[act-ma] Linux class: Tuesday Oct 1st, 6:30pm @ SETC

Steve Revilak steve at srevilak.net
Sat Sep 28 19:16:06 PDT 2013

Have you heard about Linux, and curious about what it is?

GNU/Linux is a free software; that's free as in freedom, and free as
in beer.  It's a full-featured operating system, developed by people
from all around the world, and it comes without the costs (or
restrictions) associated with proprietary systems like Windows or Mac
OS.  Linux respects the rights of its users, and it's not tied to a
company who's eager to turn your personal information over to the NSA.
Remember, it's hard to add backdoors when the source code is public.

Join us on Tuesday October 1st, 6:30 - 8:00 pm at the South End
Technology Center [1], 359 Columbus Ave., Boston.  For this class, we
plan to showcase free software programs that you can use for graphic
design and digital art.

Can't make it this Tuesday?  We teach Linux classes on the first and
third Tuesday of each month.  Join us when you can.


[1] http://www.tech-center-enlightentcity.tv/contactus.html

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