[act-ma] The fight against censorship, Sat, Nov 2

Boston Militant Labor Forum bostonmlf at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 28 04:51:52 PDT 2013

Continuation en espanol abaja
The Militant Labor Forum presents:

Defend the rights of workers behind bars
Militant wins victory against prison censorship
Saturday, November 2
  In September, the Militant newsweekly received a letter from prison officials at Santa Rosa Correctional Institution in Milton , Florida saying the July 22 issue was impounded on the grounds that a news article reporting on the initiation of a hunger strike by prisoners in California “presents a threat to the security, good order, or discipline of the correctional system.” The impoundment, moreover, the notice said, will be enforced throughout the Florida state prison system.
   Last month an American Civil Liberties Union attorney representing the Militant, got the news from the Florida Department of Corrections that they had decided to overturn their previous decision.
   Come to a presentation and discussion on why the victory of theMilitant against prison censorship is a victory for all working people.

Speaker: Doug Nelson, editor of the Militant

Dinner - 6:30 p.m.; Program 7:30 p.m.

Militant Labor Forum Hall  
13 Bennington St., 2nd floor East Boston  
 Suggested donation: Dinner - $7; Program - $5

Traducción al español       
Come early and browse in the bookstore.
Read The Militant newsweekly online at: www.TheMilitant.com and find Pathfinder Books at www.Pathfinderpress.com
 T Blue Line to Maverick Station, bus or walk five blocks down Meridian to Bennington at Liberty Plaza traffic circle
Defender los derechos de los trabajadores tras las rejas
‘Militante’ logra victoria contra censura en las prisiones
Sabado, 2 de noviembre
Cena – 6:30 p.m.; Programa: 7:30 p.m.
Local del Foro Militante
13 Bennington St., 2nd floor East Boston    617-569-9169
 Donación sugerida: Cena - $7; Programa - $5
Traducción al español  
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