[act-ma] Be Palestine's Valentine- ACTION this Thursday

Salma salmamilia at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 04:23:45 PST 2013

Attention All!

Activists from around the city are joining together this Thursday,
Valentine's Day, to protest Max Brenner's connections to Israeli apartheid.
 Come out and demonstrate that companies profit from the suffering of the
Palestinian people are not welcome in our city!!

Below are the details of the action. Attached are half page flyers for
promotion. Please forward widely!

What: Demonstration at Max Brenner, a restaurant and chocolate shop.

Where: Max Brenner, 745 Boylston Street, near Copley Square

When: Thursday, February 14 (Valentine’s Day), 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Why: Companies that contribute to human rights violations are not welcome
in our city. Max Brenner is owned by the Strauss Group, a corporation that
is a major benefactor of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).


Tori Porell
Northeastern University '14
(602) 999-7312

"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of
the oppressor." ~Bishop Desmond Tutu

Salma Abu Ayyash
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