[act-ma] 6/7, 9:15am - Nuclear Power Safety Rally, Post Office Square

Cole Harrison cole at masspeaceaction.org
Mon Jun 4 12:48:15 PDT 2012

Although Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station officially received its 20-year
license renewal from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission last week,
Lousiana-based Entergy corporation is not out of the woods yet! Governor
Patrick called the decision "irresponsible" and U.S. Congressman Markey,
U.S. Rep Keating and State Sen. Dan Wolf weighed in against it as well.
Pilgrim Coalition agrees Entergy should not have received this license
given the significant unresolved safety and environmental concerns.

Here is notice of an important event coming up this Thursday, June 7, in
Boston. We need all the support we can get. Please show up if you can, and
spread the word!

*June 7 Rally: NRC "Safety Orders" Are Nothing But 'Band-Aids' For Pilgrim,
Require Further Exploration*
[image: Rally]
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's licensing board (the ASLB) is having a
hearing in Boston on *Thursday, June 7 at the McCormack Building, 5 Post
Office Square, Boston.*  While the hearing will be held in Boston, the
content pertains to all Mark 1 boiling water reactors in the U.S., which
have the same faulty design as the Fukushima reactors. The hearing concerns
NRC orders meant to enhance the safety of U.S. nuclear reactors using
lessons learned from the disaster at Fukushima, Japan in March 2011. The
Pilgrim Coalition feels the NRC's proposals are "band-aids" and are
inadequate for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station.

*Join us as we gather outside the courthouse at 9:15 a.m*. with our allies
in a media event and public information rally outside the building. Bring a
friend, co-worker, or family member, and a sign!

The hearing was requested by Pilgrim Coalition member Pilgrim Watch of
Duxbury in response to three orders issued by the NRC. Pilgrim Watch argues
that the orders do not adequately meet concerns about spent fuel pools and
containment vents. The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board assigned to review
the request concluded that the filings raised several issues that require
further exploration and deserve an oral argument session.

Let's gather together and raise our voices so that we do not become the
next victims
of a nuclear disaster.  If not now, then when?

Listen to Pilgrim Coalition spokeswoman Anna Baker's live radio interview
from this week's CBS NightSide program with Dan Rae:

Cole Harrison
Communications Director
Massachusetts Peace Action
11 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138
617-354-2169 w
617-466-9274 m
Facebook: facebook.com/masspeaceaction
Twitter: masspeaceaction
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