[act-ma] Call to Action - US Out of Syria - Planning meeting Wed, 7:30 PM, AFSC

Marilyn Levin marilynl at alumni.neu.edu
Sat Jun 29 10:17:44 PDT 2013

As most of you know, UNAC initiated a National Call for Action to Stop US
intervention in Syria for June 28-July 17.  This is endorsed by UNAC, UFPJ,
and ANSWER and many other groups and prominent individuals.  (See the Call,
list of endorsers, and actions to date at www.UNACpeace.org.)


We join together to call for National Days of Action, June 28- July 15,
2013, to demand:


.        Stop the U.S./NATO/Israeli war and all forms of intervention
against Syria!

.        Self-determination free from outside intervention for the Syrian

.        Fund people's needs, not the military!

.        U.S. Out of the Middle East!


Local groups are encouraged to endorse the actions by signing the list at
www.UNACpeace.org. Local groups who have endorsed include UJP, Boston UNAC,
International Action Center, and ANSWER.  Actions can be visible street
actions like marches and rallies, and also forums, petitions, op eds,
writing to the President and Congress, etc.


I know various groups have taken action and others have plans.  UJP, for
example, is planning a forum.  It is also important to bring as many people
as possible from various wings of the movement to engage in united action.
We need to have unity and numbers to stop the US escalation of war in Syria
that destabilizes and threatens the entire region,.  This is not seen as the
end of protests around Syria.  It is a start and an attempt to reunify and
energize the peace movement in this country.


An Action Planning meeting for Boston will take place at AFSC, on Wed., July
3, 7:30 PM, 2161 Mass. Ave., Cambridge.  Please come and spread the word.


Marilyn Levin



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