[act-ma] 3/27 Noam Chomsky on “Language and the Limits of Understanding”

Charlie Welch cwelch at tecschange.org
Sun Mar 24 11:44:08 PDT 2013

Passing this along....

> *_Thursday, March 28
> _*12:00 - 1:00 pm   Talk and Q&A
> “Language and the Limits of Understanding”
> The machine, the ghost, and the limits of understanding: Newton's 
> contributions to the study of mind
> The Forsyth Institute
> Seminar Room A
> 17^th  Floor
> 245 First Street
> Cambridge, MA
> Contact rbattaglino at forsyth.org <mailto:rbattaglino at forsyth.org> for 
> more information.

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