationally acclaimed books have been reviewed by *The New York Times*,
*The Washington Post*, *The Boston Globe*, and many other media sources. He
recently published *Greed to Green: Solving Climate Change and Remaking the
Economy* (Paradigm 2010).

One major shortcoming of encuentro 5 is that we are housed in an old
building that is *not* wheelchair accessible. We are working to change this
and will provide updates on our progress. If you choose to host an event at
e5, please let your attendees know that the space is not currently
accessible, that we are working to change this, and that they can plug into
the project by visiting *access.encuentro5.org*<http://access.encuentro5.org/>
 Contact us about* joining the conversation via conference call*,
info at encuentro5.org

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