[act-ma] Lab on Social Media, Sunday Nov 11th, 7-9pm, Copley, $2-4

Aria Littlhous aria at littlhous.net
Wed Nov 7 03:04:14 PST 2012

Marketing the Message: Social Media

Sunday, November 11, 2012 7pm-9pm

Community Church of Boston, 565 Boylston St (2nd floor) Copley Sq.

 Marketing the Message: Social Media and Search Engine Optimization

A lab to raise awareness of your brand of activism, this will be a hands-on
lab to help you get started or to enhance your existing social media skills
with KC this is hosted by FSU: Free School University of Occupy Boston,
this lab will be held just after our regular 5pm SAA meeting, and our 4pm
General Assembly. Bring you lap-top, android and phone ... if you have
them.  $2-5 appreciated for handouts, transit etc. no one turned away.

You are welcome to sign-up to receive future announcements from FSU here:

FSU, Free School University:

And listen to FSU on Occupy Boston Radio, Wednesdays at 7pm, obr.fm in your

SAA mailing list

Post: SAA at lists.occupyboston.org
List info: https://lists.mayfirst.org/mailman/listinfo/saa

To Unsubscribe
        Send email to:  SAA-unsubscribe at lists.occupyboston.org
        Or visit:

You are subscribed as: aria at littlhous.net

"Our goal is a society that prioritizes the needs of all before the profits
of the few." passed by Occupy Boston General Assembly 11/29/11
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