[act-ma] 2/29 MBTA Hearing on Fare Hikes and "Service" Cuts (Wed) [location moved; "No Hikes! No Cuts! CUT THE PENTAGON!"]

James in Cambridge tompaine at hotmail.com
Sat Feb 25 18:35:36 PST 2012

Poor Bono Publico:
                "No money" to fix the T...???                Fare hikes and "service" cuts a must??
   $1 TRILLION DOLLARS alone, just for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan...
   DO THE MATH:     Cost (just in public, taxpayer dollars) for just one month for these two wars:          One month for 2 wars    =      $12 billion dollars     One week for 2 wars     =        $3 billion dollars     One DAY for 2 wars       =   $430 million dollars  [!]
     MBTA Annual     Operating     Budget "GAP"                 =   $160 million dollars   [!!!]
 *********************************************************************************  Video of the recent Special City Council Meeting in Cambridge on MBTA fare hikes:  http://www.cambridgema.gov/citywebcast.aspx    [select "Feb. 22"]
  THE MBTA MEETING SCHEDULED FOR CAMBRIDGE THIS COMING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 29,  AT 6 PM, HAS BEEN MOVED, FROM THE SENIOR CENTER (on Mass. Ave.) TO  THE CITY COUNCIL "CHAMBER" (on the second floor of City Hall, also on Mass. Ave., very  near Central Square).
   NB: A final version of a Cambridge CDD staff "proposal" is being prepared for the regular Monday night meeting of the City Council        for the Council's review, and potential approval. It is likely to be troubling: CDD staff (who, of course, may not even ride        the T, in some important instances...) will probably be suggesting an MBTA fare hike of 25%. [!!!]         IT MAY BE IN THE FORM OF A LATE REPORT AVAILABLE (to the public) ONLY BY THE TIME OF THE MEETING, AT 5:30 PM.        SIGN UP FOR PUBLIC COMMENT TYPICALLY RUNS FROM SHORTLY AFTER 5 PM UNTIL 6 PM.                             http://www2.cambridgema.gov/cityClerk/index.cfm?meetingDate=02-27-2012&publicView=Agenda            
                           MAKE THE PENTAGON BEG FOR FUNDING!!!       

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