[act-ma] Thurs.July 11th 6PM The Constitutional Dangers of Government Surveillance

Roger Leisner rleisnerrfm at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 1 18:00:06 PDT 2013

Action Maine
peaceactionme at peaceactionme.org
Release for event July 11
person:  Cristina Malcolmson,  phone 773-5707
presentation arranged by Peace Action Maine, Thursday, July 11, from
6 to 8 PM at Talbot Hall, University of Southern Maine, Portland.
Healy, Director of Communications and Public Education, ACLU of
Maine, will explain the national ACLU lawsuit, filed June 11, 2013,
challenging the constitutionality of the NSA phone tracking system.  
Eric Hooglund, University of Lund, Sweden, expert on U.S. foreign
policy, will discuss the NSA PRISM program.  
McCarrier,  Maine Liberty Movement, will describe his work against drone
surveillance in Maine.  
Savage, Codepink Maine, will describe her work against drone
surveillance in Maine.  
is an opportunity for citizens to learn about the recent disclosures
about government surveillance, and to consider whether or not such
surveillance is constitutional.  We are told, “It is necessary to
give up some privacy in order to have safety.”  What does that
mean?  We are told, “Everything is legal.”  Is this true?  We
must consider this very carefully in deciding our opinion on these
Action Maine has been raising important justice issues here for
twenty-five years, carrying out actions, advocacy, and information
events that engage people to understand and to act appropriately. 
Peace Action supports a Wednesday noon vigil every week at Monument
Square.  Recent talks were presented by Ray McGovern in May and
Andrew Bacevich in June.
will be light refreshments and networking time from 6 to 6:30 at
Talbot Hall, followed by the presentations and a question and answer
session.  Free parking is available in the USM parking garage on
Bedford St.
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