[act-ma] Quick favor? Good news to share

Robbie Samuels send2robbie at gmail.com
Wed Aug 14 14:33:33 PDT 2013

A really amazing thing has happened! Socializing for Justice just hit 2300
members and is about to celebrate 7 years of building a grassroots
cross-issue progressive network in Boston. Would you help us spread the
word about our 7th birthday party on 9/12? Hope you can join us!

*Click to Tweet <http://clicktotweet.com/2eAMd>: *Without funding @SoJust
hits 7 years & 2300 members. Celebrate with them on 9/12 @lironboylston.
www.sojust.org #p2 #Boston

*Post on Facebook:* Without funding Socializing for Justice hits 7 years &
2300 members. Celebrate with them on 9/12 at Lir on Boylston. RSVP at

*Please share* the following press release with your network. Don't forget
to RSVP yourself: www.sojust.org!

Thank you,


Grassroots group celebrates 7 year anniversary

Building a cross-issue progressive community and network since 2006

On September 12th from 6-9PM, Socializing for Justice will be hosting it's
largest event of the year, Connecting for Justice (@SoJust Open House), at
Lir on Boylston. This event draws 120+ progressives of all stripes and is a
great way to get connected to SoJust's cross-issue progressive community.
 This is a welcoming space where all attendees, diverse by age, race,
gender, sexual orientation, newness to Boston, and experience with
activism, come together to “put the SOCIAL back in social justice!”
 Newcomers and longtime members will celebrate the remarkable success of
this member-driven, volunteer-run grassroots group.  Since 2006, SoJust has
grown to 2300 members and hosted over 160 events.

Join them at their 7th anniversary party, Connecting for
Thursday, September 12th from 6-8:30pm at Lir on Boylston. RSVP and
details at <http://www.sojust.org.>www.SoJust.org

Make the most of this opportunity - attend Robbie’s SoJust Skillshare: Art
of the Schmooze <http://www.meetup.com/sojust-tm/events/127954032/> on
Tuesday, September 3rd to learn how to network like a pro and create
welcoming community spaces.

Socializing for Justice is the brainchild of community organizer,
fundraiser and event planner, Robbie Samuels. For the past decade, Robbie
has been a leader within Boston’s progressive community. He has been
recognized for his efforts - in 2011, his birthday, September 16, was
declared "Robbie Samuels Day" by the Boston City Council. In creating
SoJust, Robbie has combined fun, socializing and cross-issue mobilization
as never before.

The vision for SoJust comes from Robbie’s first hand experience. He wanted
to address what he was repeatedly finding in his work – that individuals,
organizations, and campaigns stunted their effectiveness by focusing solely
on single-issue work.  He shares, “I believed we could get people
representing multiple progressive issues into a room, connect based on our
overlapping values and more effectively fight for social justice. We need
to be building a cross-issue progressive movement."

At Connecting for Justice, participants can experience the connecting power
of Socializing for Justice for themselves. There will be Action Stations to
link attendees with local organizations, “I’m Looking For” and “Ask Me
About” tags, a Jobs Board filled with openings from other social change
groups and a free Literature Table. These features mirror options on
SoJust’s website, www.sojust.org, an online hub where social justice
events, job and volunteer opportunities from other social change
organizations are cross-posted on the Calendar and Message Board.

Get involved with Boston’s fastest-growing cross-issue progressive
community. Network with like-minded progressives and find the opportunities
you’ve been searching for. In the words of Robbie, “If you think this group
MIGHT be for you – it is.”  Learn more and RSVP for Connecting for Justice
at www.sojust.org.


Socializing for Justice (SoJust)

Contact: Robbie Samuels, co-founder

Email: robbie at robbiesamuels.com

Web: www.sojust.org


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