[act-ma] The fight for health care for all: Workers’ needs versus bosses’ profits - Militant Labor Forum, Friday, Sept. 28

Boston Militant Labor Forum bostonmlf at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 26 07:25:43 PDT 2012

The Militant Labor Forum presents:

The fight
for health care for all:
needs versus bosses’ profits
 La lucha por cuidado médico para todos: 
Las necesidades de los trabajadores 
contra las ganancias de los jefes

working people lose and the insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies
win whether with Obamacare or with a Romney/Ryan plan.
and why Cuba provides healthcare to everyone.
the bosses keep raising our costs for medical coverage.
Hear a presentation
and join a discussion with  Sarah
Ullman, Socialist Workers Party candidate for US Congress, 7th CD.
Viernes, 28 de Septiembre, 7:30p 13 Bennington St., 2nd floor, East Boston
Militant Labor Forum Hall / Local del Foro Militante
13 Bennington St., 2nd floor,
East Boston617-569-9169 bostonmlf at yahoo.com
donation $5 Traducción al español
Visit  themilitant.com  and  pathfinderpress.com  for news, analysis, and books
Blue Line to Maverick Station, bus or walk five blocks down 
Meridian to Bennington at Liberty Plaza traffic circle.
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