[act-ma] 3/29, 7:30 PM, Working Group on Co-operation, Newton Lower Falls features "Co-operate or Die!"

R. Wayne Clark rwayneclark at igc.org
Thu Mar 29 10:23:47 PDT 2012

Friends and Co-operators,


On Thursday, March 29th, at 7:30 - 9:30 PM, in Newton Lower Falls, the
Working Group on Co-operation will feature a discussion of "Co-operate or
Die".  This is a theme that I have been developing which emphasizes the dire
circumstances under which we live in so many parts of our lives and how we
need to rely upon building a co-operative community to even survive.  If we
rely upon a competitive ideology, we'll die.  If we embrace a co-operative
ideology, we will live.  "Co-operate AND Live or Compete AND Die!"
"Co-operate or DIE!".  All viewpoints welcome though.



The Working Group on Co-operation is focused on discussing the theory of
co-operation as the way to implement economic horizontal democracy and on
the practical application of this theory to various economic enterprises
called co-operatives.  We meet every Thursday night at 7:30 - 9:30 PM in
Newton Lower Falls at 49 Sherrin Rd.  If you want to come, send an email to
rwayneclark at igc.org or call 617-467-4113 to reserve your seat in the
discussion.  Or, you can just show up.


One of the topics we will discuss regularly, is the International Year of
Co-operatives throughout 2012.  How we can promote it and what it means to
U.S. co-ops.  And, we serve the best guacamole in the area.


If you want to call or send an email to discuss your favorite co-op idea or
project, please feel free to do so anytime after lunch on Thursdays.


I hope to see some of you on Thursday.


In co-operation, Wayne.



R. Wayne Clark

49 Sherrin Rd.

Newton Lower Falls, MA 02462



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