[act-ma] Humor from my Pen New England Tour Schedule (March and April)

July 26th Coalition info at july26.org
Sat Mar 2 07:26:39 PST 2013

Humor from my Pen New England Tour Schedule (revised as of March 1, 2013)

Gerardo Hernández is one of the Cuban Five political prisoners 
incarcerated in the U.S. since 1998.The 5 were convicted of  "conspiracy 
to commit espionage." Their only crime was monitoring violent 
paramilitary groups operating out of Miami, who were responsible for the 
deaths of over 3,000 Cubans.Gerardo, who is serving two life sentences, 
turned to drawing these cartoons as a way to share his political views 
and creative energy.

1.Provenance Center, New London, CTShow will be up March 2--9

Opening reception Saturday, March 2, 6--8 PMFilm 8-9 PM

Closing program March 9, afternoon


2.Arts at the Armory, Somerville, MA (More detail coming)

Show will be up March 15--23 (More detail coming)

Opening reception Friday, March 15 7-9 PM

Other viewing hours

Sat., March 169:30 a.m. -- 2:30 p.m.(during Farmers' Market)

Tues., March 196:00 -- 8:00 p.m.
Thurs., March 217:00 -- 9:00 p.m.

Sat., March 239:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m.including Farmers Market

191 Highland Ave. in Somerville(between Union & Davis Squares)

http://www.july26th.org  (after Mar 3rd)

3.Broad Street Gallery, Trinity College, Hartford, CT

Show will be up March 28--April 1

Reception, Thursday evening, March 28

4.Early April is open for another show, contact us with suggestions.

5.New Haven Public Library, New Haven, CT

6.Meg Perry Center, Portland, ME

Show will be up starting May 1

Wednesday, May 1, May Day program (details to be determined)

Friday, May 3, First Friday program at the Meg Perry Center

Transport cartoons to Washington D.C.May 28--30.

Demonstration at White House, June 1.

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