[act-ma] Oppose the siege of Gaza

Boston Militant Labor Forum bostonmlf at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 28 05:11:35 PST 2012

Militant Labor Forum presents:

Oppose the siege of Gaza ! 
No US 
aid to Israel !
Oponerse al asedio de Gaza
No a la ayuda para Israel
Friday, November 30 
people worldwide should demand an immediate end to the Israeli siege of Gaza,
where workers are not only getting caught in the crossfire, but are left to
deal with the economic, social and political consequences, including
destruction of residences, power, communications and other infrastructure; and
loss of jobs and food supplies.
   Workers worldwide should also champion the
struggle of the Palestinian people against national oppression by the
government of Israel ,
established on their disposition.
   The road forward in this fight is along the
line of march to build a working-class revolutionary movement that can unite
the toilers across national lines – Arab, Jews and others – and fight to wrest
power from the capitalist exploiters in what is now Israel, Gaza and the West
Come to a presentation
and discussion
Militant Labor Forum Hall 
  13 Bennington St., 2nd floor, East Boston
617-569-9169 bostonmlf at yahoo.com
Suggested donation $5 Traducción al español 
Visit  themilitant.com  and  pathfinderpress.com  for news, analysis, and books 
T Blue Line to Maverick Station, bus or walk
five blocks down Meridian to Bennington 
at Liberty Plaza traffic circle.
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