[act-ma] Intl. Privacy Day Rally & CryptoParty – Sat., 2/23 (Flyer)

James O'Keefe jokeefe at jamesokeefe.org
Tue Feb 19 07:17:05 PST 2013

 *What:* International Privacy Day Rally and CryptoParty

*Why:* To stand up for our right to privacy

*When:* Saturday, Feb. 23rd

   - *Rally* – 1pm-3pm
   - *Cryptoparty* – 3pm-5pm


   - *Rally* – State House, assemble at 40 Beacon St.
   - *Cryptoparty* – Encuentro 5, 9 Hamilton Place, Suite 2A, Boston, a
   quick walk from the State House and will last two hours. Space is limited
   to around 35 people.

The current Cryptoparty schedule of how-to talks is:

   - Why protect yourself (3-3:30pm)
   - Using Tor (3:30-4pm)
   - Using I2P (4-4:30pm)
   - Encrypting your File & disks (4:30-5pm)

 More info at:  http://kineticblog.weebly.com/idp13.html &
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