[act-ma] Program, Sunday, March 17 in Belmont at 10:30AM, "THE RISE OF THE NONES", presented by the Ethical Society of Boston

John Lampert goodmanjl at comcast.net
Mon Mar 11 06:47:06 PDT 2013

>From John Lampert:

The Ethical Society of Boston will be presenting a program on Sunday, March 17 in Belmont at 10:30 AM. 

                 THE RISE OF THE NONES

 Katrina Scott, ESB member and Ethical Culture Officiant, is an Oncology Chaplin at the Masssachusetts General Hospital in Boston.  Who are the "none", the religiously unaffiliated, and what does that mean?  Join Katrina Scott in a conversation about the recent PEW survey that documents a rise in the number of people identifying themselves as non-affiliated with a particular religion. 

Program will take place at 395 Concord Ave., Belmont (next to Belmont Post Office) at 10:30 AM.  Program is Free.  Public is Welcome.  Music, Coffee/Snacks and Discussion to follow Presentation.  For further information call 617-739-9050 or visit BostonEthical.Org.
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