[act-ma] CME: China Study Group and upcoming events

Sandra Rosen sar8 at verizon.net
Mon Nov 11 12:00:39 PST 2013

  Upcoming November Events and Hours
Center for Marxist Education | 550 Mass Ave, Cambridge

China Study Group
US Strategy to Contain China

Thursday, November 14th – 7 to 8:30 PM

The US strategy to contain a rising China is a combination of the  
Obama administration's pivot or rebalancing to Asia/Pacific and the  
Trans Pacific Partnership, the proposed NAFTA-like free trade  
agreement. US capitalism/imperialism, while still regarding China as  
an excellent source of profit, is more and more worried that Chinese  
economic success will challenge US global dominance. The China Study  
Group will examine the US two-part strategy: encircle China with  
military arrangements and build a US dominated mega-economic bloc in  
the Pacific region. A presentation by Duncan McFarland, China Study  
Group coordinator, will be followed by discussion. The event is  
sponsored by the Center for Marxist Education and endorsed by UJP.

Celebrating the 76th Anniversary of the Russian Revolution
A talk with Wadi’h Halabi

Saturday, November 23rd – 3 to 5 PM

The Russian Revolution was the greatest step forward in the entire  
history of humanity. Yet the revolution by itself solved few  
immediate problems other than land reform. Come hear what was so  
significant about the Revolution, and how lessons from the fall of  
the Soviet Union can be applied today and in coming struggles. Wadi'h  
Halabi of the Center for Marxist Education has been exploring this  
topic in China and elsewhere for over a decade.


Sunday, November 24th – 6 PM

Charged with overseeing Israel's war on terror-both Palestinian and  
Jewish- the head of the Shin Bet, Israel's Secret Service is present  
at the crossroads of every decision made. For the first time ever six  
former heads of the agency agreed to share their insights and reflect  
publicly on their actions and decisions. THE GATEKEEPERS offers an  
exclusive account of the sum of their successes and failures. It  
validates the reasons that each man individually and the six as a  
group came to reconsider their hard-line positions and advocate a  
conciliatory approach toward their enemies based on a two-state  
solution. In Hebrew with English subtitles, 101 minutes, (2013).

CME Hours

Sunday - 12pm 4pm

Monday - 4pm to 8pm

Tuesday - 6pm - 9pm

Wednesday 4pm - 8pm

Thursday 5pm - 8pm

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