[act-ma] National Audit the Fed Rally! - Boston

shemdogg shemdogg at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 23 14:50:53 PDT 2012

Saturday, September 22, 2012 12:00 PM
Boston Common's Parkman Bandstand
Bound by Tremont, Beacon, Charles, Park and Boylston Streets
Boston , MA 

Boston will be joining with the rest of the country on September 22nd to rally against the corrupt Federal Reserve System. The focus of this rally is to push for a complete Audit of the Fed, for transparency, and for accountability.

We invite everyone from every political and ideological persuasion to join with us to take back control of our monetary and banking systems. This is an issue that affects EVERYONE. Senator Sanders (VT) gained a 3 year peek into the Fed's books from 2007 - 2010 that exposed Tri...llions of (taxpayer backed) Dollars being used to not only prop up the "Too Big to Fail" institutions in the US, but also Trillions in extremely low-interest loans being given to foreign institutions like Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse, and Arab Banking Corp. We've also learned that sitting members of the Regional Boards of the Fed have given their own companies low interest loans, which can only be described as a supreme conflict of interest, and we've also seen well-connected individuals taking loans from the Fed personally. It seems like everyone is getting bailed out by the Federal Reserve while we are still dealing with economic hardships on Main St.

This must stop now! We will gather on Boston Common's Parkman Bandstand for a some speakers and then march to the Federal Reserve via Downtown Crossing and Faneuil Hall (where we will be making stops to spread our message to the general shopping public). We will end the day at the Fed with some sign waving and the posting of "eviction" signs.

Join with us! Bring your creativity! Contribute your ideas! We only ask that anyone involved stays on message about the need to audit the Federal Reserve, and any signs MUST be directly related to the Fed. I know everyone understands how important this is, so let's not risk divisions over politics or ideologies!

See you all there!
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