[act-ma] Occupied Nation looking for community announcements!

Sarah Francis girlact75 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 12:07:13 PDT 2012

Hey all!

Occupied Nation (http://occupiednationobr.wordpress.com/) is a weekly 
talk show hosted by Patrick (Boston George) every Monday from 3pm-6pm on 
www.obr.fm, Occupy Boston's Internet Radio Station.  The three hour show 
begins with coverage of upcoming Occupy Boston and allied events in the 
local area, from working group meetings, to film screenings, eviction 
protests and political rallies.  This show gives the Occupy Boston 
community the opportunity to catch the events they need and want to be 
at this week all in one place, with some great commentary from Patrick.

After you fill up your calendar, I recommend you stay tuned-in with 
Patrick for interesting interviews from local, national and global folks 
involved in Occupy and other movements that are changing the world and 
the way we think.

Visit Occupied Nation's blog (http://occupiednationobr.wordpress.com/) 
and see what Patrick is up to and let him know about any Occupy/Ally 
event he should be announcing Mondays starting at 3pm on www.obr.fm! 
Every week he had been making announcements using the calendar and the 
web but he'd like to make it more personal and get as much info as 
possible that isn't covered by the usual sources!  Look for the Event 
submissions button on the blog in the top menu or see the direct link 

The direct link to the form is here:: 

Sarah Francis
Occupied Nation

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