[act-ma] 4/19, 7:30 PM, Working Group on Co-operation, Newton Lower Falls focus on the 2012 Mass Bay Co-op Faire

R. Wayne Clark rwayneclark at igc.org
Wed Apr 18 16:25:44 PDT 2012

Friends and Co-operators,


On Thursday, April 19th, at 7:30 - 9:30 PM, in Newton Lower Falls, the
Working Group on Co-operation will focus on the upcoming 2012 International
Day for Co-operatives, Mass Bay co-op Faire.  The International Day for
Co-ops is declared by the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) and the
United Nations to be the first Saturday in July.  In 2012, this would be
July 7th.


In 2011, we held the first annual Co-op Faire at Harvest Co-op Market in
Central Square, Cambridge.  We are looking to expand this year to include
more co-ops and more attendees.  This is an excellent opportunity to promote
co-operatives as a viable solution to our economic problems.  Please come
help plan and promote the Faire.  If you cannot attend in person, send me an
email of your interest and I'll add you to the contact list for the Faire.


NOTE: on Thursday, April 26th, the Working Group on Co-operation will not be
held, due to a birthday celebration on that night.




The Working Group on Co-operation is focused on discussing the theory of
co-operation as the way to implement economic horizontal democracy and on
the practical application of this theory to various economic enterprises
called co-operatives.  We meet every Thursday night at 7:30 - 9:30 PM in
Newton Lower Falls at 49 Sherrin Rd.  If you want to come, send an email to
rwayneclark at igc.org or call 617-467-4113 to reserve your seat in the
discussion.  Or, you can just show up.


One of the topics we will discuss regularly, is the International Year of
Co-operatives throughout 2012.  How we can promote it and what it means to
U.S. co-ops.  And, we serve the best guacamole in the area.


If you want to call or send an email to discuss your favorite co-op idea or
project, please feel free to do so anytime after lunch on Thursdays.


I hope to see some of you on Thursday.


In co-operation, Wayne.



R. Wayne Clark

49 Sherrin Rd.

Newton Lower Falls, MA 02462



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