[act-ma] Thursday 5/9 "Jobs for All" discussion at Boston DSA Activist meeting

David Knuttunen webmaster at dsaboston.org
Tue May 7 04:44:49 PDT 2013

Thursday 5/9/2013

Boston DSA Executive Board & Activist Meeting

2nd Thursday of (almost) every month. 

7:00 to 8:00 pm Business meeting (Exec. Brd mtg - members welcome) 

8:00 to 9:00 pm Activist meeting (all are welcome)


Presentation at activist meeting (8:00) 

Marguerite Rosenthal on Jobs for All


The UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, adopted by the United Nations
General Assembly, December 10, 1948 states, in part that "Everyone has the
right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable
conditions of work and to protection against unemployment., to just and
favourable remuneration ensuring for himself [sic] and his family an
existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other
means of social protection."


The struggle in the U.S. for a full employment economy has been a long one,
hampered by policy "trade-offs" that accept high unemployment as an antidote
to inflation, and that privilege the profits of the few over the well-being
of the many.    One of the current battlefields in the struggle center
around US Representative John Conyers' office in relation to his bill, HR
1000, the Humphrey-Hawkins 21st Century Full Employment and Training Act.
(So far,  Jim McGovern is the only member of the Mass. delegation to endorse
the bill.) 


At our May 2013 meeting, Marguerite Rosenthal will discuss the current state
of joblessness in the US, how the bill would help, and what can be done
about it. 


Marguerite Rosenthal retired from teaching and chairing the social policy
curriculum at Salem State University's Masters of Social Work program in
2008.  She is a long-term member of DSA and is on the Executive Committee of
the National Jobs for All Coalition (NJFAC.org).  


Encuentro 5/TecsChange 

9B Hamilton Place, Ste 2A 

Boston MA 02108 (map
<https://maps.google.com/maps?q=9B+Hamilton+Place,+Boston+MA+02108&hl=en> )

Park St T Stop - Hamilton place is the alley with the Orpheum Theatre at the
end of it - one block toward Govt. Ctr beyond Winter St. 2nd buzzer from the


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