[act-ma] Wed 4/4 FSU Radio Covering National Day of Action for Public Transportation

David O. Knuttunen webmaster at dsaboston.org
Tue Apr 3 09:15:03 PDT 2012


Every Wednesday 7:00 pm on OB RADIO ( <http://obr.fm/> http://obr.fm)  

Set your Internet Browser to OBR.FM.


Wed 4/4 

April 4 - National Day of Action for Public Transportation

This Wednesday, FSU-Radio will be covering the National Day of Action for
Public Transportation.  We will have interviews with experts on the MBTA
crisis, plus hopefully live updates from the action that will still be
taking place at the State House.  Occupy Boston Radio will be providing
coverage of this event from 3:00 pm on - Join us on OBR.FM (or


If you can't be there, you don't have to be square!  Join us on Occupy
Boston Radio!


Set your Internet Browser to OBR.FM.

April 4 - National Day of Action for Public Transportation

"Urban transit systems in most American cities, for example, have become a
genuine civil rights issue-and a valid one."

- MLK, 1968

For more info:  <http://occupymbta.org/a4/> http://occupymbta.org/a4/

National Day of Action for Public Transportation
People's Assembly - State House (Boston)
3pm: People's Hearing
5pm: Rally to Save the T
8pm: MLK Remembrance
Join us anytime! Come after work! Bring a friend!
Music and food provided!

Join us as part of the National Day of Action for Public Transportation to

*	No service cuts 

*	No fare hikes 

*	No layoffs 

*	No privatization of our treasured public transit system. 

*	A comprehensive state-wide plan for affordable and sustainable
transportation that works for the 99%.

The MBTA says it plans to raise fares and slash service.  The 99% have other

On Facebook:  <http://www.facebook.com/AgainstTCuts>
www.facebook.com/AgainstTCuts |
<http://www.facebook.com/events/385081454842991/> Facebook Event Page
On Twitter: @OccupyMBTA / #A4 / #A4Bos

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