[act-ma] Saturday: Kshama Sawant and Seamus Whelan at Socialist Conference

Bryan Koulouris brykoulouris at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 10 14:16:20 PDT 2013

 6th Annual New England Socialist Conference with Kshama Sawant and Seamus Whelan
Saturday, April 13th
10am to 4pm
Community Church of Boston 
 565 Boylston Street, Copley Square
The Portion of the Conference from 2:30 to 4pm will feature the launch of the Seamus Whelan for Boston City Council campaign.
$10 suggested donation. Nobody will be turned away for lack of funds.

See full schedule below!   

Building a Fight Back
Against the 1%!
the 6th annual New England Socialist Conference

Featuring the launch of the Seamus Whelan for Boston City Council At-Large campaign.  See www.votewhelan.org for more details. Seamus has been endorsed by both Socialist Alternative and the Green-Rainbow Party Boston Chapter.
This is the Boston stop for the Kshama Sawant speaking tour!  Kshama received over 20,000 votes as an open socialist running for the Washington State House of Representatives in 2012.

Schedule of events:
10am to 10:30am - Registration, Bagels, Coffee, Welcoming
10:30am to 12:15pm - Struggles Against the System of the 1%
12:15pm to 1:15pm - Lunch
1:15pm to 2:30pm - Workshops
Defeating the Pipeline: a Green Socialist Solution for the
	* Environment
	* Immigration and the Class Struggle
	* South Africa Rises: Socialism and Internationalism
	* Turning Back the Attack on Labor
2:30 to 4pm-Challenging the Two Parties of Big Business with Kshama Sawant and Seamus Whelan
	* Kshama Sawant, ran as Socialist Alternative candidate for Washington State House, gathering 20,000 votes against her Democratic challenger and State House Speaker Frank Chopp, currently running for Seattle City Council
	* Seamus Whelan, Socialist Alternative member and Massachusetts Nurses Activist currently running an insurgent campaign for Boston workers and youth as a candidate for Boston City Council At-Large



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