[act-ma] June 7 DSA reception for Jenn Doe, Shelagh Foreman & Andi Mullin (Fri)

Michael Pattberg mpattberg at comcast.net
Sat May 25 12:50:31 PDT 2013









June 7 - Honoring Jennifer Doe, Shelagh Foreman & Andi Mullin

Democratic Socialists of America 2013 Awards Reception

DATE: Friday, June 7: 6:00 pm Social, 7:00 pm Program
PLACE: 58 Berkeley Street, Somerville
MORE INFORMATION: 617-354-5078
TICKETS: CLICK HERE! <http://www.dsaboston.org/2013-awards/> 

Boston DSA is proud to honor three of Boston’s best activists:
» Jennifer Doe retiring from Jobs with Justice 
» Shelagh Foreman Program Director of Massachusetts Peace Action 
» Andi Mullin, Director of the Campaign for Our Communities 

Honorary Event Chairs:
Brian Corr, Cambridge Peace Commission*
Harris Gruman, SEIU*
Rep. Denise Provost
Rand Wilson, SEIU Local 888*
*affiliation given for identification purposes only.

Jennifer Doe has spent the last 10 years as an organizer for Jobs With
Justice, primarily responsible for worker organizing and labor support.
Prior to that she monitored and recovered workers’ back wages in Worcester
County for the Foundation for Fair Contracting, organized Community and
Political Outreach for the Pioneer Valley Building Trades, and headed
Research and Strategic Campaigns for the Laborers’ Union Eastern Region. 

Shelagh Foreman is Program Director of Massachusetts Peace Action (MAPA) and
a core member of 20/20 Action, an Amherst based peace and environmental
group. Shelagh has worked for more than three decades on nuclear
disarmament, represents Peace Action on the Political Committee of Mass
Alliance, and is chair of MAPA’s Iran Task Force. She is also a painter and
print maker who has studied art or taught art history at the Cooper Union,
Columbia University and the Museum School. 

Andi Mullin, Director of the Campaign for Our Communities, has led the
struggle to fund our state’s essential public services through progressive
taxation. From 2007–2011 Andi was Director of Legislation and Governmental
Affairs for the Massachusetts Nurses Association, and before that served as
Legislative Agent for AFSCME Council 93. She has also been in the leadership
of other progressive groups ranging from Mass Alliance and NOW to the
Committee for Boston Public Housing and RESPOND, which provides services to
battered women and their children. 

The awards our honorees will be given are named after DSA Founding Chair
Michael Harrington and A. Philip Randolph, or Gene Debs, Norman Thomas and
Julius Bernstein—all democratic socialist leaders of the last century active
in the labor, civil rights and peace movements of their time who embody the
values DSA seeks to carry on today. These awards have been given since 1977
to honor deserving activists; past recipients include Rand Wilson, Matt
Taibbi and Sen. Patricia Jehlen. Admission is $35 ($15 low income), which
includes hors d’oeurves and an open bar. So join us on June 7!

Yes! I want to join Boston DSA in honoring Jennifer, Shelagh and Andi!

Purchase Tickets Online <http://www.dsaboston.org/2013-awards/> 

Or download and mail the PDF FORM HERE

Or print and mail the information below:





[ ] Please reserve ____ tickets at $35 each for the June 7 reception. 

Please list me as a: 
[ ] supporter at $75 (includes admission and listing in journal)
[ ] patron at $150 (includes two admissions and journal listing) 
[ ] benefactor at $300 (includes five admissions and journal listing) 
Sponsorships will be listed in reception journal in the first issue of the
Yankee Radical following the event.

[ ] I really want to join you in honoring Jenn, Shelagh, and Andi but I just
can’t afford $35.
Please reserve ____ tickets at the $15 low income/fixed income rate. 

[ ] I’d like a greeting in the event journal in the September Yankee Radical
(copy for ad enclosed)
[ ] 1/8 page (4¼×2¾) $125 
[ ] ¼ page (4¼×5½) $200 
[ ] ½ page (8½×5½) $350 
[ ] full page (8½×11) $500 

Ad copy can also be emailed to yankeeradical at dsaboston.org. Mail checks
payable to: DSA, P.O. Box 51356, Boston, MA 02205, or pay at door.

Because of the activist work we do, donations to Boston DSA are not tax

Once again... you can also purchase tickets online HERE
<http://www.dsaboston.org/2013-awards/> .


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