[act-ma] Program, Sunday, December 2, 10:30AM, Belmont, "SECULARISM IN AMERICA - 50 YEAR PERSPECTIVE", Ethical Society of Boston

John Lampert goodmanjl at comcast.net
Sun Nov 25 16:43:46 PST 2012

>From John Lampert:

The Ethical Society of Boston will be presenting a program on Sunday, December 2 at 10:30 AM


Ellery Schempp, PhD., Board Member, Secular Coalition for America: Co-chair, Secular Coalition for MA.  From High school activist to lifeling advocate for separation of church and state, Ellery Schempp, has been a role model for secularists.  Through his long-term activism with the Secular Coalition for America, and now with MA chapter, he displays the same singular commitment and drive he did as the 16 year-old principal in the Supreme Court decision outlawing mandatory prayer in public schools. 

Program will be at NAASR Lecture Hall, 395 Concord Ave., Belmont (next to Belmont Post Office).  Program is Free. Public is Welcome.  Music, coffee/snacks and discussion to follow presentation.  For further information call 617-739-9050 or visit BostonEthical.Org. 
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