[act-ma] Changing Women's LIves: Let's Talk About It

Cambridge Forum director at cambridgeforum.org
Fri Mar 29 10:11:14 PDT 2013

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Cambridge Forum

April, 2013

Cambridge Forum closes its spring season this April with two programs examining 
 the lives of women,  navigating the uncharted waters of the post 9/11 world and
 the new economy.  Whether women are "the richer sex," as Liza Mundy suggests, or
lead "shadow lives," in Victoria Brittain's words, their experience affects our 
society as a whole.
Join us in April to explore these experiences.
Pat Suhrcke

The Richer Sex

Are women really "the richer  sex"?  In her book The Richer Sex:   How the New Majority
of Female  Breadwinners Is Transforming  Our Culture, journalist and author Liza
 Mundy predicts that in the coming decades, women will overtake men as primary  
 breadwinners and become the most financially powerful generation of   women in 
history.  She comes to this conclusion after reviewing current trends and interviewing
hundreds of women.

Is society prepared for this dramatic change?  How will this revolution transform
our lives?

Wednesday, April 3 @ 7pm
Massachusetts Avenue at Church Street

Shadow Lives
British journalist and playwright Victoria Brittain reveals the unseen side of the
"9/11 wars:" their impact on the wives and families of men incarcerated in Guantanamo,
or in prison or under house arrest in Britain and the US.  Her newest book, Shadow
Lives: The Forgotten Women of the War on Terror,  shows how these families have 
been made socially invisible and a convenient scapegoat for the state in order to
exercise arbitrary powers under the cover of the "War on Terror".  What is our unquenchable
thirst for security doing to our tradition of human rights and civil liberty?

Wednesday,  April 17 @ 7pm

3 Church Street

WGBH Forum Network Now on YouTube!
Wonder why the banking crisis in Cypress is rippling through the world economy? 
 Check out Dani Rodrik on globalization or Richard Parker on the example of Greece
in the Eurozone, just two of the experts recorded when Cambridge Forum explored 
the impact of globalization last spring.  It's all available on YouTube!
Click here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001-5HR9tXmA28hyAthUWL74dkz1rRLWZfu1PgE6zAtJ-YIznQnuEMNAAM_UAERBjI4z_XOJn4NL6Shj_S-4e1YCNRx1mO0qkRwBsQ2goWBpEDP-p_EWVSfRA1KGUw8F4_Vo2zGrum4jy6Ak4H5X-kCInmg8gG9dkdL]
for a year's worth of Cambridge Forum discussions.


Cambridge Forum

First Parish (Unitarian Universalist) in Cambridge
3 Church Street in Harvard Square
617-495-2727 www.cambridgeforum.org  [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001-5HR9tXmA2-70k8F_yVTwSvwBuCuhdnbwE6pUFjWRDd1Dl7VSxHpp31Kcv1wIOxW1dPHyhR9GTKDq_e8vYxJMEkiN-bWK83BGguHDgxXLzQlzcWILQNPWA==]
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In This Issue



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Cambridge Forum [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001-5HR9tXmA2-70k8F_yVTwSvwBuCuhdnbwE6pUFjWRDd1Dl7VSxHpp31Kcv1wIOxW1dPHyhR9GTKDq_e8vYxJMEkiN-bWK83BGguHDgxXLzQlzcWILQNPWA==]
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Cambridge Forum | 3 Church Street | Cambridge | MA | 02138
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