[act-ma] Change to Ethical Society of Boston program on Sunday, October 21at 10:30 AM, new program, "Black Soldiers in the War of the Slaveowners' Rebellion"

John Lampert goodmanjl at comcast.net
Thu Oct 18 17:31:12 PDT 2012

>From John Lampert

It has been brought to my attention that the program I listed:  HAITI BECKONS will not be presented on Sunday Oct. 21.  So sorry for the change. 

The Ethical Society of Boston will be presenting a different program on October 21 at 10:30 AM: 


Quentin Davis will present the memoirs of her great-grandfather, Norwood Penrose Hallowell, who was one of the "Fighting Quakers" that served with the "colored regiments" in the Union Army during the "Civil War", or War of the Salveowner' Rebellion, as Hallowell called it.  The presentation will include additional material about the black soldiers. 

Program will take place at 395 Concord Avenue, Belmont, next to the Belmont Post Office.  Program is Free.  Public is Welcome.  Music, Food, and Discussion to follow the Presentation.  
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